The annual hit "Celebration of More Than Years" ended, and even Director Xie Fei praised it!

1905 movie network feature With the advent of 2020, the hit drama "Celebration of More Years" has also come to an end.


The plot of the finale reversed unexpectedly, and even the star Zhang Ruoyun was frequently asked by the media for spoilers on the plot of the second season at major events. At the same time, #Second Prince is the real murderer behind the scenes #also hit the hot search.


This online drama "Qingyu Nian" adapted from the novel of the same name, low-key go LIVE, with word-of-mouth counterattack, accompanied by the leakage of pirated resources, advanced on-demand and other storms, ratings and topic trendiness have been rising all the way, high-profile out of the circle, becoming the hottest drama at the end of 2019.


Although the series went live soon after the broadcast platform’s advanced pay-on-demand event, it attracted many netizens and media to name and criticize, but the content is still highly praised. To this day, Douban has commented on it with a score of 7.9.


Even director Xie Fei, who was chasing an online drama for the first time, couldn’t help but comment and praise the drama, "The opening is good, the plot is revealed layer by layer, and the characters are all interesting. I chased more than 20 episodes in a few days."


According to the relevant data of Cat’s Eye, from the third day after the launch of the series until January 3, 2020, the popularity of the whole network has been ranked first, and after the "full set resource leakage" storm, the daily broadcast volume still reached 229 million (January 1, 2020 data).


Without a doubt, "Qingyu Nian" is one of the most surprising online dramas at the end of 2019. So where did its surprises come from?

The content is too strong!

The news that Chen Daoming and Wu Gang are supporting the young actor Zhang Ruoyun has attracted a lot of audiences since the launch of the show. Even Chen Daoming himself said in an interview that the script is good.


With expectations for this cast, many viewers thought it would be a serious Machiavellian drama, but they never expected it to be a fast-paced comedy.


In the eyes of many fans of the original book, the audience with such expectations is really too young. The series is adapted from the slick novel of the same name and is a typical online "Shuangwen" routine. The original book itself has a large following for its ingenious conception and rich characters.

In fact, a number of novels have been adapted into film and television dramas – "General Night" starring Chen Feiyu and "The Book of Heaven" starring Lu Han, but the final response of the series in the market is mediocre.


These two works are also adapted from the tricky novel

When many original fans did not have much expectation for the film and television, they did not expect that it would become a hit.


The most inseparable person from the success of this film and television adaptation is Wang Tie, the screenwriter of this drama, a "strange man" whose past works are rarely lower than 8 points of Douban. Many people said in the comments that they wanted to blow him up with their real names.


In the theatrical version of the story,Wang Tie has retained the essence of the original book, redefining the theme of the story as "the collision of modern thought and ancient institutions".

The protagonist Fan Xian has become a teenager with modern memory and thinking. During the growth process of upgrading and fighting monsters, his modern ideas such as equality, justice, and humanistic feelings continue to collide with the feudal ideas of imperial supremacy. This collision is tragic.


In order to make the story more interesting, during the adaptation process, he re-structured many functional "dragon sets" in the original work, enhanced the drama of the story, and successfully portrayed the character image of the protagonist other than Fan Xian. Even before the show went LIVE, many supporting characters appeared before the lead actors, and even when Teng Zijing was killed, many netizens begged the screenwriters to resurrect him in the second season.


In addition, in the role changes, Wang Tie also retains his own unique style: within the protagonist, there must be a rebound, and all characters have several faces. With this style alone, Xiao Dianjun can’t wait to watch the second season.


Of course, in addition to the screenwriter’s efforts in the creation, it is also inseparable from the actor’s own charm.


On the third day of the series Go LIVE, Guo Qilin played Fan Sizhe successfully out of the circle. The clip of him and Fan Xian’s first meeting was immediately spread out on the short video, making many people forget that he was talking about cross talk Guo Qilin, but the character itself.


In addition, Tian Yu, who plays Wang Qinian, is also deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. This character starts with a greedy and cunning image at the beginning, and slowly emerges as the plot deepens. However, with the changes in the plot, you still can’t guess what kind of personality he will have in the future.

Tian Yu pinched this character very well, and made this character extra three-dimensional through different eyes and smiles.


In addition, let alone Chen Daoming, who played Emperor Qing, and Wu Gang, who played Chen Pingping. The contest between the two old actors has completely pulled this drama to another level.

Of course, the cat said in an interview, "The character of Emperor Qing was written according to Chen Daoming."


The clever adaptation of the plot and the excellent interpretation of the characters by the actors are the keys to the show’s good reputation.


Fancy marketing is great!

Just like the broadcast of "Twelve Hours in Changan", "Qingyu Nian" also had almost no publicity before going LIVE, and low-key official publicity was launched. However, as the popularity of the series continued to rise, word-of-mouth tests were successful, and marketing around the relevant characters and plots of the series began one after another.


Guo Qilin’s debut was the first small climax of the series. The paper tiger image that was arrogant but afraid of his sister and father immediately caused a heated discussion, and the follow-up topics continued, "Why did the bullet comment say that Guo Qilin is Guo Degang’s son" "Guo Qilin contracted the joke of" Qingyu Nian "" Guo Qilin was moved and cried "… For a time, he also became a frequent search.


The follow-up of Fan Xian and Lin Waner’s "rice bowl CP" became the key topic of the first half of the show. After the famous scene of the two meeting for the first time, the terrier of "chicken leg girl" was "played" offline. The most interesting thing was that Zhang Ruoyun was given a handful of "chicken thigh flowers" by fans at the airport, competing to be his "chicken thigh story". #ZhangRuoyun Airport is sent chicken thigh #also hit the hot search, which led to a wave of topics.


For this pair of CP, both the official and the netizens did not let go, and they created a second creation from different angles to achieve the second dissemination of the plot. Even the star Zhang Ruoyun took the initiative to post, "The human heart is made of flesh, and the fairies wear white clothes. The old saying is that I will not deceive you." With a photo of Li Qin looking at each other with a chicken leg in hand.

Then Li Qin left a message, "The old saying is right." The picture is a real-life wedding photo of Zhang Ruoyun and his wife Tang Yixin, who is wearing a white wedding dress. "Official sugar is the most deadly," and it is doubled in sweetness.


Is this just the end of this kind of publicity? "Qingguo Men’s Group" to find out. The linkage between Fan Xian, Fan Sizhe, Wuzhu, Teng Zijing and Wang Qinian has attracted a lot of heat that breaks the dimension.


source network

The netizens were even more ingenious. Although they were chasing the series feverishly, they were complaining about the series’ service, and even "animalized" the characters in the end. This kind of comparison creation made the creator himself laugh.


source network

The fantasies of netizens are not terrifying. The most terrifying thing is that even the main creator has fantasies and runs the train with his mouth full.


When Zhang Ruoyun and Li Chun were guests at Li Jiaqi’s live stream to promote "Celebrating More Than a Year", in the face of "drama chaser" Li Jiaqi’s questioning about the plot, Zhang Ruoyun began to "talk nonsense", "In fact, Emperor Qing and Ye Qingmei are the same person, and Emperor Qing gave birth to Fan Xian in a hermaphrodite body." The other party was stunned, and even many netizens who had not yet followed the drama took action.


It seems that although this drama has zero publicity in the early stage, it is completely unable to resist the fancy marketing in the later stage. One step at a time, people can’t hold back their curiosity and chase it!


The New Enlightenment of the IP Adaptation Drama of the Big Male Lead

In fact, the explosion of "Qingyu Nian" did not happen overnight. The IP was announced at the Shanghai TV Festival as early as June 2009, but there has been no major move since then.


This IP went through a number of film and television companies such as Yu Zheng Studio and Tangren Film and Television. It was not until June 2017 that Tencent Film officially announced the launch of this project. The reason why it has undergone so many changes for 10 years is that the script is really difficult to change.


Nowadays, Wang Tie’s adaptation and the performance of the actors have made this drama recognized by the market, and many people believe that the spring of "big male protagonist IP adaptation drama" has come.

Admittedly, prior to this, episodes such as "General Night" and "Twelve Hours in Chang’an" had gained audience recognition through excellent production. However, what we cannot ignore is that the series "Sword Dynasty", which was broadcast at the same time as "Qingyu Nian", was complained by many viewers. It can be seen that such series still face greater challenges.


Li Xian also failed to save Sword Dynasty.

In fact, in the past, IP adaptations such as "Qingyun Zhi", "Choice of Heaven" and "Fighting the Sky" were more suitable for game themes to restore famous scenes in novels. And episodes like "Celebration of More Than Years" and "Twelve Hours in Chang’an", although not traditional historical dramas, have the majestic atmosphere and depth of historical dramas.


In addition, at the moment of the audience’s aesthetic upgrade and speculative capacity enhancement, these episodes also have a deeper resonance with the audience at the level of value sense.


In the past, most of the big female lead dramas such as "Empresses in the palace" and "The Legend of Mi Yue" were on the market, while the big male lead dramas were once shackled. However, from "Twelve Hours in Changan" in mid-2019 to "Celebration of More Than a Year" at the end of the year, such dramas began to rectify their names and gradually rose to a new level. In the future, there will be a wave of "big male lead IP adaptations" such as "Douluo Continent" and "Changan in the World".


Perhaps by then, we can see even greater market potential.

The movie My Last Year with Mom: Incomplete fireworks in the sky

Special feature of 1905 film network According to statistics, every three seconds, there will be another patient with Alzheimer’s disease in the world. For a long time, filmmakers have been thinking about how to tell the story of Alzheimer’s disease from different perspectives. On the eve of Mother’s Day, a Japanese film released on May 12th showed this theme again, telling how a son who lacks maternal love can understand his mother’s story by witnessing half of the fireworks. After the film was released, there was a polarization of word of mouth. Some viewers thought it was mysterious, slow-paced, far-fetched to go to the meeting, and the editing was sparse. Another part of the audience thinks that sincerity is delicate and has great stamina.

Lu Jianing, an associate professor at China Communication University, said: "These two views are reasonable. In a few words, it is very personal and tells a case-by-case emotion; The second word to describe the film is dislocation. The child was abandoned by his mother for a year, and his mother went to a new relationship willfully. The child is always fighting for love with a remembered mother lover. Under this mode, he often makes a cold attitude towards his sick mother. The film makes the trauma particularly serious. Although Alzheimer’s disease runs through, it has become an opportunity to heal the trauma, which is very different from our understanding of the disease. Its privateness makes the film very delicate, and dislocation will make people feel that it is difficult to identify with many times. "

The film will cause such controversy, which is also related to the cultural differences between China and Japan. "My Last Year with Mom" is full of the aesthetic of mourning for things with Japanese characteristics. When touching external things, I feel deeply touched by the scene and naturally reveal deep and quiet feelings. The hero has always been very resistant to his mother’s pursuit of half a firework, thinking that this is because she is missing her past lover. At the beginning, it was for this lover that her mother abandoned herself for a year. But it wasn’t until he witnessed it that he found out that what his mother had been thinking about was the half fireworks she saw through the opposite tall building in her hometown. When Alzheimer’s Harmo’s disease erodes the mother’s brain, but it doesn’t take away her love for herself, the most precious memory in her heart is still the happy time when she accompanied her son to grow up.

It is also witnessing the half fireworks with my own eyes, and the memories of living with my mother are pouring in. At that moment, the fleeting beauty in the sky seems eternal. The film uses extremely delicate techniques to let the audience and the hero experience the beauty of this moment. The fireworks are bright and dark in mid-air, and the inanimate objects resonate with people’s strong emotions, which lights up the constant love between mother and son, and also makes the audience understand this affection that blood is thicker than water. As the theme of the film, the creative team did not highlight the suffering of Alzheimer’s disease, but turned it into a key to lead the mother and son to untie the knot.

Nowadays, more and more film creators in various countries pay attention to Alzheimer’s disease, which leads to the birth of countless excellent films. However, different educational and cultural differences in different countries make this theme have completely different interpretations, reflecting different lives of people in different countries. Japanese people tend to film Alzheimer’s disease as a cure film, which weakens the pain caused by the disease to patients and their families, and pays attention to how patients can change their relationship with others through Alzheimer’s disease. For example, in his works, relevant plots have been set, and the characters who were not liked originally changed their personalities after suffering from Alzheimer’s disease, thus repairing the relationship with family and friends. It can be said that such a description will definitely make people feel cured, but it has become an understatement for this disease, lacking profundity and thinking.

Different values present different perspectives, and in European and American films, such as, etc., they are strongly individualistic. In the eyes of western filmmakers, people are lonely individuals. After suffering from Alzheimer’s disease, patients not only lose their memory, but also look at the world in a chaotic way. Even with the meticulous care of their families, it is difficult to enter the inner world of patients. In the context of many western films, move on is emphasized. No matter what happens, people should go on strongly. However, patients with Alzheimer’s disease have lost this strong heart to go on. They are lonely and no longer sure who they are, so their films often make patients full of tragedy. The Father even cried directly to find his mother who died many years ago, which makes people moved.

Influenced by Confucian culture, ethical concepts and realistic aesthetics, China’s creators pay more attention to the blood ties between family idioms when creating related themes, which leads to a more grand view of history and society. Dislocation in the end, let the mother who should have been taken care of heal her daughter with Alzheimer’s disease, no matter how her age changes, maternal love can still make her strong; In the middle school, my son was afraid that his mother with Alzheimer’s disease would get lost, so he connected himself with his mother with a rope, just like an umbilical cord, and took her back to the Mongolian steppe to find her roots. These excellent works reflect the greatest values of China’s family, and also reflect a wider and deeper space on this theme, and express the thoughts of China filmmakers with movies.

Sickness itself is a tragedy, but many people and families presented in the film actually gained another affection in this tragedy and made up for some regret. There is a line saying that life is different from movies, and life is much harder. I hope movies, light and shadow can give you more strength to face this challenge in life together.

How cold is it this winter? The authoritative statement is coming!

  "How cold is it this winter?"

  For this problem that everyone is very concerned about

  On the afternoon of November 4

  China Meteorological Bureau responded.

  On the afternoon of November 4th, China Meteorological Bureau held a press conference, and Jia Xiaolong, deputy director of the National Climate Center, introduced that according to the opinions of the consultation, the cold air in China is relatively frequent this winter, and the force is relatively strong, and there may be a large-scale low-temperature rain and snow weather process in the north.

  Midwinter season

  Low temperature rain and snow weather in the north or in a large range now

  Jia Xiaolong said that the cold air affecting China this winter is still relatively frequent, and the forces are generally strong. The cold air path is mainly northwest.

  Under this situation, the temperature in most parts of China is normal to low this winter, and the precipitation is generally more in the north and less in the south. The temperature changes obviously in stages. In the early winter, the temperature in most areas is normal to high, and the influence of cold air on China will become stronger in the midwinter season (around January next year). The temperature in most parts of central and eastern China may be lower than normal, and there may be a large-scale low-temperature rain and snow weather process in the north, and a large-scale and sustained low-temperature rain, snow and freezing disaster in the south is less likely.

  This winter, cold air activities are frequent and the temperature fluctuates greatly, so it is necessary to guard against the adverse effects on the epidemic prevention and control work in COVID-19.

  This winter will form a

  Weak to moderate intensity La Nina events

  At present, the SST in the equatorial Middle East Pacific has entered the La Ni? a state, and it is expected that a weak to moderate intensity La Ni? a event will form in winter, and its later evolution trend and climate impact are still uncertain.

  At the same time, in view of the complexity of the factors affecting China’s climate, and the recent increase in climate volatility, the National Climate Center will closely monitor weather and climate changes, strengthen analysis and research, and provide timely rolling revised climate forecasts.

  What is La Nina?

  La Nina event refers to the cold water phenomenon in which the sea surface temperature in the equatorial central and eastern Pacific Ocean is abnormally cold in a large range, and its intensity and duration reach certain conditions.

  When the sea temperature is unusually warm, the El Nino phenomenon will be formed. When the sea surface temperature changes, it will have a great impact on the atmospheric circulation and the climate will also change.

  "Will Nanchang cool down in the near future?"

  The weather in Nanchang is crisp in autumn these days.

  The daytime temperature swept away the previous downturn.

  Under the heating effect of sunlight

  The temperature has soared.

  The highest temperature the day after tomorrow will reach 25℃

  It’s all sunny, sunny, sunny.

  Sunny sunny sunny sunny sunny sunny sunny sunny sunny sunny sunny sunny sunny sunny sunny sunny sunny sunny sunny.

  Sunny sunny sunny sunny sunny sunny sunny sunny sunny sunny!

  The sun is solid and the temperature is not low.

  Let alone how comfortable the afternoon sunshine is.

  It is expected that tomorrow and the day after tomorrow

  The province’s "Xiaoqing Song" continues to sing.

  Suitable for outdoor activities

  It is also suitable for washing and drying.


  There’s always one in the weather forecast

  Nanchang weather is harder to guess than a woman’s mind.

  Will not miss a chance to torture you.


  The temperature in Nanchang is going to "change face" again.

  Are you ready?

  Xiaobian is going to start reporting the weather

  Cold air quietly came to the south. The lowest temperature in Chang is 11℃

  On the 8 th, the north was affected by weak cold air on the ground.

  The southern part is affected by the peripheral cloud system of tropical cyclones.

  Cloudy and cloudy days in the whole province

  There is sporadic light rain in parts of southern Jiangxi.

  The process is cooled by 3 ~ 5℃

  The northerly wind is increasing

  The gusts in rivers and lakes and plain valleys are 6.

  The highest temperature in Nanchang on the 7 th is 25 C.

  The lowest temperature on the 8th was only 15℃.

  By the 11th, the lowest temperature will drop to 11℃.

  It is important to pay special attention to

  The temperature difference between day and night is relatively large!


  The temperature difference is basically around 10℃!

  Everyone should pay attention to timely increase or decrease clothing.

  Especially the elderly, children and people with weak constitution.

  Learn about the onion dressing method ~

  Let’s take a look

  The province’s specific weather forecast!

  Specific forecast

  It will be cloudy and sunny in the whole province tomorrow and the day after tomorrow.

  On the 8 th, it was cloudy and cloudy in the province, and there was sporadic light rain in southern Jiangxi; During the process, the temperature dropped by 3 ~ 5℃, the northerly wind increased, and the gusts in rivers and lakes and plain valleys were 6.

  From September 9 to 15, the province was dominated by sunny and cloudy weather.

  Seven-day forecast of other major cities and scenic spots in Jiangxi Province

  Swipe up to view

  The weather is getting cold

  So every day you

  They have become "difficult households" who get up.


  You sleep at night

  When you cover the quilt, it becomes like this.


  Of course, this is nothing.

  What is even more cruel is that


  The money is gone

  The annual double 11 has begun to pay the final payment.

  By the way, what have you hoarded?

  Is the following scene a true portrayal of you

  I’ll join the shopping cart and not buy it.

  I really can’t hold back behind.

  Finally, Xiaobian reminds everyone again.

  Get up early and move bricks, remember to add clothes in time.

  Keep warm

  Migrant workers who paid the final payment

  Come on, Ollie. Here!

  Disclaimer: This article is reproduced for the purpose of transmitting more information. If the source is marked incorrectly or infringes on your legitimate rights and interests, please contact this website with the ownership certificate, and we will correct and delete it in time. Thank you.

Source: Nanchang News