Tax incentives for green development "charging life"

Used to save articles when they only have videos.

In this new energy vehicle 4S shop in Wuhou District, Chengdu, the reporter saw that consumers who came to see the car were in an endless stream. Cao Qingyu, the sales manager of 4S shop, told us that their sales revenue has increased significantly compared with the same period last year.

Cao Qingyu, Sales Manager of Chengdu Shangdian Automobile Trading Co., Ltd.: One is the recovery of the consumer market, and the other is the continuation of the purchase tax reduction and exemption policy, which has a promoting effect on our new energy (automobile) sales. From January to May this year, the sales of new energy vehicles in our store reached more than 1,000 units. Sales reached 180 million yuan, up about 30% year-on-year.

Li Dong, a staff member of the Taxation Bureau of Wuhou District, Chengdu, State Taxation Administration of The People’s Republic of China: Through our publicity of the policy and our visit and investigation to the 4S stores in the area under our jurisdiction, we can see that the continuation of the policy of exempting new energy vehicles from vehicle purchase tax has brought obvious incentives to stabilize social expectations and boost market confidence, and effectively stimulated the consumption power of new energy vehicles.

Demystifying Apple’s entry into low-orbit satellite communications, led by SpaceX, OneWeb, and China’s Starlink will also be launched

Recently, well-known Apple analyst Guo Mingjun pointed out in the latest report that the iPhone 13 series mobile phone will be equipped with hardware that can connect to low-orbit satellites. After enabling relevant software functions, it will allow iPhone 13 users to make calls and send messages without 4G or 5G networks. Although the news was soon refuted by Bloomberg, saying that Apple is indeed developing satellite functions for iPhone, but it is unlikely to be launched in 2021, it can be confirmed that iPhone will add satellite communication functions is certain.

In this issue of intelligent internal reference, we recommend the report of Tianfeng Securities to reveal the current situation and trends of Apple’s entry into the low-orbit satellite communication market.

Source, Tianfeng Securities

Original title:



Over the weekend, Ming Kuo, who has always been accurate in breaking the latest news from Apple, released a big news. He revealed that the iPhone 13, the latest generation of iPhone that Apple will release this fall, will have the function of satellite communication! iPhone 13 will be equipped with a specially improved X60 baseband chip developed by Qualcomm. And the chip supports the n53 band owned by satellite communication company Globalstar. That is, even without 4G, 5G mobile signals and Wi-Fi, the new iPhone can send messages and make calls.

Bloomberg later published an article that partially confirmed Kuo’s claim, and posted the script that the latest generation of iPhone satellite communication is not a routine function, but is limited to emergency use. For example, in the wilderness, or in the absence of Wi-Fi and mobile signal scenarios, users can use limited satellite communication functions to call the police for help.

In satellite mode, there is a word limit on the number of messages a user can send, and iMessage is grayed out. Nonetheless, there are unique features to this type of urgent message. For example, even if the recipient of the message (the emergency contact you set) turns on Do Not Disturb mode, it can still receive a message sent via satellite communication and will display a notification.

However, the Bloomberg article also pointed out that the new iPhone may only contain components that support satellite communication, but it does not necessarily mean that the supporting functions will also be launched with iPhone 13. The official launch of these functions may not be earlier than next year. But in any case, Apple’s entry into low-orbit satellites has become a foregone conclusion.

Qualcomm has been working closely with Global Satellite Communications. As early as February this year, Qualcomm announced that,

Demystifying Apple's entry into low-orbit satellite communications, led by SpaceX and OneWeb, China's Starlink will also be launched

Demystifying Apple's entry into low-orbit satellite communications, led by SpaceX and OneWeb, China's Starlink will also be launched

Demystifying Apple's entry into low-orbit satellite communications, led by SpaceX and OneWeb, China's Starlink will also be launched

Demystifying Apple's entry into low-orbit satellite communications, led by SpaceX and OneWeb, China's Starlink will also be launched

Demystifying Apple's entry into low-orbit satellite communications, led by SpaceX and OneWeb, China's Starlink will also be launched

Another driving factor is political uncertainty.

Demystifying Apple's entry into low-orbit satellite communications, led by SpaceX and OneWeb, China's Starlink will also be launched

Demystifying Apple's entry into low-orbit satellite communications, led by SpaceX and OneWeb, China's Starlink will also be launched

Demystifying Apple's entry into low-orbit satellite communications, led by SpaceX and OneWeb, China's Starlink will also be launched


Smart ThingsIt is believed that, looking back at history, satellite Internet is not a new concept. The pattern of competition and cooperation between satellite communication and terrestrial communication has existed for a long time and will continue. At present, there are many companies entering the satellite Internet, and the competition is fierce. The two largest companies, StarLink and OneWeb, have successfully risen to the stars many times, which also allows us to see the dawn of the completion of the global satellite Internet constellation. And the construction of satellite Internet in our country has also reached a stage within our capabilities and cannot be delayed. In the future, our country will also have 1-2 space X and OneWeb-level space companies.

A number of ministers have repeatedly voiced their voices, looking for a job and buying a car!

  Beijing, August 11th (Reporter Li Jinlei) When something unusual happens, you should pay attention to the unusual signal behind it.

  These days, Ning Ji Zhe, deputy director of the National Development and Reform Commission, Liu Kun, Minister of Finance, Zhang Jinan, Minister of Human Resources and Social Security, Zhong Shan, Minister of Commerce, and Yi Gang, Governor of the Central Bank, have appeared in news broadcast one after another, and a series of heavy voices have revealed the future policy direction, which concerns many people’s jobs and wallets.

  Stabilizing employment: promoting the employment of key groups

  Employment is the biggest livelihood. Only when the rice bowl is stable can we increase our income and promote consumption. Therefore, the state puts employment in the first place of "six guarantees" and "six guarantees". However, affected by the epidemic, employment started in a downturn this year, but it is gradually stabilizing.

  Zhang Jinan announced a set of figures: the number of new jobs in cities and towns rose from 390 thousand in February to one million per month in the near future; According to the survey, the overall unemployment rate is about 6%, and it has dropped month by month since the second quarter. In May, the recruitment demand increased by 2% year-on-year, which turned from negative to positive for the first time since February, and continued to pick up in June.

  However, Zhang Jinan reminded that this year, affected by the epidemic, the market demand of college graduates declined, recruitment was postponed, job hunting was limited, and the level of youth unemployment rose. With college graduates entering the market in July and August, the employment of key groups will face new pressure.

  How to ensure the employment of key groups?

  Zhang Jinan said that in the second half of the year, registered unemployed people will be provided with basic public employment services free of charge, and policies such as rent reduction, tax incentives, and business guarantee loans will be actively implemented to help them find jobs and start businesses through multiple channels. For college graduates, we will continue to encourage expanding the scale of enterprise absorption, expanding the scale of grassroots employment, expanding the scale of further studies, and expanding the scale of training and internship. For migrant workers, employment services, vocational training and rights protection will be strengthened, and employment outside the home and in the local area will be promoted. In particular, the employment of poor laborers with established files will be done well.

  Yi Gang pointed out that in the second half of the year, the monetary policy should be more flexible, moderate and precise, and the policies that have been introduced to stabilize enterprises and ensure employment should be effectively implemented.

  Data Map: The scale of participating vehicles at Changchun Auto Show in 2020 reached a new high. Photo by Zhang Yao

  Promote consumption: relax the purchase restriction of new energy vehicles

  Expanding domestic demand and promoting consumption are essential for stabilizing economic growth.

  On July 30th, Politburo meeting of the Chinese Communist Party called for "firmly grasping the strategic base point of expanding domestic demand", continuously expanding domestic demand, overcoming the impact of the epidemic, expanding final consumption, and creating conditions for upgrading residents’ consumption.

  Regarding how to expand consumption, Ning Ji Zhe pointed out that to expand domestic demand, we should give full play to the basic role of consumption in economic growth. In the second half of the year, China will accelerate the high-quality development of new consumption such as smart retail and online education, promote the transformation and upgrading of automobile and household appliances consumption, encourage cities with restricted purchases to appropriately increase the purchase limit of automobiles, relax the purchase restriction of new energy vehicles, and give appropriate subsidies for the purchase of new energy vehicles.

  Ning Ji Zhe said that the development of consumption gathering areas in counties is the focus of expanding domestic demand this time, and it is also a place with great potential for consumption development. For example, the renovation of pedestrian streets in county towns should be supported by loans, and some corporate bonds can be issued to support this renovation, so that the consumption of China is not only in big cities, but also in medium cities and counties.

  "Work hard to promote consumption." Zhongshan said that to promote urban consumption, it is necessary to promote the transformation and upgrading of pedestrian streets and develop chain (convenience) stores. It is also necessary to expand rural consumption, promote e-commerce into rural areas, and promote industrial products to the countryside and agricultural products to the city.

  Xu Hongcai, deputy director of the Economic Policy Research Association of China Policy Science Research Association, told the reporter of that it is necessary to create a market environment conducive to promoting consumption, promote fair competition, crack down on counterfeiting, improve product quality, let consumers eat and use with confidence, and vigorously cultivate emerging consumption represented by online consumption, so that consumers can "consume, dare to consume and are willing to consume".

  Data Map: Visitors watch the 5G indoor router at close range. China News Service reporter Jiang Qiming photo

  Steady investment: promoting the construction of "two new and one heavy"

  To expand domestic demand, we must actively expand effective investment.

  Ning Ji Zhe pointed out that in terms of investment, we should focus on promoting the construction of new infrastructure, new urbanization, transportation and water conservancy and other major projects, increase efforts to make up for shortcomings in public health, emergency materials reserve, transportation and energy, implement urban renewal, and speed up the transformation of old urban communities.

  Private investment accounts for nearly 60% of the total social investment and is an important force to stabilize investment. Ning Ji Zhe said that in the second half of the year, China will further improve the environment for private investment, increase policy support, and support private capital to participate in the construction of short-board areas such as epidemic response, public health, warehousing and logistics, and emergency reserve. At the same time, it will guide banks to launch credit products suited to the characteristics of private enterprises and increase the scale and proportion of credit loans and medium-and long-term loans.

  Yi Gang has made it clear that the comprehensive use of various monetary policy tools will guide the growth rate of broad money supply and social financing scale to be significantly higher than that of last year, and at the same time pay attention to grasping the rhythm and optimizing the structure, so as to promote the reasonable growth of inclusive small and micro enterprise loans and medium-and long-term manufacturing loans.

  Liu Kun pointed out that in order to cope with the impact of the epidemic, the fiscal policy was "additive", and 1 trillion yuan of special anti-epidemic national debt was issued, focusing on supporting local infrastructure construction and epidemic prevention and control.

  The picture shows people watching the launch of the Long March 5 rocket at the seaside. Luo Yunfei

  Steady expectations: China’s economy is expected to achieve positive growth throughout the year.

  China’s economy rebounded deeply in the first half of the year, and its economy grew by 3.2% in the second quarter, which was obviously better than expected and achieved the first recovery in the world. Looking forward to the whole year, what is the macroeconomic trend of China?

  Ning Ji Zhe pointed out that the situation of China’s economic recovery is well-founded, conditional and sustainable, while the fundamentals of China’s economic stability and long-term improvement have not changed and are emerging.

  From the production point of view, the added value of industrial enterprises above designated size has been increasing for three consecutive months since April; The service industry production index has achieved positive growth for two consecutive months. From the demand side, fixed asset investment achieved positive growth in the second quarter, and the decline in total retail sales of social consumer goods narrowed for four consecutive months. The gradual recovery of supply and demand cycle can be said to improve the sustainability of economic recovery.

  Yi Gang said that on the one hand, various industries have recovered rapidly; On the other hand, demand has gradually recovered, investment has rebounded significantly, consumption has continued to recover, and exports have obviously improved. While the economy is recovering, the price level has remained stable.

  "Overall, the characteristics of China’s great economic potential and sufficient resilience have not changed. China’s economic growth will continue to recover in the second half of the year, and it is expected to achieve positive growth throughout the year." Yi Gang judgment. (End)