Guangzhou taxi companies cancel internal penalties

■ Several departments in Guangzhou dispatched a large number of law enforcement personnel yesterday to carry out a large-scale rectification of illegal operations.

  Guangzhou launched new measures to support the taxi industry yesterday

  Photography: New Express reporters, Chen Kunlun, Wang Xiaoming, Wang Xiang, Xia Shiyan, Li Kanjun, Lin Jing

  After being punished by law enforcement, my brother will be fined again by the company in the past. This phenomenon will be banned in the future.

  The reporter learned from the Guangzhou Municipal Transportation Commission yesterday that on the first day of the Guangzhou Municipal Government’s introduction of eight measures to support the taxi industry, various government departments and enterprises began to implement them, and introduced some new specific measures. The operating environment of taxis has begun to improve significantly. It is reported that companies have abolished internal penalties for drivers who violate regulations, and entertainment venues will be disqualified if they are found to have charged waiting fees to their brothers.

  Some estimates suggest that the actual monthly income per vehicle will increase by more than 1,000 yuan compared to before the implementation of the new policy.

  New measures to support the taxi industry

  - Cancel the internal penalties for drivers’ violations and start revising relevant internal systems;

  - The public security, transportation and other departments shall handle driver violations and passenger complaints on the basis of handling them in accordance with regulations, and give more consideration to the driver’s operational needs, shorten the processing time as much as possible, and do not affect the driver’s operation;

  - The public security department has established a reporting mechanism for entertainment venues to collect drivers’ waiting fees. Once the report is true, the entertainment venues will be disqualified from operating;

  - With the increasing efforts of the government’s special project to crack down on illegal operations in the passenger transport market, the number of illegal vehicles in the 15 areas with outstanding problems has decreased significantly;

  - The public security and transportation departments established a system of regular symposiums with representatives of enterprises and drivers, and each department once again announced the complaint number to drivers;

  - The special project working group of the Traffic Commission has strengthened the inspection of gas filling stations, dispatched additional staff to each gas filling station during peak periods, and regularly issued gas filling information guidelines through the video surveillance system of each gas filling station to improve the gas filling efficiency of drivers;

  - Some taxi companies have started to purchase color TVs, air conditioners, sports and fitness equipment and book reading facilities, and conduct home visits to drivers’ families who are struggling with life. (New Express reporter, Chen Zhilong, correspondent, traffic announcement)

  Public security traffic police dispatched to protect taxi rights

  New Express News (reporter, Li Guohui, intern, Liu Lili, correspondent, Tian Jigang, Gong Xuan) Yesterday, Guangzhou traffic police and other departments cooperated with the Guangzhou Municipal Transportation Commission to safeguard the rights and interests of legal taxis with practical actions.

  In the city-wide crackdown on illegal operations launched yesterday, a large number of car inspection points were deployed. At the car inspection point on Dasha Road, Huangpu District, within 40 minutes during the peak work period, law enforcement officers successively seized five illegally operated vehicles, including off-site taxis and blue-label cars. After a Lu Feng taxi and a Zengcheng taxi were seized, all the drivers and passengers abandoned the car and fled.

  Reporters saw that the vehicles seized were all "looking" and the front door of the driver’s seat of Lu Fengzhi was not closed tightly. After investigation, the taxi with the sign of "Yuanhui" company has been operating in Huangpu District for a long time. Unlike ordinary taxis, this car is also specially equipped with a small radio station. There are more than 10 "Yuanhui" company taxis in Huangpu, all controlled by one boss. Once a car is caught, the drivers use the small radio to inform each other.

  Guangzhou police officials said that they will continue to step up efforts to crack down on illegal operations, cloning, licensing of taxis and the manufacture and sale of fake taxi licenses. For the illegal acts that disrupt social order, such as blocking roads, deliberately driving slowly, smashing and looting, illegal gatherings, and inciting riots, causing trouble, threatening the personal safety of others, and cracking down on retaliation, the police will crack down in accordance with the law to ensure that the legitimate rights and interests of taxi employees are not violated.

  The airport emergency plan was not needed yesterday

  New Express News (reporter, Xing Ran Ran, correspondent, Li Zuwen, Weng Junyu, Liao Junguo) The reporter learned that Baiyun Airport formulated an emergency plan yesterday. But as of 6 pm yesterday, the arrival area of Baiyun Airport Terminals A and B was orderly, and all kinds of operating vehicles were operating normally.

  Yesterday at 11 am, the reporter came to the arrival area B of Baiyun Airport, and saw nearly 10 taxis waiting in the prescribed lane, and the passengers who had just arrived were boarding in order. Near 2 pm, Baiyun Airport entered the peak time for arriving passengers, and the number of taxis waiting outside the two arrival areas A and B. increased.

  Reporters saw at the scene, a Guangzhou Municipal Traffic Commission transport official car parked aside, there are road staff at the scene directing passengers to take taxis. Then the reporter saw at the airport taxi dispatching yard, dozens of taxis waiting to enter the venue to carry passengers.

  The relevant person in charge of Baiyun Airport told reporters that there were more than 300 operating taxis in the two taxi dispatches yesterday, which was close to the number on weekdays, which was enough to ensure the demand of passengers. The Airport Express said that an emergency leadership team was established yesterday to ensure the normal operation of passenger buses while mobilizing all non-operating vehicles to stand by at the new airport, ready to support the evacuation of passengers at any time.

  "Baiyun Airport has more than a dozen special buses bound for the city and many cities in the Pearl River Delta, so even if taxis cannot meet the needs of passengers, they will not cause passengers to be stranded at the airport," the relevant person in charge told reporters.

  It is reported that the emergency plan of Baiyun Airport has also formulated response measures for possible situations such as blocked urban roads and blocked terminals. At the same time, all members of the emergency team were required to attend the scene yesterday to direct and monitor, so as to respond to problems in a timely manner and deal with them in a timely manner. This will ensure that passengers can arrive and leave Baiyun Airport in a timely manner to prevent large areas and long-term detention of guests.

  Parking and waiting points: increased to 250

  Toilet stop points: 100 will be set up

  New Express News (reporter, Li Guohui, intern, Liu Lili, correspondent, Tian Jigang, Gong Xuan) While rectifying illegal operations, the Guangzhou Municipal Traffic Police Department will also work with the Municipal Transportation Commission and other departments to discuss some main roads in the urban area and a number of traffic counting sections around Tianhe City and Guangzhou Book Purchase Center, etc., and continue to add taxi pick-up and drop-off points for taxi parking and drop-off. At present, the number of taxi temporary parking waiting points has increased to 250.

  In addition, the relevant departments have also chosen to set up taxi drivers’ toilet stops next to conditional parking public toilets. So far, 33 toilet stops have been completed, and 100 toilet stops will be built in the future.

Editor in charge: Li Erqing

"Young Soldier" makes its debut, Jackie Chan abandons his son and elects Wang Leehom

Wang Leehom and Jackie Chan "Hello brothers"

Leehom Wang

Jackie Chan

Actress Lin Peng

Wu Yue

Jia Qi, Deputy Director of the Movie Channel Program Center

group photo of the main creator

  Movie Network News (Text/Xie Yawei, Photo/Yang Liu) On April 2, Jackie Chan’s new work "Young Soldier" held a media meeting in Beijing. Led by Jackie Chan, including director Ding Sheng, actors Wang Leehom, Liu Chengjun, Xu Dongmei, Lin Peng and other main creators made their first collective appearance. Jia Qi, deputy director of the film channel, also attended as a guest. Although the film has always maintained a very low-key attitude, on that day, Jackie Chan, the eldest brother, was quite interested. Not only did he sing a cappella on the spot, but he also broke out his nickname for his son Jaycee Chan – "Little House". He talked a lot of behind-the-scenes stories, and he liked to make fun of everyone.

  "Young Soldier" tells the story of the Warring States Period, when an ordinary soldier captured a general and planned to take him back to his own country. On the way back, many interesting or tragic stories happened. Jackie Chan was the "soldier", and Wang Leehom played the "young general".

Jackie Chan abandons "small house"

  Jackie Chan revealed that there were three candidates for the role of "Junior General": Jaycee, Daniel Wu, and Leehom Wang. At that time, his wife Lin Fengjiao strongly recommended that his son play the role, but Jackie Chan abandoned the Jaycee name, "’Little House’, Jaycee. If he played, the audience would just stare at him to see how he resembled me, and they couldn’t get into the movie at all. Wu Yanzu just worked with me on" Shinjuku Incident ", so Leehom Wang is the most suitable." Jackie Chan said that the three people’s image and temperament are quite similar. At this time, the host joked: "No, Jaycee’s eyes are not as big as Wang Leehom’s." The humorous Jackie Chan also pretended to be angry and confronted him, which attracted a lot of laughter from the audience.

Jackie Chan thinks Wang Leehom is "annoying"

  "Young Soldier" is Wang Leehom’s second film since "Lust and Caution," and the talented singer is also outstanding in performance. "Ten years ago, I saw him play the piano, violin, erhu, drums, and speak English, Mandarin, and Cantonese. I thought, how can this person know anything?" Jackie Chan and Wang Leehom have known each other for ten years, saying that if he were a girl, he would definitely fall in love with him. The eldest brother is full of praise for Wang Leehom, but when it comes to singing, he calls him "very annoying". "After I captured him in the film, I was very happy and sang the hometown tune. He always beat me behind me and corrected the rhythm. I couldn’t sing well. It was really annoying." After the joke, Jackie Chan hung his throat a few times and sang the "hometown tune" at the scene. This time, Wang Leehom didn’t dare to make trouble.

Xu Dongmei "Strong Kiss" Wang Leehom

  Jackie Chan’s female disciple Xu Dongmei plays a strong woman in the film, with a wild and unrestrained personality, similar to her own personality and temperament. Xu Dongmei’s first scene in the crew turned out to be kissing Wang Leehom. Talking about this matter, the fledgling she was a little embarrassed: "I love face very much. When I was told to kiss Wang Leehom, although I still acted cool and relaxed, I was already very nervous."

  The film’s other female lead, Lin Peng, who played a teacher at the opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympics, described her joining as a dream, while Jackie Chan said it was "purely accidental." "Lin Peng walked past me in the corridor of the Olympic venues, and I just thought, isn’t she that character?" In this way, "teacher" Lin Peng turned into "gentle woman" and had an emotional entanglement with Wang Leehom.

Big brother and Ding Sheng, fellow villagers meet fellow villagers

  Jackie Chan and Ding Sheng have worked together on four commercials, and it was the collaboration that made Jackie Chan fall in love with the young director many years ago. "I saw Ding Sheng’s work status on the scene at that time. He has a very clear idea and strong ability. Maybe because he is from Shandong, his personality is also very similar to mine, and I admire him very much." Jackie Chan said that he has been shooting movies for decades, and just by looking at the director’s work status on the scene, you can know whether he has real skills. "As soon as an expert makes a move, you will know if there is any." In a hurry, Jackie Chan burst into Cantonese. "This is the first time I have used a mainland team to shoot my own film. As the boss, I asked them to stop and rest four times. They are really dedicated." Jackie Chan said that in the near future, he will work with Ding Sheng again.

  At the scene, Jackie Chan’s disciple "New Seven Xiaofu" performed the theme song of "Little Soldier", which made people’s eyes shine with cool costumes and dances with martial arts movements. Director Ding Sheng revealed that the film has been shooting in Yunnan since it started shooting on February 3, and is now in Beijing. There are still three days to complete the pre-shooting.

Next page: More wonderful pictures of the press conference

[Movie Network]www.1905.comExclusive manuscript, please indicate the source when reprinting.

Secret Service Mission: Novel Structure and Contemporary Perspective of Spy War Drama

Original title: Secret Service Mission: Novel Structure and Contemporary Expression of Spy War Drama

The double puzzle of reality and game world, the secret game of national security — — The newly-launched new Guoan anti-espionage urban drama "Secret Service Mission" has unlocked a brand-new scene for the story of "Secret Service" and injected narrative expression close to the development of contemporary society and the daily life of young people.

The Secret War from the Contemporary Perspective

The story is set in Jinhai, China in 2021. A game of "Secret Service Mission" is popular among young people. The overseas intelligence organization "Night Fog" uses this game to secretly spy without the players’ knowledge. The drama tells the story of the course that the Reconnaissance Department of the National Security Bureau of Jinhai City successfully cracked a series of espionage actions and safeguarded national security in this high-pressure situation. The dramatic background lays a lot of suspense, and the drama has attracted much attention because of its examination of network security in modern society.

In the scene design, there are no flying cars, blasting and climbing on skyscrapers, but flying close to the ground, which is a puzzle in urban life. In the setting of the main line, the drama leads from a seemingly ordinary online game to a war of national security, reeling from the interweaving of the real world and the virtual world. The perspective of Secret Service jumped out of the traditional setting of similar foreign commercial films, and the texture of life and the interaction between reality and reality became its two highlights.

"We found that the battle on the hidden front in real life is more powerful than those fictional plots, although there is no thrilling scene in the movie." After interviewing the real national security personnel, the director and his team made a choice on the tone of the story, and a series of anti-espionage struggles based on the contemporary urban situation began.

Two-line game between the virtual world and the real world, with multiple perspectives of urban group images.

How to highlight the concept of "modern spy war"? With the help of online games, a cultural carrier that attracts the attention of contemporary youth, the play constructs a multi-dimensional and multi-angle narrative structure, connecting two time and space and constructing a double puzzle. In the play, players wear VR devices and are immersed in game tasks, but they don’t know that they have already been used by overseas intelligence organizations. "This is no longer a game, it is a struggle."

In order to strengthen the sense of closeness to daily life, "Secret Service Mission" does not "deify" the national security personnel, but delicately shows their hardships and extraordinary will in the long-term battle of pursuing the truth. Its group image setting is also outside the spy war’s villain camp, and it has joined many ordinary players’ identities, showing in an all-round way how this secret war has affected the lives of every ordinary person. Gao Tianyang, the hero, is a young and promising head of the reconnaissance department of the National Security Bureau of Jinhai City. He has a superior IQ and a meticulous mind, and takes safeguarding national interests as his own responsibility. Huang Zicheng, the younger brother who grew up with Gao Tianyang, is an adventurous game addict, but he happens to be deeply involved in the spy game. Huang Zicheng met his partner, Vagrancy, in the game. Just as his feelings were growing, he unexpectedly found that his meeting with Vagrancy was not accidental … … It is difficult to distinguish between the real world and the virtual world, and the choice between sensibility and rationality is interspersed among them, which has become the key focus of its dramatic conflict.

In the "agent mission" of online games, it is a surreal Cyberpunk world, which simulates the real player’s perspective. Taking virtual reality as a barrier, overseas intelligence personnel use the weakness of human nature to spread the intelligence network everywhere, so the anti-espionage work of national security personnel is difficult. The characters in the play have the dual identities of virtual reality and real world, and the urban group images show a variety of faces in different situations, and the complex relationship network of the drama has also been constructed.

Anti-spy suspense breaks the circle and explains the feelings of the new generation of national security

"This hidden front is not far from the lives of ordinary people, and it is likely to exist around you and me. Any ordinary person may become the object of being used by spies." Zhao Baogang, the director, mentioned this in his exposition of drama creation. Different from the suspended stunt of many spy-themed dramas, Secret Service puts the spy war story around the people.

In recent years, with the increasing demand for network use, the detectability of espionage has been greatly tested. Taking this phenomenon as the breakthrough point, The Secret Service incorporates the audio-visual elements with strong sensory stimulation, such as Role-playing game and Cyberpunk wind scenes, which are popular among young audiences in the spy war plot, so as to achieve the destruction of the national security drama.

In the game rules of "Secret Service", virtual currency can be converted into real currency, and the attractive reward has made many players accept offline tasks. With the development of science and technology, espionage has penetrated into every corner of society in a more hidden way, and the war against espionage has been quietly launched in a silent place. The play presents the inner world and emotional needs of the victims with strong empathy, and at the same time reminds the audience to be vigilant and prevent the delay.

The national security personnel, such as Gao Tianyang and Wu Xi, present a national security outlook that keeps pace with the times. They can switch identities and costumes at any time, and they don’t miss any tiny clues to fight against espionage. The play not only depicts their choices in love and law, but also pays tribute to the forbearance and persistence of national security workers on the secret front with warm brushwork.

Based on real social problems, rooted in the contemporary context of cyber espionage, and integrated with the younger perspective of virtual reality — — "Secret Service Mission" expands the differentiated expression of the secret service theme and deduces a different new generation of national security feelings. (Author: Zhao Rui, lecturer, School of Journalism and Communication, Central University for Nationalities)

Xiaomi TV won the February shipment champion. Foreign TV is not fragrant: it plummeted by 40%

Fast technology news on March 19, according to data released by RUNTO,In February, 2024, the shipments of brand complete sets in China TV market reached 1.77 million units, down 26.6% year-on-year and 57.8% quarter-on-quarter.

Because of the Spring Festival, after the shipment in January exceeded any month of last year, the shipment in February also reached the lowest in the past 13 months.

Xiaomi TV won the February shipment champion. Foreign TV is not fragrant: it plummeted by 40%
Monthly trend of brand shipment in China TV market for 13 consecutive months

Among them,Xiaomi (including Redmi) shipped nearly 400,000 units in February to win the championship., down about 30% year-on-year, and the market share reached 21.5%, down 1.7 percentage points from the previous month.

Hisense (including sub-brand Vidda) and TCL (including sub-brand Thunderbird) shipped between 350,000 and 390,000 units in February, ranking second and third respectively.

Skyworth (including its sub-brand cool open) shipped about 290,000 units, ranking fourth.

The combined shipments of Changhong, Konka and Haier in February were about 240,000 units, down 32.9% year-on-year, and the total volume was not as good as that of the single brand in the first camp.

Huawei’s shipments in February were still only tens of thousands, down about 20% year-on-year. At present, Huawei’s strategy mainly focuses on middle and high-end products. Although the scale has not started, the profit has improved.

The four major foreign brands Sony, Samsung, Sharp and Philips shipped less than 100,000 units in February, down about 40% year-on-year.

Although the overall shipments dropped sharply in February, the decline rate of foreign brands was significantly higher than that of domestic brands, which meant that more and more consumers in China were no longer attracted to expensive foreign TVs.
