JD.com first quarter net loss 3 billion, Xu Lei: April order cancellations increased, May improved

JD.com Group (Nasdaq: JD) was the first to submit its first quarterly report. 

The financial report released by JD.com on May 17 shows that in the first quarter of this year, JD.com’s total revenue was 239.70 billion yuan, an increase of 18% year-on-year, and the market is expected to be 236.70 billion yuan. Operating profit was 2.40 billion yuan, compared with 1.70 billion yuan in the same period last year. Net loss attributable to common shareholders 3 billion yuan, while net profit in the same period last year was 3.60 billion yuan. 

For the reason for the loss, JD.com explained that it was mainly due to the continuous investment in infrastructure, technology research and development, employee compensation and benefits, reducing the impact of the epidemic and giving profits to consumers. At the same time, since JD.com completed the subscription of Dada Group’s common shares in February, Dada’s revenue was also reported in the first quarter of JD.com. 

As of the close of U.S. stocks on May 17, JD.com rose 4.15% to close at $53.67.

Xu Lei: The epidemic has put pressure on the retail business, and the number of order cancellations has increased in April

According to the breakdown data, JD.com’s total revenue is mainly divided into four parts: retail, logistics, Dada, and new business. The financial report shows that under the influence of the epidemic, JD.com’s core business retail is still relatively stable, with total revenue reaching 2175.24 billion yuan, an increase of 17.07% year-on-year. Its operating profit was 7.891 billion yuan, an increase of 7.5% year-on-year. 

During the conference call, JD.com CEO Xu Lei was also pressed about the specific impact of the epidemic. He admitted that the number of order cancellations in April had increased significantly, and it had improved by May. At the same time, major cities including Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen have been affected by the epidemic, and inventory sales of communications electronics, clothing, etc. have slowed down.

Xu Lei said that Omicron has a dual impact on online and offline consumption. He believes that the test of the epidemic has given JD.com’s supply chain capabilities and organizational scheduling capabilities the opportunity for torture testing and iteration. "In the environment of increasing uncertainty under the influence of the epidemic, JD.com is more strictly controlling the pace of investment and focusing on efficiency, while also better reducing costs and increasing efficiency and resisting the impact of external factors." 

Regarding the upcoming 618, Xu Lei said that due to the impact of offline consumption, brands and merchants may be more actively involved in the online e-commerce shopping festival, which will also improve the performance of the second quarter as much as possible. 

It is worth noting that the overall number of active users of JD.com has improved: the financial report shows that the number of active purchasing users of JD.com in the past 12 months increased by 16.2% compared with the 499.80 million in the same period of 2021 to 580.50 million. In particular, the average shopping frequency of users in the first quarter of this year reached a record high, and the average user contribution revenue value (ARPU) was close to the highest in three years. 

According to the financial report, in addition to the impact of the epidemic and R & D investment mentioned earlier, JD.com lost money in the first quarter for other reasons. Some of them were caused by investment losses: JD.com lost 1.10 billion yuan in the first quarter based on the equity method, and 700 million yuan in the same period last year. JD.com said it was mainly due to the losses of several investees calculated by the shared equity method. 

There is also the impact of the merger of Dada: other non-operating losses in the first quarter were 3.90 billion yuan, compared with a profit of 2 billion yuan in the same period last year. JD.com said that the loss was mainly due to the change in the share price of the acquisition of Dada, resulting in a confirmed loss of 3.60 billion yuan and the change in the fair value of investment securities due to fluctuations in the market price of equity investments in listed companies. 

Community group buying losses fell month-on-month, and "shut down and transfer" has been adopted

Another reason for JD.com’s loss is from new business, which mainly includes community group buying business such as Jingxi and Jingxi Pinpin. 

The financial report shows that the loss margin of the new business sector has decreased month-on-month. The first quarter recorded an operating loss of 2.39 billion yuan, and the same period last year was a loss of 2.28 billion yuan. Compared with the huge loss of 3.22 billion yuan in the previous quarter, the loss margin has narrowed. 

"In the first quarter, the operational efficiency of Jingxi Pianpin improved." Xu Lei said in a conference call that due to the continuous pressure on user growth since the end of last year, the new business segment was adjusted in the first quarter, and projects that were unfavorable for short-term commercialization were shut down and transferred. In the future, it will continue to focus on key businesses. Xu Ran, CFO of JD.com, also said that JD.com has taken new cost control measures since March.

Previously, the surging news reporter was informed that the Jingxi business unit has been downsizing and optimizing in some areas, with a proportion of about 10-15%, mainly concentrated in the Jingxi business. 

JD.com’s logistics loss declined year-on-year, and JD.com’s order performance rate was basically normal except for Shanghai

Another "big money burner" JD.com logistics performed better this quarter.

The financial report shows that the total logistics revenue of JD.com in the first quarter was 27.40 billion yuan, an increase of 22% year-on-year, of which the external customer revenue reached 16 billion yuan, accounting for 58.4%, and the customer revenue from the integrated supply chain reached 17.90 billion yuan; after adjustment, the net loss was 798 million yuan, the loss of 1.366 billion yuan in the same period last year, narrowing 41.6% year-on-year. 

"Except for the Shanghai area, the current performance rate of JD.com orders is basically normal." Xu Lei said that in the future, JD.com will continue to strengthen its supply chain, warehousing, distribution, performance and algorithm capabilities to meet the needs of the macro environment.

For its role in Shanghai’s fight against the epidemic, JD.com Logistics said that it has transported more than 80,000 tons of materials, including rice noodles, grains and oils, medicines, mother and baby products, to Shanghai by air, sea, railway, highway and other means; it has mobilized more than 4,000 couriers, sorters and other front-line employees across the country to support Shanghai’s operation and material distribution.

At the same time, JD.com Logistics has also landed more than 1,600 contactless community supply stations, deploying more than 100 intelligent express vehicles and dozens of indoor delivery robots to carry out contactless distribution of materials for closed communities, makeshift hospitals and other places. 

By the beginning of May, JD.com Logistics had resumed national logistics for merchants in Shanghai, Jilin and other places, basically achieving full normal business. The order volume of Shanghai merchants in JD.com has returned to more than 60% before the closure of the epidemic. In addition, JD.com has helped merchants reduce operating costs by reducing "three fees" and other support measures. As of early May, it has reduced fees for settled merchants by more than 200 million yuan. 

As of March 31 this year, JD.com Logistics operated about 1,400 warehouses, including the cloud warehouse area managed by JD.com Logistics, with a total storage area of more than 25 million square meters. Compared with the fourth quarter of 2021, JD.com Logistics added 100 warehouses in one quarter, and the total storage area increased by 1 million square meters.

Aauto Quicker apologizes for spreading teenage mothers. Is this really useful?

  CCTV News:On March 31st, several columns of CCTV reported on platforms such as Aauto Quicker and Volcano Video, and a large number of videos of underage pregnant women with underage children as gimmicks appeared, asking where the bottom line of short videos was.

  On April 3rd, CEO of Aauto Quicker published an article "Accept Criticism, Reorganize and Move Forward" to apologize, saying that the development of fast-paced community deviated from the original direction to a certain extent, and would use correct values to guide the algorithm, promise to improve the algorithm, and give priority to recommending personalized positive energy works that are more in line with users’ interests.

  A 16-year-old girl is holding a baby in her hand. Can you imagine it is her child? The 17-year-old girl repeatedly stressed on the video homepage that she had more babies and was an early mother; A couple after 00 showed their affection to the fullest, and that day was the 65th day of their live elopement.

  Love, pregnancy and childbirth … … These taboos for minors in real life are easily broken on some video platforms. What is even more unexpected is that these videos will not only not be banned and sealed up, but also often become popular on live broadcast platforms, with tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of broadcasts.

  According to CCTV survey, most of these underage mothers live in rural areas or small towns, drop out of school early and have children, with narrow social contacts and a desire for attention. In order to attract attention, they deliberately strengthen the attributes of young mothers, many of which are not only ignoring ethics, but even touching the bottom line of the law. The huge number of participants and the low age are far beyond people’s cognition.

  If it is said that individual minors are immature and form wrong values, then the trend of striving to be the "youngest mother in the whole network" can spread rapidly and have an impact, which is inseparable from the recommendation of the platform.

  Algorithm priority and accurate positioning of users’ preferences are the means respected by major platforms now, and also the core technology for survival. However, completely relying on the algorithm, regardless of the video content is not only the dereliction of duty of the platform, but also the connivance in disguise.

  Some wonderful and even dangerous video contents have been imitated by netizens in real life, which not only breaks the moral bottom line, violates the law, but even endangers the lives of themselves and others.

  Vulgarity, hype, and being out of position must not be correct values. Aauto Quicker has the right and responsibility to audit the content of his own platform in the face of underage users who are attacked by all kinds of low-quality content. However, it doesn’t stop but promotes, just as netizens said, how many children will be negatively affected by a big V who is famous for having children under age? You don’t know for yourself.

  Aauto Quicker didn’t know that there were these big V’s in the top ten popularity rankings? The credibility of this statement is almost zero. Then why hasn’t it been dealt with, such as warnings or even titles? The interest relationship behind this is probably self-evident. As long as it can attract more users, the platform will turn a blind eye to these big V’s. As long as it is not bound by the law and resolutely stays out of it, it can be said that it will not die without hitting the south wall.

  There is no doubt that the rectification of Aauto Quicker, the relevant laws and regulations are even more important. In recent years, short video and live broadcast platforms have been exposed to vulgarity, pornography, fraud and other chaos, and network supervision is becoming more and more strict. However, with the continuous upgrading of network technology, the diversity of platforms and the complexity of supervision often make these people take advantage of the loopholes and test the "red line" with the edge of the law. It is imperative to formulate laws and regulations specifically for webcasting as soon as possible, refine responsibilities and subjects, and prevent the "barbaric growth" of these platforms.

  On the other hand, families and society should also pay more attention to minors and guide them to return to the correct track of values and share positive energy. Recording what is worth recording is the correct way for technology to change life.