Shocked by the news of his "death", Hong Jinbao angrily denounced "wicked" (Photo)


    Jackie Chan asked me, Are you dead or alive?

    According to Hong Tianming, his father, Hong Jinbao, was filming a movie in Songjiang Tourist Area, Yuncheng County, Shandong Province. At 7 p.m. on the 10th, the reporter contacted Hong Jinbao, who was resting in a hotel, through the office of Songjiang Martial Arts School in Yuncheng County.

    After the call was connected, a man’s hearty laughter was heard, and the reporter asked: "Are you really Hong Jinbao?" The other party replied: "I am indeed Hong Jinbao!" After confirming that Hong Jinbao was indeed not "dead", the reporter began the interview.

    Q: Did you know that there was a public report in the newspaper today that you passed away?

    Hong Jinbao (laughter): I want to thank the audience of friends all over the country for their concern for me! This fake news is too fake, and the impact on society is too great! The news is very scary. This afternoon, I received almost thousands of phone calls, from Hong Kong, Beijing, Taipei, and overseas. Almost all my friends from all over the world called me to ask if Hong Jinbao was dead? Jackie Chan also cared about me. In the afternoon, he called me and asked me humorously: "Hong Jinbao, are you dead or alive?"

    Q: How did you feel when you heard of your own death?

    Samuel Hung: I’m baffled! I’m surprised. The mental pressure is really too great! I’m clearly alive and well, and I’ve never had any heart disease. Why would a reporter write me as a dead person?

    Q: What would you do with fake news that hurts you like this?

    Hong Jinbao: After I finish filming the trick in half a month, I will take a look at the development and see if the reporter of that newspaper publicly apologizes or not. I do not rule out a lawsuit with them.

    Many celebrities have been called to death

    ● In January 2004, Alyssa Alyssa was tortured and "dead".

    ● In May 2004, someone broke the news to the media that "Li Xuejian passed away".

    In June 2005, Zheng Xinyi was reported dead, and Shen Dianxia angrily denounced the rumors.

    ● In June 2005, Zheng Xiuwen’s "death" was flying all over the sky, and she responded "I’m not dead yet".

    In 2006, Andy Lau was rumored to have been shot dead.

    ● In August 2007, she was reported to have passed away in Taiwan, and Qiong Yao personally wrote a blog post to clarify.

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After the death of Samuel Hung – the crew issued a statement that Samuel Hung endured harassment
The news of Hong Jinbao’s death was made up by the media, and the reporter claimed to have been tortured
Hong Jinbao was shocked to hear of his "death": Thousands of people called to ask if I was dead
"Samuel Hung’s death" caused a commotion, and the reporter in question shouted "It’s been fixed"
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Fake news caused "death" to Hong Jinbao, and unsuspecting netizens built an online sacrifice hall [Photo]
Samuel Hung appeared to refute the rumor: "Everyone will see me at Christmas!"
Hong Jinbao’s death: Hong Kong media have questioned that many artists have been reported dead
A generation of kung fu superstar Hong Jinbao is rumored to have passed away, Emperor’s top management confirms (Photos)
A generation of kung fu superstar Hong Jinbao is rumored to have passed away, Emperor executives confirm

Editor in charge: Liu Liyan

Anhui Province’s online car-hailing and truck driver groups are centralized to establish a membership

  On the morning of May 12, the initiation ceremony of Didi Chuxing Company and the province’s online car-hailing and truck driver groups, sponsored by the Social Work Department of the Anhui Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Federation of Trade Unions, was held at the main venue in Hefei City. A total of 120 responsible comrades of the China Seafarers Construction Union, the Social Work Department of the Provincial Party Committee, the Provincial Federation of Trade Unions, the Provincial Transportation Department and Didi Chuxing Company and representatives of online car-hailing and truck drivers attended the ceremony. The city (county) federation of trade unions co-organized and set up branch venues.

  At the ceremony, the relevant units awarded licenses to the Hefei Shushan District New Business Industry Trade Union Federation and Didi Group (Hefei) Trade Union Committee, and presented membership packages to representatives of online car-hailing and truck drivers, providing drivers with scan codes for membership, physical examination, special project accident injury mutual assistance protection, legal consultation and other services.

  According to the statistics of relevant departments, the number of online car-hailing and truck drivers in our province is relatively large, accounting for 4% and 8% of the country respectively. The Social Work Department of the Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Federation of Trade Unions have continued to promote "party building with group building and expanding the coverage of party work" among the group of online car-hailing and truck drivers in the province. On the basis of the selection of "the most beautiful driver", they have promoted cities, counties, industries and enterprises to establish party organizations and trade unions and other group organizations. Relying on resources such as party and mass service centers (party and mass stations) in various places, online and offline service positions such as card friend belts and driver’s homes have been built, and skills training, care and condolences have been organized. Party building brands such as "Wheel Pioneer" and "Red Steering Wheel" have been created, creating a strong atmosphere for party building work in new business models and new employment groups.

  In the next step, the Social Work Department of the Provincial Party Committee will cooperate with the Provincial Department of Transportation, the Provincial Market Supervision Bureau, the Provincial Postal Administration, the Provincial Federation of Trade Unions, and the Provincial Women’s Federation to continue to increase the coverage of new business models, party organizations and group organizations for new employment groups, help solve urgent problems, effectively safeguard legitimate rights and interests, and enhance the sense of professional honor and social belonging of new employment groups. (Reporter, Li Mingjie)

An auto show ignites a city, and 2023 Chengdu International Automobile Exhibition continues Chengdu’s strength.

On September 3rd, 25 days after the end of the Chengdu Universiade, the 26th Chengdu International Automobile Exhibition also came to an end.

The wonderful hosting of the Chengdu Universiade has brought Chengdu to the world and the world to Chengdu at the same time. This year’s Chengdu Auto Show not only continues the popularity of Chengdu, but also demonstrates the strength and value of Chengdu as an engine city in western China.
The 10-day Chengdu Auto Show attracted 902,000 visitors and generated 35,028 orders, with a turnover of 6.087 billion yuan. ……
As the Chengdu Auto Show, which shoulders the important mission of driving the kinetic energy recovery of the automobile industry, boosting market confidence and promoting the expansion of domestic demand, this answer sheet is not only excellent, but also hard-core.
In the eyes of many media people, this year’s Chengdu International Automobile Exhibition represents "whether car companies can outperform the auto market in the second half of the year".
Insufficient consumer confidence and weak market; "Golden September and Silver 10" is approaching, who can seize the opportunity … … All these make the Chengdu Auto Show, which is famous for its "good effect and popularity", attract attention and feel pressure.
On August 3rd, at noon on the closing day of the auto show, looking at the audience who are still in an endless stream and the sales staff who are still busy at the booth, Ms. Yang Huilan, the general manager of Chengdu Century City Exhibition Group Exhibition Company, the organizer of the auto show, was somewhat emotional: "I really appreciate our consumers and exhibitors. They have contributed a lot to the success of Chengdu Auto Show today."
The international style is full and the fireworks are full. This is the most commented on Chengdu International Auto Show in recent years. It can not only achieve scale, grade and high level, but also achieve popularity, sell cars and achieve good results. To be honest, this kind of auto show is welcome to all aspects.

At this year’s auto show, BYD occupied almost the entire Hall 3 with four brands: Wangwang, Tengshi, BYD and Equation Leopard, which made many people think that BYD moved its home from Shenzhen to Chengdu. "Chengdu Auto Show not only has great influence, but also has great purchasing power." Zhao Changjiang, general manager of Tengshi Automobile, said: "In fact, our investment in Chengdu Auto Show has never been spared."
"In Geely’s eyes, Chengdu Auto Show has always been a battleground." On August 25th, Lin Jie, senior vice president of Geely Automobile Group, who brought the highly anticipated Galaxy L6 to the Chengdu Auto Show, told the media that "it can not only display the brand and realize sales, but also radiate the whole western region."
For the 26-year-old Chengdu International Auto Show, this is undoubtedly the first auto show that can best reflect the "hundred struggles, the first to struggle": 129 domestic and foreign brands participated in the exhibition, more than 1,600 exhibition cars were unveiled, 68 new cars were launched, and 3,412 media reported.

On the one hand, BYD, Ideality, Weilai, Tucki and many other new energy vehicle companies show their muscles, and on the other hand, Volkswagen, Toyota, Honda, Buick, Ford and other traditional joint venture brands strive to break through; Independent brands are collectively arrogant, and multinational car companies seek common transformation; Luxury brands are in full bloom, and hard-core cross-country is competing for beauty; New models are on the market, and the price war is filled with smoke. ……
All this, of course, is not only due to the popularity of the automobile consumption market in Chengdu, but also the engine position of the western city of China represented by Chengdu.
Just as Cui Dongshu, secretary-general of the National Passenger Car Market Information Association, said a few years ago: "As far as the whole country is concerned, Chengdu Auto Show is undoubtedly the most regional auto show. The western auto market depends not only on Chengdu, but also on the national auto market."
Chengdu Auto Show is a window and a bridge.
On August 25th, the first day of the auto show, Shi Xiaolin, deputy secretary of Sichuan Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China and secretary of Chengdu Municipal Committee, visited the exhibition site in person, and had a discussion with the representatives of the participating industries, and listened carefully to their opinions and suggestions on the auto show and the development of Chengdu’s auto industry. Shi Xiaolin pointed out that Chengdu Auto Show should not only be an important window to display new automobile products, new technologies and the image of Chengdu, but also a bridge to promote industrial development and enhance exchanges and cooperation.
The 26-year-old Chengdu Auto Show has become the city card of Chengdu, which is inseparable from the strategic planning and foresight of the Chengdu Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government. At the World Cultural City Conference held in Chengdu in 2018, Chengdu formally put forward the idea of building "three cities and three capitals", among which "building an international convention and exhibition capital with high quality" was impressively listed.
As one of the most important exhibitions in the "Exhibition Capital" every year, every Chengdu Auto Show can be described as the general mobilization of the whole city: from the municipal government, Tianfu New District to the Expo Bureau, the Public Security Bureau, and the Transportation Bureau ….. In order to run the auto show well, it can be described as a game of chess, and all the people are United.

Take this year’s auto show as an example, in addition to the "convenience and benefit enterprises" team sent by Chengdu traffic police stationed at the auto show, a mobile service car was set up; There is also a civilian auxiliary police organized by Chengdu Tianfu Public Security Traffic Police Detachment, which provides a series of convenience services for exhibitors and visitors.
As a result of concerted efforts, Chengdu Auto Show has not only consolidated its position in the domestic A-class auto show, but also brought Chengdu’s automobile industry to the fast lane of development in the past ten years. More than ten leading automobile manufacturing enterprises such as FAW-Volkswagen, Volvo, Geely, Polar Star, Dongfeng Peugeot and Dongfeng Citroen have set up factories in Chengdu.
On June 25th this year, the Office of the Leading Group for Building a Powerful Manufacturing City in Chengdu made it clear in the Development Plan of New Energy and Intelligent Networked Automobile Industry in Chengdu (2023-2030) that by 2025, the overall scale of Chengdu’s automobile industry will strive to reach 300 billion yuan, and the overall local output of automobiles will reach 1 million (excluding the output of foreign molecular companies).
No wonder some people say that the growth of Chengdu Auto Show is the growth of Chengdu’s automobile industry, which not only promotes Chengdu’s automobile consumption and promotes the popularization of automobile culture, but also contributes to the development of Chengdu’s automobile industry.
On August 23rd, "China Communications Broadcasting" took an article "Hefei, Need a" Chengdu Auto Show "! ",gave a high evaluation of Chengdu Auto Show. The article wrote: "On the one hand, new cars are competing for the top, and on the other hand, exhibitions are promoted by exhibitions, and exhibitions are promoted by sales; On the one hand, the organizers regard the auto show as a festival, and on the other hand, the exhibitors regard the auto show as the Spring Festival Evening. The opening of the auto show, not only the industry is agitated, the city is jubilant, and countless citizens and families are enjoying it … This is the grand occasion of the Chengdu Auto Show and our expectation for the Hefei Auto Show. "

This year, many viewers have found that Chengdu Auto Show is not only willing to give up but also looks better than in previous years, and the exhibition experience is better. Ten-day auto show, a car purchase prize of 49,999 yuan every day "No history ‘ Money ’ Example "; The free bus shuttle bus that beckons and stops, the luggage storage office that you can see when you enter the room, and the elegant and eye-catching consulting service office are very considerate. The venue planning is scientific and reasonable, the brand distribution is tight and orderly, the supporting services are meticulous, and the atmosphere creation pays more attention to taste and details.
"China Auto Pioneer Forum" is the highlight of every Chengdu Auto Show. This year’s forum’s hot theme, high specifications and large scenes have made many participants feel refreshed.
Liu Xiaoyong, one of the organizers of the forum and the president of Auto Watch magazine, is an old friend of Chengdu Auto Show, and he is well aware of the development and changes of Chengdu Auto Show. "The scale of many exhibitions has declined this year, and the scale of the Chengdu Auto Show has not declined, which is very rare. But what is even more gratifying is the change of this year’s Chengdu Auto Show, which is more and more emphasis on grades and humanities. It is not easy for an exhibition that is known for its sales. "
"In fact, seeking change has always been the normal state of Chengdu Auto Show." Yang Huilan said: "From 1998 to today, Chengdu Auto Show has changed its location, from local exhibitions to A-class auto shows, from industry events to urban festivals, all of which are the result of change."
35,028 orders, with a turnover of 6.087 billion yuan. At the moment when the overall consumption is weak and the market is seriously involuted, this answer sheet handed over by Chengdu Auto Show this year is precious. It shows us that Chengdu, as a gold medal car market, is still active in purchasing power and consumption power, and its people are still optimistic about the future and calm about the present. It also shows us that Chengdu, which is taking building an international consumer-oriented central city as its future development direction, is making great strides.

What is even more rare is that in just one month, from international competitions to international auto shows in Chengdu, one is to make youth with sports, and the other is to control the future with wisdom and electricity, each of which shines and sets each other off. If the success of the Chengdu Universiade has shown the world the myriad weather of China in the new era, then the success of the Chengdu Auto Show has made the world understand China in the new era full of hope.
On the evening of September 3rd, Chengdu International Automobile Exhibition released the news of the closing of the 26th Chengdu International Automobile Exhibition with the theme of "Highlighting the New Paradigm of Vitality and Accelerating to Lead the New Future". Many exhibitors and consumers left messages: "Looking forward to the 2024 Chengdu International Automobile Exhibition" and "Meet again in 2024" … …
An auto show ignites a city, and the legend of auto show in Chengdu will continue to be written. (Qin Tongzi)