The Four Faces of Wang Jianlin

    109 Wanda plazas, 71 Wanda hotels, 99 Wanda general merchandise, 150 Wanda cinemas, as well as Qingdao International Film Festival, Han show… When more and more "Wanda manufacturing" appears in people’s lives, the wealth of the ruler of this huge business empire also increases geometrically. On March 2, 2015, the US "Forbes" magazine released the 2015 global rich list. Wanda Group Chairperson Wang Jianlin ranked 29th in the world with 24.20 billion US dollars (about 151.50 billion yuan, 1 US dollar is about 6.26 yuan) assets, and surpassed Jack Ma with 1.50 billion US dollars to become the richest man in the Chinese mainland.

    Previously, there was a video of Wang Jianlin singing at the Wanda annual meeting. Wang Jianlin, who was holding a microphone, listened to the prelude, tapped the rhythm with his fingers, and was slightly embarrassed by the screams and cheers of the audience. Wang Jianlin, who sang well and sang intoxicated, refreshed people’s impression of him.

    Many people are curious, how many different faces does Wang Jianlin have? Global People magazine reporters went to Beijing, Dalian, Wuhan and other places to explore the commercial version and life path of the "richest man king".

    The face of the richest man

    I don’t care about the so-called ranking

    Wang Jianlin is not the first time he has won the throne of the richest man. In September 2013, he surpassed Zong Qinghou, chairperson of Wahaha Group, with a net worth of 135 billion yuan to become the richest man in mainland China for the first time, and became the tenth new richest man since the establishment of the Hurun Rich List. The speed at which he made money was described as "buying a Mercedes-Benz car every 10 minutes, a house of 4 million yuan per hour, and nearly 100 million yuan per day." At that time, only 25 years after he stepped into the business sea in 1988, he himself was only 59 years old.

    The restless gene of childhood

    Wang Jianlin was born in Sichuan in 1954 to Wang Quanyi, a veteran Red Army soldier who had participated in the Long March. At the age of 4, Wang Jianlin followed his parents to Daijin County (now Jinchuan County), an ethnic minority area in northwestern Sichuan Province. After visiting several of Wang Jianlin’s childhood friends, some media concluded that Wang Jianlin’s father’s prestige brought young Wang Jianlin the support of his peers. Many children hoped to meet his father through Wang Jianlin, and he also liked to organize dolls to play together. "He was a bandit leader, the head of a group of children," Wang Jianlin’s childhood playmate Chen Zhijie recalled in the face of media questioning. The sentence was later interpreted as Wang Jianlin "does not like to follow the rules".

    At the age of 16, Wang Jianlin chose to join the army after graduating from junior high school and became a border soldier. In 1978, he was recommended to study at the Dalian Army Academy.

    On March 6, 2015, a reporter from Global People magazine arrived near the Longwang Temple in Jinzhou District, far from the center of Dalian, and found that the Dalian Army Academy had been abolished 10 years ago. Instead, it was a training base in the Shenyang Military Region. A female officer in charge of publicity at the base told reporters: "Because of the time is too long, Wang Jianlin’s traces of school are nowhere to be found. Even his comrades who had more contact with him at that time have all left the academy." However, in the history museum of Dalian Army Academy on the base, the reporter of Global People magazine found a propaganda board called "Four Modernizations Construction", which posted photos of outstanding alumni of the college. Wang Jianlin’s is in the most prominent position in the upper left corner.

    After several tosses, the reporter found Zhang Changjun, a teacher who used to be in charge of reconnaissance and counter-reconnaissance courses at the Army Academy. He said: "At that time, grassroots officers had to learn a lot, including the military services of sea, land and air, as well as the knowledge of artillery, engineers, chemical defense, armored soldiers and other branches of the military." It was in class that Zhang Changjun had his first impression of Wang Jianlin: very serious, always takes a small book to take notes, and is very active. If there is anything you don’t understand in class, you will stand up and ask questions at any time.

    In the military academy, Wang Jianlin continued his childhood rebellion. During an exam, he knew the standard answer, but he did the opposite, giving the exact opposite statement. "He gave his own reasons for answering, even more sufficient than the analysis on the standard answer, but only got a pass." One of Wang Jianlin’s comrades at the Army Academy recalled to the Global People magazine reporter that after the incident, the grading teacher specially approached Wang Jianlin and said that it was a pity to rate him like this.

    After a year at the army academy, Wang Jianlin stood out from 120 people and became one of three outstanding graduates who stayed in the school to work. In 1986, Wang Jianlin was transferred to the deputy director of the management department of the army academy. The previous year, Deng Xiaoping proposed major disarmament, and outside the army, reform and opening up were gradually deepening. Wang Jianlin decided to take off his military uniform and go to the society. "At that time, the treatment of army cadres was better than that of the local area. If Wang Jianlin stayed in the army, his development would be very promising. Therefore, many people did not understand his choice." Zhang Changjun speculated that Wang Jianlin’s change of career was due to his family: "He was already married at that time, and his lover worked in Dalian. The army academy was far from the urban area. Some cadres from Dalian may be willing to move to a local area to spend more time with their families. "

    Starting from the renovation of the old city

    After leaving the army, Wang Jianlin joined the Xigang District People’s Government of Dalian City as the office director, and two years later took over the Xigang District Housing Development Company, a subordinate of the District Government. This is the predecessor of Wanda.

    Wang Jianlin’s impulse to break through the rules played a crucial role in the establishment and expansion of Wanda Group. In 1989, the old city renovation project of Beijing Street in Xigang District of Dalian was launched. Three state-owned enterprises calculated for more than two months. The result was that if they wanted to make money, they had to sell it for 1,200 yuan per square meter. At that time, the house price in the best area of Dalian was only 1,100 yuan per square meter. It was obvious that no one was willing to take over the business of losing money. But Wang Jianlin wondered, why can’t it be sold for 1,500 yuan? 

    Wang Jianlin and his team debated and decided to adopt four innovations – changing the windowless dark hall to a windowless bright hall, changing the wooden window to an aluminium alloy window, installing security doors, and entering the bathroom. Wang Jianlin once recalled that these innovations, which now seem very "pediatric", required courage at the time. "The government stipulated that only the housing of cadres above the bureau level could be equipped with toilets. For this reason, I was also reviewed by the Dalian Municipal Commission of Discipline Inspection and asked me to provide a list of buyers. Fortunately, in the 1980s and 1990s, the trend of reform was the general trend, and this matter came to an end."

    During an interview in Dalian, a resident of the community told reporters that about half of the houses at the time were relocated houses, and the other half were sold as commercial houses. "The former is not as good as the latter, and the balcony is smaller." Another resident said: "This community is much better than the original shantytown. Wang Jianlin has done a good job in this matter and has a good reputation."

    The first deal, Wang Jianlin earned a reputation, and nearly ten million yuan in revenue, making Wanda the first company in the country to engage in the renovation of the old city.

    In 1992, Deng Xiaoping issued a southern speech, saying that "development is the last word". A few months later, the 14th National Congress of the Communist Party of China established "the establishment of a socialist market economic system" as the goal of economic reform. In the same year, Wanda completed the shareholding system transformation and established a group company.

    That year, Wanda Group’s annual sales had reached 2 billion, accounting for a quarter of Dalian’s real estate market share. "2 billion was already great at the time, but it was in this file for two or three consecutive years, and I couldn’t get on. I told my colleagues that I had to go outside." Wang Jianlin’s "outside" is thousands of miles away. In the era when northerners dare not easily set foot in Guangdong, Wanda went to Guangdong to set up a company and borrow indicators to do projects. In his opinion, although the development did not make much money, "the success of this project has greatly encouraged our courage to go out". After the renovation of the old city, Wanda found a second innovative development model: cross-regional.

    Model comes first, culture follows

    Wang Jianlin said that Wanda has come all the way to today, and the process of innovation can be summed up as nothing more than four steps. After taking the previous two steps, the third step is to create a model.

    In 2000, Wanda ranked among the top 100 real estate enterprises in the country, with total assets of nearly 10 billion yuan. That year, one of Wanda’s entrepreneurial veterans was seriously ill and had to rely on an expensive injection to maintain his life, each of which cost more than 2,000 yuan. At that time, employees of private enterprises could not enjoy social security. Wang Jianlin spent 1 million yuan on medical expenses, which extended the life of the veteran for more than a year. What should I do in the future?

    "At that time, it was not as great as it is now, and I wanted to be a global leader or something. At that time, I simply thought, I want to provide some protection for my brothers… I proposed at that time that Wanda Group should pursue long-term and stable cash flow." Ten years later, Wang Jianlin stated his feelings in a public speech.

    So everyone gathered together for a meeting and argued for three days and three nights. In the history of Wanda’s development, this conference was called the "Zunyi Conference". At the meeting, Wang Jianlin promoted "building large-scale commercial properties, recruiting the world’s top 500 and first-class domestic companies as tenants". Some old employees were puzzled: "We are doing a good job in housing, making a lot of money, and the brand is doing well. What kind of commercial real estate are we doing at this time?" More people were skeptical. "Who will design commercial real estate at once? If you don’t know how to build or attract investment, that means that all our past production processes have to be rebuilt." But Wang Jianlin said: "We can build rental properties, at least half of the time. As for commercial property investment or design, let’s learn it slowly."

    It’s easier said than done, but in reality, Wang Jianlin encountered a lot of trouble. "Wanda’s first commercial real estate project was located in Changchun. Wang Jianlin’s idea was very simple: make a parking lot underground, make a boutique on the first floor, and sell it to the owner in many small shops, introduce Walmart on the second floor, and make a Red Star Macalline on the third floor." Lu Dan (a pseudonym), who used to work in Wanda’s management, recalled the situation in detail in an interview with a reporter from Global People magazine: "Because he did not consider helping the owner to attract investment, when it officially opened in 2003, half of the hundreds of shops were empty, and the business of the merchants who rented the shops was not good. The owners and merchants had disputes with Wanda, and even went to court."

    Faced with the difficulties encountered in this transformation, many Wanda executives were shaken, but Lu Dan remembered that Wang Jianlin was very insistent: "The people in the past did not do well because they did not sum up experience and did not find the rules. I believe that the path of commercial real estate is correct, Wanda is to be a pioneer." He summed up the lesson and decided to set up a special department to attract investment for the owners.

    After that, Wanda found its way to commercial real estate and officially embarked on the fast lane of expansion. In 2004, Wanda established a planning institute and began to operate commercial real estate orders, using its own commercial design to negotiate with merchants. In 2005, Wang Jianlin packaged commercial centers, five-star hotels, office buildings, etc., and developed a new concept of "urban complex"… Afterwards, someone asked Wang Jianlin why Wanda could get a good location at a preferential price, but others couldn’t? Wang Jianlin replied: "We have a core competitive advantage, so we have bargaining power."

    But Wang Jianlin’s "ambitions" clearly go beyond being China’s biggest "landlord". "Today, Wanda’s commercial real estate basically doesn’t have Wang Jianlin to worry about," says Lu Dan. "The team brings a new site selection plan, and he just needs to sign it after reading it. He starts to focus on the new business."

    A senior media source told Global People magazine: "I have also met a lot of Chinese businesspeople, and Wang Jianlin’s thinking is very clear. He knows what he wants to do, when and at what stage." In an interview with Global People magazine reporters, several other Wanda veteran employees also mentioned that Wang Jianlin "has a particularly strong ability to learn from himself." This can be seen from his continuous cross-industry development in recent years and his continuous exploration of unfamiliar territory –

    In 2006, it set foot in the movie theater chain and achieved profitability that year. In less than 10 years, it owned more than 100 cinemas and thousands of screens.

    In 2010, he established a performing arts company in cooperation with the American Frank Company to create a top-notch Chinese cultural show. Four years later, the Han Xiu Theater premiered in the world in Wuhan Central Cultural District;

    In 2013, the 50 billion established the "Oriental Movie Metropolis" in Qingdao, and signed an agreement with the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, the host of the Academy Awards, and the world’s four major artist management companies. From 2016, the international film festival will be held in Qingdao every year. It is planned to use 3 to 5 years to "make it a world-class international film festival, and change the situation that China does not have a world brand of film culture"…

    The succession of large-scale investments in the cultural field, while building the Wanda brand, has also left some company management wondering: "Can this make money?" Wang Jianlin’s perspective on the problem is very different: "All industries have ceilings, but the cultural industry does not. As long as you do it well, its profit space is unlimited, and it has huge brand benefits and penetrating power."

    Online and offline throne battle

    Wang Jianlin didn’t stay long after he first topped the rich list in 2013. Less than a year later, Alibaba went public in the United States, and its chairperson, Jack Ma, overtook him with 150 billion yuan to become the richest man on the Hurun Rich List.

    The concept of the Internet has become the darling of the business world, but Wang Jianlin firmly believes that the "traditional store management" represented by Wanda cannot be replaced. He has also started to dabble in e-commerce platforms, although he is not very good at using them himself. In August 2014, Wanda established an e-commerce company with Tencent and Baidu, which was jokingly called "Teng Million" by the industry. In order to have its own payment platform, Wanda is also in acquisition talks with Kuaiqian. Wang Jianlin’s idea is very clear: in 2014, Wanda Plaza had more than 40 million members, the goal is to 100 million in 2015, and there are more than 100,000 merchants. The resources are so scattered that Wanda cannot control them, but they can be connected through the payment link.

    The large-scale acquisition is another attempt by Wang Jianlin to use capital to expand Wanda’s territory.

    Internationally, in 2012, Wanda acquired the world’s second largest cinema group AMC with $3.10 billion, becoming the world’s largest cinema operator in one fell swoop; in China, in 2014, it acquired 12 travel agencies, with a total scale of 7.50 billion, his plan is to rely on mergers and acquisitions to become the largest in the country within three years… It is said that Wang Jianlin’s investment logic is very direct: "What can I buy to become the world’s first?"

    In December 2014, Wanda completed its initial public offering in Hong Kong. On the 23rd, on Christmas Eve, Wanda Commercial Properties "rang the bell" on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. According to Hurun’s previous calculations, if Wanda Commercial’s share price rose by 30%, Wang Jianlin’s wealth would once again surpass that of Jack Ma and become the richest man in the mainland. People thought this was just around the corner, but the market reaction was not so. On the day of listing, Wanda Commercial opened at the issue price of 48 Hong Kong dollars (1 Hong Kong dollar is about 0.8 yuan), closing at 46.75 Hong Kong dollars, down 2.6%. Wang Jianlin brushed past the throne of the richest man.

    What really helped Wang Jianlin regain the throne was the listing of Wanda Cinema on the small and medium-sized board of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange on January 22, 2015, becoming the first stock in the Chinese cinema chain. After the opening, it was sealed at the daily limit with a gain of 43.98%. As the largest shareholder, Wang Jianlin’s wealth has increased sharply. At the same time, Alibaba’s fourth quarter earnings report was disappointing, and the stock price fell sharply. Between the ups and downs, Wang Jianlin and Ma Yun’s wealth rankings were adjusted.

    In 2013, Wang Jianlin said while recording a financial program that he did not care about so-called rankings. "Mr. Xiaoping has a famous saying that the key is to do your own thing well… I think it is to have stable assets, long-term cash flow and a better business model. Ranking for the sake of ranking is finished. Besides, if you achieve 300 billion and he does not exclude you, it is because he has dropped the price." After he became the richest man in the mainland for the second time, he looked back and read such a confession, and the taste was deeper.

    The face of the manager

    Only he can control the whole situation

    As his wealth grew, Wang Jianlin became more and more visible in the media. Whenever he appeared in public, he was always followed by a group of "black suits": all men, neatly dressed, unsmiling, and always maintaining just the right distance from Wang Jianlin.

    Almost every article about Wang Jianlin talks about how his words and deeds have given Wanda a clear "Wang brand". An employee at Wanda’s corporate culture center told People magazine: "You won’t hear different voices from our mouths, Wanda can only have one voice, and that is the voice of the boss."

    This point, the reporter deeply realized in the interview, Wanda employees, regardless of their rank, deal with the media with a cautious mentality, watertight wording, and a style of respecting the will of superiors, which is very similar to the official system. Moreover, there are few female faces above the middle level of Wanda.

    Military-style corporate culture

    Wang Jianlin, who once summed up Wanda’s corporate culture in six words: army, school, enterprise – Wanda was first an army, then a company. He freely admits that Wanda’s current style has something to do with his military experience.

    Nearly 30 years after leaving the army, Wang Jianlin still retains the routine of a soldier: he only gives himself one week off each year, and it is not continuous; on weekdays, as long as he does not travel for business, he always arrives at the office half an hour earlier than the company’s working hours. A Wanda insider also confirmed this in an interview with reporters: "He is very punctual, he shows up on time for meetings and events, and he does not like others to be late."

    Every Saturday morning, the relevant departments of the group will meet to discuss the construction map of the project, and Wang Jianlin will definitely attend in person. He will sit at the table wearing gold-rimmed glasses and measure the drawings carefully with a ruler, while the executives of the relevant departments stand around. When he is not satisfied, he picks up the teacup, frowns, and even draws again. On October 25, 2014, when he was about to leave the meeting as usual, an executive came up and handed a bunch of flowers. It turned out that the previous day was Wang Jianlin’s 60th birthday, and he seemed to have forgotten.

    Wang Jianlin’s other requirement for himself is that he must wear a badge every day to work, although everyone in Wanda does not know him. "This is the system," he says. "I have a saying in the company that what I ask others to do, I will do it first. This is a tradition handed down from the army."

    When talking to a reporter from Global People magazine about the group’s semi-military management, a Wanda employee refined three keywords: formal wear, clock in, and system.

    "Every day, most Wanda employees come to the work unit a little earlier than the stipulated working hours, because they can still wear their own clothes at this time, and if they appear in the company after 8:30, they must be strictly formal." Once, a middle-level group "relaxed their vigilance" and did not tie his tie tightly, but ran into Wang Jianlin in the elevator. Before he could speak, the middle-level had already explained incoherently: "My neck is too fat to tie my tie…" Wang Jianlin’s image in the company is not angry and powerful, which is evident from this.

    Unlike other companies, Wanda not only clocks in morning and evening, but also clocks in at noon. According to company regulations, once the number of tardiness exceeds 5 times, it will be fired.

    After more than 20 years of accumulation, the compilation of Wanda’s various systems once reached several books and nearly 2 million words. Several times streamlined, and now to 800,000 words.

    In addition to these keywords summarized by employees, Wang Jianlin also has an innovative management model, namely "modular management". He once explained this management system and his original intention: under the support of professional software, a project is broken down into more than 300 steps, and three levels of attention nodes. The president and vice president pay attention to more than 80 nodes at the first level, and the next-level person in charge pays attention to more than 100 nodes at the second level, all the way to local branches and grassroots levels, so that people at all levels can perform their duties. "Construction, investment promotion, software, design, what everyone wants to do in which month, which week, and which day will be very meticulously compiled."

    Rewards and punishments are also clear. If an employee’s work is not completed for a week, the system will "turn on a yellow light" to show a warning, and if the work is not completed for the second consecutive week, the "red light" will be turned on. Once the red light is turned on, there will be different punishments according to different nodes at different levels of the first, second and third levels. In 2012, the red light of the Kunming project was turned on, and the relevant general manager was fired.

    A series of strict systems and high-tech systems allow Wang Jianlin’s personal will to be passed on to every employee, which ensures Wanda’s strong execution. But not everyone can adapt to this rhythm. In 2012, Gong Yitao, a former Google and Alibaba executive, was recruited by Wang Jianlin for 2 million yuan a year as the first CEO of Wanda E-commerce. But it didn’t take long for him to choose to leave. According to him, the root cause is the discomfort with Wanda’s military-style culture: at Wanda, everything needs the approval of the leader to do. "When I first joined Wanda, after several meetings, someone kindly reminded me: ‘The leader doesn’t ask, you don’t speak.’"

    Family care

    "In terms of execution, Wang Jianlin’s management is militarized. If the task is not completed, it must be taken according to the group’s system, and there is no room for negotiation. But when it comes to the treatment of employees, Wang Jianlin also advocates family-style care." Lu Dan, a former Wanda executive, told a reporter from Global People magazine.

    Wan Yan (a pseudonym) joined the team on the opening day of Wuhan Hanxiu. When it comes to the treatment of Wanda employees, her first reaction is: "Wanda’s canteens are very good, delicious, and don’t worry, you don’t need to think about how to solve the problem of working meals." This point was confirmed by interviews in Beijing and Dalian by two other reporters of Global People magazine.

    Due to Wang Jianlin’s military background, people often use the phrase "half instructor standard" when talking about their satisfaction with the cafeteria. According to a Wanda insider, the vegetables in the Wanda cafeteria come from the group’s organic farm in Yanqing. Every day at around 3 am, the farm staff get up to pick, start delivery at about 5 am, and deliver them to Wanda Group headquarters before 7 am. "The cafeteria is holding a food festival these days, and there are many delicious things."

    In the staff canteen, there was a single room with a large round table, where Wang Jianlin and group executives ate. He was a workaholic, and when he arrived at the company early every day, he would always sit alone at the large round table to solve breakfast: porridge, steamed buns, pickles, usually 10 minutes.

    The air quality in the office area is also a concern for Wang Jianlin. In 2012, in the face of increasingly frequent smog, he spent nearly 4 million yuan to retrofit the air-conditioning system of the office building, so that more than 90% of PM2.5 pollutants were removed. When PM2.5 is off the charts, Wanda employees can still breathe fresh air. This is one thing they are proud of.

    Taking into account the low salary of grass-roots employees, Wang Jianlin set the post salary, which is paid according to the standard of 100 yuan monthly salary for Wanda’s years of service. Today, some of Wanda’s old employees have worked for nearly 20 years, and the monthly salary alone is about 2,000 yuan. For ordinary employees, this is not a small amount of income. In addition, if an elder in the family dies, the group will also give a separate pension.

    Wang Jianlin loves reading, often writes speeches by himself, and never uses secretaries to ghostwrite. Since 2003, he has recommended a book to his employees in his work report at the beginning of each year. From "Emotional Intelligence" to "The Analects of Confucius", he hopes that employees can become self-aware through reading, learn to get along with others, and control their emotions. These books are read by executives and grassroots employees. After reading, they have to write their experiences and hold book clubs. Employees who win awards at the book club will receive U disks, books and other rewards. For Wanda’s cultural atmosphere, Wang Jianlin has his own understanding: "The highest level of pursuit in life is spiritual pursuit, and the highest level of enterprise management is management culture." 

    "Stay close to the government, stay away from politics"

    From Mr. Shen to Hu Xueyan, China’s business community has a tradition of "red-top businesspeople", business leaders who are always inextricably linked to the government. Any businessperson has to deal with the policy environment, and Wang Jianlin is a smart man in this regard. On September 8 2012, Wang Jianlin admitted on the Harvard stage that dealing with political and business relations in China is sometimes more difficult than doing a PhD at Harvard University, and his secret is to "get close to the government and stay away from politics".

    Anyone familiar with Wang Jianlin knows that he spends time every day reading party and government newspapers and researching policy directions. "He has a very good grasp of many macro policies," commented a central media reporter who has interviewed Wang Jianlin. This grasp also includes the importance of party building work.

    Wanda Group’s former headquarters was located at No. 9 Jiefang Street in the downtown area of Dalian. Today, the building looks a little old against the surrounding buildings. With the relocation of Wanda’s headquarters to Beijing, most of the floors of the 28-story building are now leased, except for the Dalian project office area of Wanda Real Estate on the top floor, and the 13-story party building base, each with an area of about 1,300 square meters. At the party building base, reporters from Global People magazine saw large photos of Wang Jianlin and one of his insights in the most striking position: "Without the Communist Party, there would be no reform and opening up in China, without reform and opening up, there would be no private enterprises, and there would be no Wanda today." The narrow and long corridor is filled with photos, including those of Wang Jianlin and many national leaders. In addition, the party and mass work department, party member activity room, collective honor room, etc. are also readily available. The whole floor with a market price of nearly 40 million yuan two years ago is used to display the achievements of party building work. Wang Jianlin’s emphasis on party building work is self-evident.

    Due to Wanda’s good party building, many party and government staff from government agencies often travel thousands of miles to visit. On the "Wanda Party Building Online" website, the latest reception record is a visit to the Second Bureau and Three Offices organized by the Organization Department of the Central Committee in July last year.

    In addition, Wanda has invested 700 million yuan to establish a 200-acre Wanda Academy in Langfang, Hebei Province, near Beijing, which can accommodate 3,000 students at the same time. The training content includes aspects such as interpretation of government policies. "There is no second such handwriting in the country." A former Dalian headquarters employee said that the base directly reflects the intention of Wang Jianlin and Wanda Group to improve relations with the government. "Understanding policies, closely following the pace of the party, and improving political and business relations are the foundation of Wanda’s development."

    But "staying close to the government and away from politics" is much more than just "following closely". In the words of a veteran of the central media, Wang Jianlin also has "a subtle sense of timing". A good example is Wang Jianlin’s "1 billion solve a thousand worries".

    In November 2010, Wang Jianlin personally donated 1 billion yuan to the China Charity Federation for the reconstruction project of Nanjing Dabaoen Temple. Dabaoen Temple is one of the most famous Buddhist temples in Nanjing, and it is also a historical and cultural relic that Nanjing people are proud of. It was destroyed during the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom. Since 2001, Nanjing has launched an investment promotion project to rebuild Dabaoen Temple, but it has not been realized due to various reasons. In June 2010, the "golden coffin and silver coffin" of the Ashoka Pagoda found in the ruins of Dabaoen Temple was opened, and the only remaining Buddha’s parietal relic reappeared in the world, which caused a sensation. The complex of rebuilding Dabaoen Temple up and down in Nanjing has reached its peak.

    At this time, Wang Jianlin donated money 1 billion to solve the problem of rebuilding the Dahuanen Temple that had plagued Nanjing for nearly a decade. This move won Wanda quite a strong favor in the hearts of the government and citizens. "At that time, Nanjing officials said that Wang Jianlin was ‘1 billion solve a thousand worries’," the person said.

    Previously, Nanjing had two Wanda plazas, located in Xinjiekou, the commercial center of Nanjing, and Jianye District, a key development area in Hexi. After donating money, Wang Jianlin said that he would build a Wanda urban complex in each of Jiangning District and Liuhe District to realize Wanda’s massive expansion in Nanjing. When Jiangning Wanda Plaza opened in late 2013, local state media praised it as "a great upgrade of regional commerce and a rapid prosperity of the city economy."

    "The relationship between politics and business is a complex labyrinth, in which some entrepreneurs get lost and some make mistakes. It is difficult for outsiders to judge Wang Jianlin’s political and business philosophy. It can only be said that in terms of effect, Wanda has benefited from it until now," the media source said.

    Faces of literary youth

    I’m good at writing poetry and singing

    "Gunners can’t write my thoughts and feelings"

    In the eyes of many people, Wang Jianlin was unsmiling, and few people thought that he was also a literary youth.

    In 1979, after staying on as a staff officer at the Dalian Army Academy, Wang Jianlin quickly showed his "literary style", writing not only articles but also poems. One of his old comrades-in-arms told the Global People magazine reporter that Wang Jianlin liked to read books in his spare time, including biographies, philosophical works, and political economy works. He also read "Das Kapital" early. The college runs a blackboard newspaper, and once a week, Wang Jianlin often writes poems in the blackboard newspaper, including hazy poems and ancient-style metrical poems. In addition, he often publishes articles in the "Forward News" run by the military region, and even articles are sent to "Dalian Daily" and "Liberation Army Daily". " About 80% of the articles published in the newspaper by the student team were written by Wang Jianlin, and his second student team is the coverage advanced student team. It is no exaggeration to say that he earned this title. "

    Because of his good writing skills, Wang Jianlin was transferred to the college’s propaganda office as an officer, responsible for the organization and coordination of the college’s special class on party and government. He contacted Liaoning Normal University in Dalian and invited teachers to come to lecture regularly. In the process, Wang Jianlin emerged from the relatively closed army, dealt with local and social people, and began to transform into a market-oriented talent.

    In addition, Wang Jianlin likes collecting, and his grandparents and fathers have been infiltrated in poetry and books. In 1992, he dared to bet all his wealth and spent more than 8 million yuan to buy a painting by Fu Baoshi. He also joked that a big reason for "going to the sea" is to have money to collect.

    So far, Wang Jianlin’s only "autobiography" is a collection of speeches. He has publicly stated: "Gunmen can’t write my thoughts and feelings." He wants to write it himself. "To be honest, my own writing is also very good, and there are not many people who can read articles that I like, so I have never advocated that others write for me." At present, his plan is to retire from the front line in 2020 and spend half a year to a year to write an autobiography, "to give young people some inspiration".

    In addition to writing, Wang Jianlin is also very fond of singing. In 2013, his singing skills surprised Whitford, a reporter for Fortune magazine who interviewed him.

    One evening, Mr. Whitford arrived at the clubhouse run by Mr. Wang’s wife, Lin Ning, where Mr. Wang was already waiting for them. "The facilities in the karaoke room are extremely modern, with brilliant lighting, a huge dance floor and large leather sofas. But the atmosphere is still stuck in the 1980s karaoke era that Wang Jianlin is most familiar with." That night, Wang Jianlin’s performance surprised Whitford. "I didn’t expect this [nearly] 60-year-old real estate tycoon to be a first-class tenor, and he sang a very exhausting finale: Tibetan and Mongolian folk songs."

    Several Wanda employees told People magazine that every year at Wanda’s annual meeting, Wang Jianlin sings a few songs. However, the internal video did not spread before, and it only attracted onlookers after it was streamed online this year. "Wang Jianlin’s singing style is not fixed. He can sing passionately and loudly, and he can also sing tenderly."

    Real fans build "dream teams"

    In 1994, Wanda joined the Dalian team, and Wang Jianlin became a name often mentioned in Chinese football circles.

    "Wang Jianlin got into football because he was interested in it. He was similar to Abramovich, the current owner of the Chelsea team in England, and he loved football from the bottom of his heart. At that time, Wanda Group was not as good as it is now, and investing in Chinese football was not profitable. After a year, Wang Jianlin did not expect such a high investment, and he was somewhat unable to do it, but he still insisted on doing it."

    In the eyes of Yu Dong (a pseudonym), a local sports reporter, Wang Jianlin is a "real fan". "He has a good eye for players, *** is an example." As a reporter with the team, Yu Dong often meets Wang Jianlin, who is with the team, "and I often see him during training." This statement was also confirmed by the above-mentioned veteran staff: "Wang Jianlin has hardly missed a game for the Wanda team. Even if it is away, he will arrive the night before the game."

    Wang Jianlin has brought real changes to Dalian football. There is a joke in the street that Wang Jianlin entered the lounge with a box of money when the score was behind in the first half, telling the players that they can share the money when they win back in the second half. In response, an old Dalian player told reporters with a smile: "I really haven’t seen the money divided on the spot, but he did give a lot of material rewards. In 1994, when we played Yanbian away in our first game, Wang Jianlin went to the airport to see off and offered a winning bonus of 160,000 yuan. This was a large amount at the time. In 1996, Wang Jianlin proposed that if one more goal is scored in a game, the team’s bonus will be increased by 100,000 yuan."

    "Wang Jianlin is a man of temperament, and this personality trait has carried over into football," the veteran player said. Wang Jianlin often mobilizes the team before a game, and his words are very provocative and motivate the players to fight. "Wang Jianlin will also be unhappy when he loses the ball, but he is very careful not to let his emotions affect the players, and rarely shows displeasure in front of the players. When the Dalian team was unfairly punished, he did not hide his anger."

    The love is deep, but the management is strict. At Dalian Wanda, Wang Jianlin continued the style of strict management and individual care. He often goes to the player base to watch the game training, but never eats at the base, and the team management is strictly prohibited from eating at the base. "In his opinion, the team management is absolutely not allowed to interfere with the team at all. Later, after Xu Ming took over the team, football became his show of capital. There are often things coming and going in the base, but Xu Ming is not often seen coming to the team to see," the veteran told Global People magazine. On the player side, Wang Jianlin also implemented militarized management. "Players have strict time to go out and return to the team, and alcohol is strictly prohibited. In 1996, there were four players who violated the rules of the team, including the so-called’big-name players’. Wang Jianlin originally planned to expel these four players. In the end, he persuaded them to stay on the team, but each was fined 60,000 yuan. At that time, the fine was very high. As long as the players improved, he would take good care of the players, not only solving the house, but also caring about injuries, so everyone worked hard during the game. "

    In 1999, due to the unfair treatment of the team by the referee, and also because of the too many shady scenes in the Chinese football circle, Wang Jianlin suddenly announced that Wanda would quit the football circle. "This is his angry words. The Dalian team was indeed treated unfairly at that time, but the real reason why Wang Jianlin quit the Dalian team was that the then mayor Bo Xilai wanted Xu Ming to take over," said the old team employee. According to media reports, when Wang Jianlin quit the Dalian football team, he "walked out of a leadership office in Dalian with tears in his eyes." For a long time after his exit, Wang Jianlin kept silent about the Dalian football team.

    After 16 years away from football, on January 21, 2015, Wang Jianlin announced that Wanda Group invested 45 million euros (1 euro is about 6.8 yuan) to buy 20% of the Spanish football league team Atletico Madrid.

    "Football is a money-burning game, and there is no money in football in the world," says Wang Jianlin. "I won’t go back to the Chinese Super League, but I will try a new path for the development of Chinese football." He devotes more energy to the training of Chinese teenagers and even younger caddies, sending them overseas for training and waiting patiently for them to grow up.

    Father’s face

    I don’t want to be a "national father-in-law"

    "The bear child of the richest family"

    Wang Sicong, the son of Wang Jianlin, entered the public eye in April 2011 after he bombarded Zhang Lan, South Beauty’s chairperson, on Weibo. That year, he had just returned from an overseas study trip and labeled himself "young, frivolous and outspoken" on Weibo, so he made many enemies and was called "the bear child of the richest family."

    There are quite a few new things about this "bear child": after Wang Jianlin became the richest man in China for the first time in 2013, he forwarded the news on Weibo and commented on the word "oh", which triggered heated discussions among netizens; on June 27, 2014, he sent Weibo saying that he bought a computer desk on for a long time and did not receive it, which triggered netizens to "reply from God", and simple online shopping complaints became an online event of national entertainment; at the end of 2014, after Jiang Wen’s movie "One Step Away" was released, he blasted it as a "bad movie", which quickly evolved into a scolding war with the filmmaker…

    What is interesting is that the public did not show disgust and hatred for the general "rich second generation", but a "curious gaze and friendly ridicule". At present, Wang Sicong’s Weibo followers are 10.927 million, which is a real big V. Thousands of fans call him "husband" in the comments, so he is called "national husband".

    In Wang Sicong’s words, he is a "victim of his parents’ entrepreneurship". Wang Sicong was born in Dalian on January 3, 1988. At that time, his father Wang Jianlin was a deputy director of the Xigang District People’s Government Office, and his mother Lin Ning worked in the Xigang District Sports Commission. Lin Ning also came from a military family and came from a good family. He is now the chairperson of Lin’s Investment Company. His father was the leader of an insurance company in Dalian. After Wang Sicong was born, Wang Jianlin and his wife were busy with business and sent their son abroad early. He first attended primary school in Singapore, and then completed secondary school and university education in the UK.

    Wang Jianlin once described his son as "afraid of him". "No matter how big the boss you are outside, he should ignore you or ignore you when he comes home." Wang Sicong responded: "My father is indeed very tolerant of me. Except for’getting old and getting a son ‘, it is inevitable that there will be some guilt in the middle."

    Now, Wang Jianlin’s family of three can have reunion dinners about three times a year. Every month, Wang Sicong can see his father once, and the rest of the time he is busy, with countless business trips and official duties. But Wang Sicong’s tone of his father in an interview was extremely respectful: "What kind of person is my father? Easy-going, humble, tolerant, hard-working, hard-working, hard-working. He has always been a particularly hard-working person, showing up at the office every morning at 7:30. He is simpler than me. He has lived in an apartment of less than 100 square meters in Beijing all these years, and he is not fussy or lustful at all. He has no other identity except as an entrepreneur… So I have been independent since I was a child. On the one hand, it is because I am abroad, and on the other hand, it is because of the comparison with my father."

    I don’t like my son being called "the national husband"

    The young frivolity of the son contrasted sharply with the calmness and low profile of the father. During interviews with Global People magazine reporters, almost all the interviewees said that Wang Jianlin rarely talked about family affairs. "Wang Sicong was sent abroad very early and his thoughts were relatively active. Wang Jianlin has a strong color of traditional culture. The years he grew up and his military career made him identify with Mao Zedong Thought and a culture that emphasizes discipline. These factors make the difference between father and son obvious," Lu Dan said.

    Recently, when asked about his views on Wang Sicong’s title of "national husband" in an interview with the media, Wang Jianlin bluntly said that he "does not like this statement". Of course, no reporter has asked him if he knows that he is also called "the father-in-law of the people". Previously, after the "beautiful Jiangnan war", Wang Jianlin also criticized his son "my friend, don’t scold", and later added "If you really want to scold, don’t name your name". On CCTV’s "Where Did You Come From" program, Wang Jianlin commented on Wang Sicong, the only son: "He can’t look at the eyes and talk. He grew up overseas, and he can say whatever he thinks." "He has been back for three years, and the time is still short. Maybe when he comes back for five or eight years, he will be truly Chinese."

    When it comes to his son’s achievements, Wang Jianlin exudes a look of satisfaction and appreciation like an ordinary father. "Last year, his return on investment reached 60%. Pretty high. He is relatively smart. I allowed him to fail twice, and the third time he failed, and he went back to Wanda to work honestly." Wang Sicong manages the fund company Price Capital, which has realized a return of $5 million on its investment in LeDou Games alone. At present, Wang Sicong’s relationship with Wanda only includes: he is a director of Wanda Group and owns 1% of Wanda Cinemas, while Wang Jianlin holds about 67% of Wanda Cinemas.

    Wanda employees also know very little about Wang Sicong. "I haven’t seen this’young master ‘, and Wanda is also very curious about him internally." A senior executive at Wanda Group told the Global People magazine reporter that they are as curious about Wang Sicong as any outside fan. An insider familiar with Wanda’s business told reporters: "Wang Sicong is a cross-border talent who understands both the Internet and the operation of capital. It just so happens that these two points are needed by Wanda, which is committed to developing e-commerce in the next step."

    Wang Jianlin has never made a clear position on the issue of succession. Perhaps in his eyes, Wanda and Wang Sicong are like his two "sons". He treats them strictly and tolerantly; one devotes most of his time and energy, but the other fails to accompany him and misses most of his growth time. Therefore, the father does not ask the two "sons" to tie each other up. "I don’t have to pass the succession to him, and I have enough money for him. If he is excellent, of course he is the best candidate. If he can’t take on the role, he doesn’t mind handing Wanda over to a professional manager team."

    Everyone has many faces, and usually this face is more realistic than others. Just as his son Wang Sicong is a "rich second generation" that is not too annoying to the public, his father Wang Jianlin does not appear in people’s hatred of the rich. This may be related to his serious military temperament, or it may be related to the existence of Wanda Plaza within the living radius and purchasing power of the civic class. Economic development needs a face like Ma Yun, novel, avant-garde, fashionable, but also a face like Wang Jianlin, strict, dedicated and traditional.

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English Test Band 4 registration time in the first half of 2024.

Thirty-one regions in China have specified the registration time of CET-4 and CET-6 in the second half of 2023.

Heilongjiang province: from 14: 00 on September 18th to 17: 00 on September 26th.

Changjiang professional college, Sichuan: 8: 00 on September 15th-17:00 on September 26th, 2023.

Guizhou area: from 12: 00 on September 13th to 17: 00 on September 26th.

Inner Mongolia: 10: 00 on September 15th-17: 00 on September 25th.

Ningxia: From 14:00 on September 14th to 17:00 on September 26th.

Anhui: 10: 00 on September 19th-17:00 on September 26th.

Guangdong-south university of science and technology of china: 12: 00 on September 18th-17:00 on September 26th.

Jilin: 10: 00 on September 18th, 2023-17: 00 on September 26th.

Hebei area: it starts at 6:00 am on September 19th and ends at 16:00 pm on September 26th.

Jiangxi: From 14: 00 on September 15th to 17:00 on September 22nd.

Hainan: September 13th to September 22nd.

Guangxi: From 14:00 on September 14th to 12:00 on September 20th.

Shanghai: From 14:00 on September 14th to 14:00 on September 26th.

Henan —— Henan Agricultural University/Henan Polytechnic University: 8: 30 on September 15th to 17:00 on September 22nd.

Hubei: From 11:00 on September 15th to 17:00 on September 25th.

Shanxi: The start time is 8:00 on September 18th, and the deadline is subject to the regulations of each test center.

Liaoning: from 10: 00 on September 14th to 17: 00 on September 26th.

Zhejiang: 6: 00 on September 14th-17:00 on September 26th.

Jiangsu: 12: 00 on September 14th-17:00 on September 23rd, 2023.

Fujian-Xiamen University: 9: 00 on September 13th-17:00 on September 23rd.

Hunan-Hunan College of Medicine: from 15:00 on September 15th to 16:00 on September 22nd.

Shaanxi-Xijing College: from 14: 00 on September 16th to 17: 00 on September 26th.

Gansu: 10: 00 on September 15th-17:00 on September 26th.

Qinghai: From 12: 00 on September 18th to 17: 00 on September 21st.

Xinjiang-Xinjiang Communications Vocational and Technical College: 10: 00 on September 12th-23:00 on September 17th.

Beijing: From 10: 00 on September 13th to 17:00 on September 26th.

Tianjin: From 14: 00 on September 18th to 17:00 on September 26th.

Yunnan-Haiyuan College of Kunming Medical University: 13: 00 on September 18th-12:00 on September 26th.

Chongqing-Chongqing Jiaotong University: 15: 00 on September 15th-17:00 on September 26th.

Shandong: 9: 00 on September 19th-17:00 on September 26th.

Tibet: 10: 00 on September 19th-18:00 on September 26th.

Photo news | Immersed in the sea of spring flowers

▲ On February 20th, Baitang Garden, Tiaodunhe Park, Liangjiang New District, was full of beautiful plum blossoms.
It’s another year’s flower viewing season, and the beautiful plum flowers in Baitang Garden of Dunhe Park next to Kangzhuang Station of Rail Transit Line 6 are covered with branches. Citizens have invited friends and relatives to swim in this pink flower sea.
▲ On February 20th, Baitang Garden, Tiaodunhe Park, Liangjiang New District, citizens were enjoying themselves in the flower sea.
▲ On February 20th, in Baitang Garden, Tiaodunhe Park, Liangjiang New District, citizens punched in pink flowers and enjoyed the warm sunshine in spring.