Looking forward to shining the Shanghai Auto Show with super popularity, highlighting the new height of China automobile brand.

During the 2023 Shanghai Auto Show, millions of high-end new energy automobile brands looked up to U8 with new energy hard-core off-road and U9 with pure electric performance super-running. Hall 8.1 is the luxury car hall of this auto show, which brings together a number of ultra-luxury brands such as Rolls-Royce, Bentley and Lamborghini. Up to now, I look forward to the booth that has been surrounded, and I look forward to the well-deserved "Top Stream" brand of the current auto show.

Looking forward to U8 pre-sale price of 1.098 million, top technology to create top products.

The high-end new energy architecture named "Looking Up Architecture", which belongs to Looking Up, was officially released during the auto show. It contains the most extreme technical application, the most forward-looking technical concept and the deepest vertical integration of BYD Group. It is an unprecedented top-level technical architecture, which has built the cornerstone of looking up to high-end brands and is also the charm of looking up to the booth. Looking up to the architecture covers six core technologies, including easy Sifang, Yunqi, blade battery, super body, intelligent cockpit and intelligent driving assistance. In the look-up architecture, these top technologies are flexibly combined like a Rubik’s cube to achieve coverage of outdoor cross-country, cities, racetracks and other scenes, so it has the characteristics of ultra-high-energy, borderless and evolvable.

Looking up at U8 and U9 models is the ultimate product born under the architecture of looking up. Among them, the high-end new energy hard-core off-road vehicle Wangwang U8 has officially opened for pre-sale, and launched two versions, the luxury version and the off-road player version, with the official pre-sale price of 1.098 million yuan. Looking up to U8, it has two top technology blessings: Easy Sifang and Yunqi -P intelligent hydraulic body control system. Among them, thanks to the four-motor independent drive technology brought by Yi Sifang, it is hoped that U8 has four-wheel independent torque vector control capability, which can realize scene functions such as extreme handling stability, puncture control, emergency floating, in-situ U-turn, agile steering, etc., bringing users the ultimate safety, performance and experience. However, Yunqi -P system can realize the simultaneous independent adjustment of height, stiffness and damping, and has the ability of four-wheel linkage, four-wheel independent height adjustment and camping leveling. The total adjustment stroke of U8 suspension can reach 150mm, and the maximum wading depth without wading throat can reach 1000 mm.

It is the pioneering exploration and scene innovation of looking up to the architecture that has created the ultimate product strength of looking up to the model, and the forward-looking exploration of automobile modeling design is also the value of looking up to the product. Looking up has created a family-style design language in dimension door, which combines energy, technology, speed and aesthetics. It is a unique brand visual symbol of Looking Up, and it is also the label of the new EV Power era. "dimension door" has been maximized in the design of looking up at U8 and U9, showing a forward-looking design style, and also making looking up at cars gain super popularity.

Looking forward to shining the Shanghai Auto Show with high popularity and highlighting the new height of China brand.

It is noteworthy that Wangwang is not only popular among many participating brands, but also the only high-end new energy automobile brand in China that landed in the luxury car hall of the exhibition. China’s high-end automobile brand rookie has risen, and gained high attention from the industry and users. This reflects that as a leading brand of high-end automobile in China, it is leading the global luxury car industry and product definition to reshape the order with technological breakthroughs, showing a new height of China brand.

In the field of new energy, with deep technology accumulation and mature industrial chain, China new energy vehicles are becoming an important force leading the transformation of the global automobile industry, and the automobile industry has ushered in an era of pattern reshaping. As a brand of high-end new energy vehicles under BYD Group, it looks forward to adhering to the initial intention of building a high-end brand with the ultimate technology, bringing together BYD Group’s ultimate technology application, the most forward-looking technology concept and the deepest vertical integration, achieving remarkable product charm, successfully breaking the million-level market, and demonstrating the strong technical strength and self-confidence of China brand in the new era.

Starting from April 20th, Shanghai Auto Show entered the public day, continuing the hot scene of the booth two days ago, and looking up to the brand is still bursting with popularity. As the booth with the highest traffic and charm at Shanghai Auto Show, the technology and products it looks up to attract visitors from home and abroad. It is reported that Wangwang has successively laid exhibition halls and central stores in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Hangzhou, Chengdu, Chongqing and other cities. Relying on self-built channels, hope will provide users with the ultimate products and continuous high-quality services. As an industry breaker, I hope to create a high-end automobile culture belonging to China and lead China automobile to a new height.                 

What The Wandering Earth 2 didn’t say is here

The earth itself is not a hard rock, 40-70 kilometers below the earth’s crust is lava, which is somewhat similar to the structure of an egg. If you want to drive more than 10,000 engines, it will take only a hundred years to push the earth to "walk", and the engine will put pressure on the earth, which the earth cannot afford, and will break the shell of the "egg". And if the engine slowly accelerates and gradually reaches maximum power, the earth will be "wandering" for a longer time, or even thousands of years. During the "wandering" period, it is difficult to predict what will happen to the earth, what will happen to it, and what human civilization will experience.

If the solar crisis is imminent, how can human beings survive? As the only planet known to exist in the Milky Way, the earth is always "roasted" by the sun.

In five or six billion years, the sun is nearing the "end" of its life, and this "roasting" will become extremely deadly.

The recent blockbuster film "The Wandering Earth 2" unfolds against this backdrop of impending doom. In the film, humans try to find a chance to survive with the help of 10,000 giant planetary engines, quantum computers that understand everything, and towering space elevators.

So, in reality, will the sun eventually deal a fatal blow to the earth? Will the earth decline with the sun? Can planetary engines really push the earth to "wander"? To this end, the Science and Technology Daily reporter interviewed a number of scientific consultants, experts and scholars of "Wandering Earth 2" to interpret the hard core science about "Wandering Earth".

If the sun comes to an end, will the earth be spared?

The sun crisis had just appeared, and humans had joined hands to face it… The future depicted in "The Wandering Earth 2" was cruel but exciting.

The sun, a huge "fireball" about 150 million kilometers from the earth, is the largest celestial body in the solar system. About 4.60 billion years ago, about 26,000 light-years from the center of the Milky Way, the sun was formed by the collapse of a nebula under the influence of its own attractive force.

At present, the sun is in its prime, astronomically known as the main sequence stage, which lasts about 10 billion years. It brings light and energy to the earth, and is an essential factor in the origin of life. But sunspots, flares, and coronal mass ejections also often cause damage to human production and life.

However, the sun will eventually age, and the origin of "The Wandering Earth 2" is the rapid expansion and aging of the sun.

More than 90 per cent of stars in the Milky Way eventually become white dwarfs. At the end of their evolution, they devour nearby planets. As an "ordinary" star, the Sun also ends up as a white dwarf. Does this mean that the planets around the Sun, including the Earth, are destined to be devoured as well?

"If the planet is relatively close to the star, it is very likely to be swallowed by the star," Gou Lijun, a scientific advisor to The Wandering Earth 2 and a researcher at the National Astronomical Observatory of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, told Science and Technology Daily.

However, "being swallowed" is not the only destination for a planet. The sun will eventually experience an outburst of a planetary nebula and become a white dwarf. Around the white dwarf, the original planets may also exist.

With the improvement of human observation methods, astronomers have indeed discovered some planets orbiting white dwarfs around them.

On September 16, 2020, the international authoritative academic journal Nature published an article saying that a team of American scientists had for the first time published evidence of a Jupiter-sized planet orbiting a white dwarf. In addition, in February 2022, British astronomers discovered that a planet may also exist in the "habitable" zone near a white dwarf named WD1054-226, 117 light-years away from Earth.

Can the earth escape and avoid the "solar crisis"?

In 2078, the earth will encounter the "helium flash" crisis of the sun, which is the key to the human decision to "wander" in the movie.

The helium flash is a key link in the evolution of the sun, and it is also the moment of life and death when the earth accepts the sun’s "roast".

"The sun shines because the core of the sun is undergoing a nuclear reaction, where hydrogen is fused to form helium. This process will gradually consume hydrogen, which will then lead to the collapse of the sun’s core. At the same time, the envelope outside the sun’s core expands under high pressure." Chen Pengfei, a professor at the School of Astronomy and Space Sciences at Nanjing University, told reporters. "When the core of the sun, which is mainly composed of helium, gradually contracts, its temperature is also getting higher and higher. When the temperature reaches about 100 million degrees Celsius, the helium will be ignited, and a large amount of helium will complete the fusion reaction in a few minutes. The energy released is huge, and the light emitted will suddenly increase by about 50 times. This process is helium flash."

In more than five billion years, after the sun becomes a red giant, its surface temperature may drop from more than 5,700 degrees Celsius now to about 3,000 degrees Celsius, when the hydrogen in the sun’s core will be exhausted. "Helium flashes usually occur at the end of the evolution of red giants," said Liang Wenjie, a scientific consultant for Wandering Earth 2 and a researcher at the Institute of Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. "In the red giant stage, the sun has expanded to Earth’s orbit, and the surface temperature reaches about 3,000 degrees Celsius, while the melting temperature of the earth’s rocks is below 2,000 degrees Celsius. Therefore, whether it is a temperature change in the red giant stage or a sudden explosion of helium flashes, the earth will melt."

If the survival crisis of the earth is inevitable in more than 5 billion years, can it be avoided in advance during the "expansion period" of the sun, change the orbit and find another place, and return to the original earth orbit after the helium flash and other crises are lifted?

Liang Wenjie believes that even if the solar crisis is lifted and the earth returns to its original orbit, it may not be of much significance to the earth, "because the sun has entered the aging period at that time, and the heat it provides should not be able to support the survival of life on earth. Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune in the solar system are all frozen planets due to their distance from the sun, and the temperature of the planet is minus one or two hundred degrees Celsius. If the earth wants to return to the sun to obtain energy, it will have to constantly correct its orbit and approach the sun, but in the end the’big fireball ‘of the sun will still be’extinguished’."

"Even if it is possible to temporarily’run away from home ‘and then return home, the earth needs to accelerate out of the original orbit and then slow down. The process of adjusting the speed will be very long, and it will consume huge energy on the earth, and the project will be huge. What’s more, the process of returning to the earth’s current orbit and approaching the sun also has risks," Liang Wenjie said.

And if you give up the sun and find other stars, you will also face greater challenges. Gou Lijun believes that if the earth chooses another "habitat" in the universe and chooses a new star to orbit, it means to "adapt" to a new planetary orbit. Then the speed, direction, energy, etc. of entering the orbit need to be accurately measured, and it is difficult for human existing technology to achieve planetary celestial bodies in the short term.

Would nuclear fusion be a better "wandering" solution?

In the film, humans tried to find life at the end of the world through the Mountain Moving Project, the Ark Project, the Monthly Project, and the Digital Life Project. In the end, tens of thousands of giant planetary engines became the hope to push the earth to start a "wandering journey".

Mr. Liang, who has advised on the film’s planetary and lunar engines, the physics of the month-by-month plan and the way the moon explodes, said: "Artistically, the’wandering ‘way of the earth in the film is a great imagination, but it is still difficult to achieve at the current level of science."

Liang Wenjie explained: "The earth itself is not a hard rock, 40-70 kilometers below the earth’s crust is lava, which is a bit similar to the structure of an egg. If you want to drive more than 10,000 engines, and it only takes a hundred years to push the earth to’walk ‘, the engine will put pressure on the earth, which is beyond the earth’s ability to bear, and will break the shell of the’egg’. And if the engine accelerates slowly and gradually reaches maximum power, the earth will be’wandering ‘for a longer time, even thousands of years. During the’wandering’ period, it is difficult to predict what will happen to the earth, what will happen to it, and what human civilization will experience."

"But if you consider the energy supply method, controlled nuclear fusion is worth looking forward to, although it still faces great technical challenges." Liang Wenjie introduced that nuclear fusion is in the case of high temperature, two atomic nuclei collide with each other, and eventually combine to form a new atomic nucleus, which can release huge energy. The key to this is to continuously export the energy produced by nuclear fusion for a long time. To achieve this, many technical problems need to be overcome.

However, even if the nuclear fusion of hydrogen could eventually be realized and provide a large amount of energy for humanity, the important raw materials for nuclear fusion, deuterium and tritium, were in low abundance in the earth’s seawater, and the reserves of helium-3, the raw material for nuclear fusion, were also extremely scarce. Therefore, based on the total amount of resources currently available to humans, the energy of nuclear fusion is still not enough to push the earth out of the solar system.

So, is it possible to "burn stones" like in "The Wandering Earth 2" and obtain energy through heavy nuclear fusion? Liang Wenjie said that heavy nuclear fusion refers to the use of heavier elements such as silicon and oxygen as fusion raw materials to obtain nuclear energy. Compared with light nuclear fusion using deuterium, tritium, and helium-3 as raw materials, heavy nuclear fusion is very inefficient in obtaining fusion energy. Although silicon and oxygen elements have a large proportion in the earth’s crust, in order to overcome the huge electrostatic repulsion between the nuclei of heavy elements and make them produce nuclear fusion reactions, higher temperatures and stronger pressures are required, and the reaction temperature even needs to reach billions of degrees Celsius, which greatly challenges the current scientific and technological capabilities of mankind.

extended reading

Are there wandering planets in the universe?

If one day, the earth had to embark on a "wandering" journey, would it be possible to encounter celestial bodies that "sympathize with each other" in the vast universe?

According to Gou Lijun, a scientific advisor of "Wandering Earth 2" and a researcher at the National Astronomical Observatory of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, there is a type of planet that does not orbit any star in the universe, namely the wandering planet. At present, humans have detected about 100 wandering planets, the larger ones are about ten times the size of Jupiter, and the smaller ones are close to the earth.

"According to the current understanding, there may be two ways for stray planets to form: one is that when they form, only the planets themselves. Another possibility is that the planet is’ejected ‘from the star system." For example, if a larger star is near the solar system, it is possible that under the action of attractive forces, the outermost planet of the solar system may deviate from its original orbit and eventually leave the solar system.

Liang Wenjie, a science adviser for "The Wandering Earth 2" and a researcher at the Institute of Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, offered another hypothesis: Large stars experience a violent explosion at the end of their evolution, a supernova explosion, and eject a large amount of interstellar material. "Planets near the star may be ejected from their original orbits at this time and become wandering planets."

In recent years, with the improvement of observation technology, stray planets have been continuously discovered by humans. In August 2018, American scientists confirmed that a planet about 12 times the mass of Jupiter was wandering alone about 20 light-years away from the earth and was not attached to any star. It was the first stray planet discovered by radio telescopes.

In 2020, American and Polish astronomers wrote in the Astrophysical Journal Letters that they might have discovered the smallest known rogue planet, with a microscopic attractive force lens, that "weighs" about 10 percent of Earth.

"Wandering planets do not emit light, so it is difficult to detect them. They are often discovered due to an accidental event, so they are paid attention to by the detector for a very short time, which also leads to the current research on wandering planets is very limited." According to Gou Lijun, according to the current level of human technology, it is impossible to determine whether there is life on wandering planets.

Liang Wenjie analyzed that in addition to the elements that make up life, such as amino acids, carbon, hydrogen and other substances, the existence of life also requires a suitable temperature. "The evolution of the universe sometimes ejects some organic matter onto the star, and the survival of organic matter requires a suitable temperature. Wandering planets do not heat up, and there are no stars to provide heat for them, so they will continue to cool down until they reach the lowest temperature in the universe. Such low temperatures are difficult to breed life," Liang Wenjie said.

Source: Science and Technology Daily


Editor in charge: Feng Zheng

Global sales of Volvo Cars increased by 25% in September, while sales in China increased slightly by 4%.

From a regional perspective, in September, the sales volume of Volvo Cars in Europe was 25,489, a year-on-year increase of 32%; Among them, the sales of Recharge series models in Europe increased to 13,599, accounting for 53% of Volvo Car’s sales in Europe. In the American market, the sales volume of Volvo cars increased by 65% compared with the same period of last year, reaching 10,946 vehicles; Among them, the proportion of Recharge series models is 28%. Sales of Volvo Cars in China increased by 4% year-on-year to 15,460 vehicles, among which sales of Recharge series vehicles in China increased by 20% year-on-year.

"Comedy Story 2" Ruoyun Zhang lost Guo Tao’s acting skills and was praised. Michael Chen warmly staged a family comedy.

Video: The performance of Ruoyun Zhang He Huan’s "No One in the Curtain" is funny and funny, and the behind-the-scenes story comedy story is 171202.

Last Saturday night, the sixth issue of the comedy variety vivo, which was jointly produced by Zhejiang Satellite TV, Joy Media, Zhonghe Media and Hebao Entertainment, laughed as scheduled in the second season. In the program, four groups of cross-border partners fight for brains and laugh, and the four wonderful works are full of creativity. Michael Chen’s "doing things" at home was rectified by his wife Han Yunyun. Guo Tao "stepped in" as a new crosstalk force, and the typhoon steadily became a crosstalk master. Amanda and Sang Mingsheng joined hands with Wang Ning to perform a humorous superhero. Ruoyun Zhang’s partner, He Huan, had a fantastic idea and presented the most hilarious "play in play".

Enter the blueberry video to watch the latest full video of comedy story season 2 > >

Little people, big feelings!

Michael Chen’s warm heart staged a family comedy, and Guo Tao entered the "new force of cross talk"

Jia Ling, the captain of the team, said that Chen He, an actor who has a talent for comedy, came to "do things" again. In last week’s program, he vividly performed a family comedy "Fate to Family". Michael Chen, who plays her husband, is still "cheap and cute". After partying with friends at home, facing Han Yunyun, a "fierce wife", all kinds of skills of coquetry and lying can’t escape the anti-routine rectification conspired by Han Yunyun and his friends. The contradictory plot is full of joy, and the ending of returning to the family is happy and warm.

Actor Guo Tao made his debut in cross talk last week, joined the "new cross talk force" Lu Xin and Yu Hao, the "bass brothers", and tacitly performed a stunning cross talk "Crazy Cross Talk". Although it’s the first time for me to get in touch with cross talk, Guo Tao Typhoon is steady and fluent, and she can freely switch between the roles of "Joker" and "Joker", and this work combines traditional culture with popular rap in an innovative way, which is refreshing. Guo Tao won the only promotion place in this wheel battle with her stunning cross talk debut, and completed another breakthrough on the comedy stage.

Speak with your works and circle powder with your strength!

Amanda and Wang Ning’s performance of "Superman Couple" and Ruoyun Zhang’s "Nobody in the Act" was praised.

In last week’s program, the goddess Amanda once again set herself free, playing a female superhero hidden behind the identity of "truck driver", who is not only responsible for beauty, but also for earning money to support her family. As soon as the special guest Wang Ning appeared, she appeared as a "family cook" and played Amanda’s husband. Such a plot mode of "exchange of people’s designs" gave birth to a lot of joy. The hidden "Superman couple" and the "bad guys’ alliance" are even more ingenious, and the stunt of "cheap feeling" caused bursts of laughter.

Ruoyun Zhang and He Huan’s work "Nobody in the Curtain" is full of creativity. They took "drama performance" as the creative background of the story and performed a farce of "drama in the play". In the performance of "first hero" played by Ruoyun Zhang, a series of absurd stage accidents were caused by eating noodles "behind the scenes". As a director, He Huan tried to save the scene, but the performance was "worse". The actors on the stage were stimulated by this series of accidents, and staged a series of expression packs of "Have you experienced despair" in minutes, full of laughter. At the end of the program, netizens left messages: "call for this hilarious program", "The plot, jokes, acting and creativity are all online, and such a good work is really a pity."

[Network media changes] Land circulation, rural development and vitality, and tomatoes planted in mountain springs are "sweet" at home and abroad.

  Whether it is Wulian Village, Songshugang Village or Guanbei Village, the new changes and new features brought by the new rural construction have made everyone feel the hope from the new socialist countryside. At the same time, the construction of new countryside is a time of progress rather than completion, not only in these three rural areas in southern Guangdong, but also in the new era.

  Future Network (www.k618.cn Central News Website) Guangzhou, January 21st (Reporter Liang Xili) Wulian Village, Zhongxin Town, Zengcheng District, Guangzhou was once a poor village. Chen Yimin, secretary of the Party Committee of Zhongxin Town, said that the villagers could not even support themselves by growing vegetables and grain. Many villagers have gone out to work because of poverty.

  "Because there is neither real estate nor industrial and commercial planning in the master plan of Wulian Village, we can only do a good job in agriculture and rural areas honestly." Chen Yimin said.

  How can we develop well?

  It was pointed out in the report of the 19th National Congress that the rural revitalization strategy should be implemented.

  It is necessary to give priority to the development of agriculture and rural areas, establish and improve the system, mechanism and policy system of urban-rural integration development, and accelerate the modernization of agriculture and rural areas in accordance with the general requirements of industrial prosperity, ecological livability, rural civilization, effective governance and affluent life.

  In the general requirements of rural revitalization strategy, "industrial prosperity" ranks first, which makes Chen Yi sensitive to excitement and comfort. She said: "Without the development of industry, there will be no way out in rural areas, and Wulian Village will always be poor."

  Nowadays, Wulian Village makes full use of idle land on the basis of industrial development, and introduces modern ecological agriculture such as "green natural hydroponic vegetable base", "Asian horticultural flower field" and "cherry blossom planting base".

  Recently, in the 2018 "New Era, New Dream" online media going to the grassroots (Guangdong Station) activity hosted by the Central Network Information Office and hosted by the Guangdong Provincial Party Committee Network Information Office, the reporters of Future Network walked into the typical villages of Guangdong’s new era and new countryside construction with the interview group, witnessing the new countryside, new construction and new development on the land of South Guangdong.

  Glad to "implement the rural revitalization strategy": without developing industries, there is no way out for the countryside.

  Wulian Village, located in the middle of Zhongxin Town, covers an area of 16 square kilometers. The transportation in the village is convenient. The North Third Ring Expressway under construction crosses the border, and the intersection of Guanghe Expressway is only 6 kilometers away from Wulian Village. It is also the village with the largest rural registered population in Zhongxin Town.

  Members of the press corps walked into the hydroponic vegetable base in Wulian Village. Looking far away, the base looks like a transparent house with green vegetables. The new hydroponics technology replaces the traditional land cultivation, and vegetables can be produced all day, sowing and harvesting every day. Covering an area of only 100 mu, this vegetable base can harvest 24 periods a year, and the yield per mu can reach 2000 kg, which is nearly five times that of the same area of land.

  At present, Wulian village has completed the confirmation of rural land, and the green natural hydroponic vegetable base has newly transferred 200 mu of contiguous planting land, which further strengthens large-scale agricultural production.

  When the land is transferred, the villagers not only have land income, but also solve the employment problem.

  Chen Yimin introduced that these farm work (in the base) are all good at by farmers. Some women who need to take care of their families and can’t go out to work can work as industrial workers in the base nearby. The labor intensity is not great, and the working environment is comfortable. You can get more than 3,000 yuan a month.

  In the base, the reporter also tasted hydroponic tomatoes planted with mountain spring water. In the greenhouse, these tomatoes are different in size and color. And the most expensive tomato varieties, a catty can also be sold to 60 yuan, and even has stepped onto the dining table of people in many developed countries.

  The combination of agriculture and tourism allows villagers to have seeds and tourists to play.

  Under the Luofu Mountain, the trees are shaded and the ponds are crystal clear. Songshugang Village in Boluo County, Huizhou City is located here. As one of the demonstration sites of new countryside in Guangdong Province, Songshugang Village makes full use of its unique geographical environment and rich natural resources, vigorously engages in agricultural investment, guides villagers to plant pollution-free agricultural products, and develops agricultural tourism.

  In the "Three-dimensional Agricultural Park of Vitality" in Songshugang Village, the reporter group saw the "air pastoral" agricultural area. Cai Haizhang, the person in charge of the project, introduced new planting patterns such as "borrowing land from heaven", which made the benefit of one acre of land 8 ~ 10 times that of ordinary planting patterns.

  Not only that, in the "air garden", fruits and vegetables follow the principle of "zero pollution and zero tolerance" in the planting process, and no pesticides, hormones, fertilizers and genetically modified engineering technologies are used at all.

  At present, the village has established a modern agricultural production base of more than 3,000 mu, mainly planting fruits, flowers and special crops. In addition to the "air pastoral", there are vineyards and dragon orchards, forming a contiguous ecological sightseeing agricultural belt.

  With a good ecological environment and a unique agricultural foundation, Songshugang Village vigorously develops rural tourism.

  It is understood that in 2016, the village received about 150,000 tourists, an increase of 88%, and the comprehensive tourism income reached more than 5 million yuan; The village collective income was 290,000 yuan, an increase of 16%; The per capita net income of farmers was 25,580 yuan, an increase of 25.1%.

  With the development of rural tourism, the villagers’ pockets are bulging. Songshugang Village has a new vision in the development and exploration of rural tourism: when conditions are ripe, it will introduce professional tourism management service companies to manage and operate the tourism projects in the whole village, improve the economic benefits of tourism, make the rural tourism in the village bigger, stronger and more distinctive, and truly realize the development goals of beautiful environment, strong collective and rich villagers.

  Civilization construction makes the village in the city realize a beautiful turn

  Through the way of "culture+",the civilization construction and the new rural construction are organically combined, which makes the "dirty and messy" urban village in the past become a "cultural village". Guanbei Village in Huizhou City can be described as a vivid sample of the new rural construction. Guanbei village has a total area of 0.3 square kilometers and a population of about 1025. This village with its back to Dongjiang is now a mural village.

  In less than a year, more than 500 murals gradually decorated the original mottled village road wall, with themes ranging from rule by France and Germany to Chinese dream, from Hakka culture to Chinese traditional stories; Vacant housing resources are revitalized and leased to cultural teams and social organizations as creative places, and beautiful and chic courtyards replace the original dilapidated houses; Old houses are decorated as cultural stations for villagers to learn to charge.

  The appearance of the previously mediocre village has been greatly improved, and it has attracted many cultural and creative groups and institutions to settle in. These institutions and groups have also activated and utilized the housing resources in the village, adding cultural charm to the beautiful Guanbei village.

  The change of village appearance has further affected the construction of rural civilization in Guanbei Village. Sun Wuyou, an old party member, told reporters: "It’s very different from before. Now in the village, there is no problem if the car is not locked."

  Looking at Guanbei Village in front of us, who would have thought that this village was once labeled as "distracted, polluted, bad public security, abandoned by everyone"?

  Whether it is Wulian Village, Songshugang Village or Guanbei Village, the new changes and new features brought by the new rural construction have made everyone feel the hope from the new socialist countryside. At the same time, the construction of new countryside is a time of progress rather than completion, not only in these three rural areas in southern Guangdong, but also in the new era.

How cold is it this winter? The authoritative statement is coming!

  "How cold is it this winter?"

  For this problem that everyone is very concerned about

  On the afternoon of November 4

  China Meteorological Bureau responded.

  On the afternoon of November 4th, China Meteorological Bureau held a press conference, and Jia Xiaolong, deputy director of the National Climate Center, introduced that according to the opinions of the consultation, the cold air in China is relatively frequent this winter, and the force is relatively strong, and there may be a large-scale low-temperature rain and snow weather process in the north.

  Midwinter season

  Low temperature rain and snow weather in the north or in a large range now

  Jia Xiaolong said that the cold air affecting China this winter is still relatively frequent, and the forces are generally strong. The cold air path is mainly northwest.

  Under this situation, the temperature in most parts of China is normal to low this winter, and the precipitation is generally more in the north and less in the south. The temperature changes obviously in stages. In the early winter, the temperature in most areas is normal to high, and the influence of cold air on China will become stronger in the midwinter season (around January next year). The temperature in most parts of central and eastern China may be lower than normal, and there may be a large-scale low-temperature rain and snow weather process in the north, and a large-scale and sustained low-temperature rain, snow and freezing disaster in the south is less likely.

  This winter, cold air activities are frequent and the temperature fluctuates greatly, so it is necessary to guard against the adverse effects on the epidemic prevention and control work in COVID-19.

  This winter will form a

  Weak to moderate intensity La Nina events

  At present, the SST in the equatorial Middle East Pacific has entered the La Ni? a state, and it is expected that a weak to moderate intensity La Ni? a event will form in winter, and its later evolution trend and climate impact are still uncertain.

  At the same time, in view of the complexity of the factors affecting China’s climate, and the recent increase in climate volatility, the National Climate Center will closely monitor weather and climate changes, strengthen analysis and research, and provide timely rolling revised climate forecasts.

  What is La Nina?

  La Nina event refers to the cold water phenomenon in which the sea surface temperature in the equatorial central and eastern Pacific Ocean is abnormally cold in a large range, and its intensity and duration reach certain conditions.

  When the sea temperature is unusually warm, the El Nino phenomenon will be formed. When the sea surface temperature changes, it will have a great impact on the atmospheric circulation and the climate will also change.

  "Will Nanchang cool down in the near future?"

  The weather in Nanchang is crisp in autumn these days.

  The daytime temperature swept away the previous downturn.

  Under the heating effect of sunlight

  The temperature has soared.

  The highest temperature the day after tomorrow will reach 25℃

  It’s all sunny, sunny, sunny.

  Sunny sunny sunny sunny sunny sunny sunny sunny sunny sunny sunny sunny sunny sunny sunny sunny sunny sunny sunny.

  Sunny sunny sunny sunny sunny sunny sunny sunny sunny sunny!

  The sun is solid and the temperature is not low.

  Let alone how comfortable the afternoon sunshine is.

  It is expected that tomorrow and the day after tomorrow

  The province’s "Xiaoqing Song" continues to sing.

  Suitable for outdoor activities

  It is also suitable for washing and drying.


  There’s always one in the weather forecast

  Nanchang weather is harder to guess than a woman’s mind.

  Will not miss a chance to torture you.


  The temperature in Nanchang is going to "change face" again.

  Are you ready?

  Xiaobian is going to start reporting the weather

  Cold air quietly came to the south. The lowest temperature in Chang is 11℃

  On the 8 th, the north was affected by weak cold air on the ground.

  The southern part is affected by the peripheral cloud system of tropical cyclones.

  Cloudy and cloudy days in the whole province

  There is sporadic light rain in parts of southern Jiangxi.

  The process is cooled by 3 ~ 5℃

  The northerly wind is increasing

  The gusts in rivers and lakes and plain valleys are 6.

  The highest temperature in Nanchang on the 7 th is 25 C.

  The lowest temperature on the 8th was only 15℃.

  By the 11th, the lowest temperature will drop to 11℃.

  It is important to pay special attention to

  The temperature difference between day and night is relatively large!


  The temperature difference is basically around 10℃!

  Everyone should pay attention to timely increase or decrease clothing.

  Especially the elderly, children and people with weak constitution.

  Learn about the onion dressing method ~

  Let’s take a look

  The province’s specific weather forecast!

  Specific forecast

  It will be cloudy and sunny in the whole province tomorrow and the day after tomorrow.

  On the 8 th, it was cloudy and cloudy in the province, and there was sporadic light rain in southern Jiangxi; During the process, the temperature dropped by 3 ~ 5℃, the northerly wind increased, and the gusts in rivers and lakes and plain valleys were 6.

  From September 9 to 15, the province was dominated by sunny and cloudy weather.

  Seven-day forecast of other major cities and scenic spots in Jiangxi Province

  Swipe up to view

  The weather is getting cold

  So every day you

  They have become "difficult households" who get up.


  You sleep at night

  When you cover the quilt, it becomes like this.


  Of course, this is nothing.

  What is even more cruel is that


  The money is gone

  The annual double 11 has begun to pay the final payment.

  By the way, what have you hoarded?

  Is the following scene a true portrayal of you

  I’ll join the shopping cart and not buy it.

  I really can’t hold back behind.

  Finally, Xiaobian reminds everyone again.

  Get up early and move bricks, remember to add clothes in time.

  Keep warm

  Migrant workers who paid the final payment

  Come on, Ollie. Here!

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Source: Nanchang News