Shocked by the news of his "death", Hong Jinbao angrily denounced "wicked" (Photo)


    Jackie Chan asked me, Are you dead or alive?

    According to Hong Tianming, his father, Hong Jinbao, was filming a movie in Songjiang Tourist Area, Yuncheng County, Shandong Province. At 7 p.m. on the 10th, the reporter contacted Hong Jinbao, who was resting in a hotel, through the office of Songjiang Martial Arts School in Yuncheng County.

    After the call was connected, a man’s hearty laughter was heard, and the reporter asked: "Are you really Hong Jinbao?" The other party replied: "I am indeed Hong Jinbao!" After confirming that Hong Jinbao was indeed not "dead", the reporter began the interview.

    Q: Did you know that there was a public report in the newspaper today that you passed away?

    Hong Jinbao (laughter): I want to thank the audience of friends all over the country for their concern for me! This fake news is too fake, and the impact on society is too great! The news is very scary. This afternoon, I received almost thousands of phone calls, from Hong Kong, Beijing, Taipei, and overseas. Almost all my friends from all over the world called me to ask if Hong Jinbao was dead? Jackie Chan also cared about me. In the afternoon, he called me and asked me humorously: "Hong Jinbao, are you dead or alive?"

    Q: How did you feel when you heard of your own death?

    Samuel Hung: I’m baffled! I’m surprised. The mental pressure is really too great! I’m clearly alive and well, and I’ve never had any heart disease. Why would a reporter write me as a dead person?

    Q: What would you do with fake news that hurts you like this?

    Hong Jinbao: After I finish filming the trick in half a month, I will take a look at the development and see if the reporter of that newspaper publicly apologizes or not. I do not rule out a lawsuit with them.

    Many celebrities have been called to death

    ● In January 2004, Alyssa Alyssa was tortured and "dead".

    ● In May 2004, someone broke the news to the media that "Li Xuejian passed away".

    In June 2005, Zheng Xinyi was reported dead, and Shen Dianxia angrily denounced the rumors.

    ● In June 2005, Zheng Xiuwen’s "death" was flying all over the sky, and she responded "I’m not dead yet".

    In 2006, Andy Lau was rumored to have been shot dead.

    ● In August 2007, she was reported to have passed away in Taiwan, and Qiong Yao personally wrote a blog post to clarify.

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Samuel Hung, plagued by rumors of his death, commissioned the crew to issue a statement (with photos)
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After the death of Samuel Hung – the crew issued a statement that Samuel Hung endured harassment
The news of Hong Jinbao’s death was made up by the media, and the reporter claimed to have been tortured
Hong Jinbao was shocked to hear of his "death": Thousands of people called to ask if I was dead
"Samuel Hung’s death" caused a commotion, and the reporter in question shouted "It’s been fixed"
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Fake news caused "death" to Hong Jinbao, and unsuspecting netizens built an online sacrifice hall [Photo]
Samuel Hung appeared to refute the rumor: "Everyone will see me at Christmas!"
Hong Jinbao’s death: Hong Kong media have questioned that many artists have been reported dead
A generation of kung fu superstar Hong Jinbao is rumored to have passed away, Emperor’s top management confirms (Photos)
A generation of kung fu superstar Hong Jinbao is rumored to have passed away, Emperor executives confirm

Editor in charge: Liu Liyan

Don’t let celebrities get ugly. Audio entertainment reports can’t be shameless (Figure)

Don’t let the ugliness of celebrities dye the audio.

  The State Administration of Radio, Film and Television issued a ban on broadcasting the day before yesterday, and it is strictly forbidden to speculate on celebrity scandals, scandals and misdeeds. This newspaper proposed that the media should first guard themselves-

  The day before yesterday, the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television issued another ban on broadcasting-it is strictly forbidden to speculate on celebrity scandals, scandals and misdeeds. It is reported that the ban may have originated from a special interview with Gillian that was originally scheduled to be broadcast by a satellite TV in mid-April. Therefore, this newspaper proposes that the media should strengthen the positive coverage of artists’ artistic career and not let the ugly traces of celebrities pollute our radio, television and newspapers.

  Entertainment reports should not be shameless.

  Mencius with all his heart puts forward that people should not be shameless. This sentence also applies to entertainment reports. Facts have proved tha t many media deliberately pursue scandals, scandals and even misdeeds of stars in pursuit of ratings, reading rates and selling points. The media should provide more healthy information and positive guidance to the public, and celebrity special programs should not go too far and beyond the thunder pool. The key is to grasp the scale.

  If you love the one you love, you will do your best. The media should study this in depth, be ashamed of reporting scandals and scandals, and not disrespect and hurt the reported objects. For a long time, entertainment reports have fallen into a strange circle, often focusing on reporting the artist’s life, while ignoring the report on the artist’s artistic career. This is purely putting the cart before the horse. Mass media must know where the moral botto m line of their audience lies. If you don’t respect the moral bottom line of the public, grasp a special detail to enlarge it, or make hype out of nothing, and play with the public’s emotions, the media itself will ultimately suffer.

  Internet companies should be self-disciplined

  At present, logging into the Google website on the Internet, instead of typing all the names, just typing one word at a time, will automatically display the words "Complete Photos of Cecilia Cheung Yanmen", with a total of 174,848 search records, which is amazing in speed and detail. Click on an "entertainment network" at will to enter, and the indecent photos are still impressive. There are a large number of websites like this that spread the photos of naked stars, pornographic photos and indecent photos with "entertainment" as the mainstay. After several treatments, they have achieved some results, but they have not been completely cured.

  Not long ago, there was an interview video about Cecilia Cheung on the Internet. Cecilia Cheung was crying about the psychological feelings of "Yan Zhao Men", and this video got a great hit rate. However, what health significance does it have to the public besides psychological harm to the parties if it is repeatedly speculated?

  Strengthen accountability

  It is clearly pointed out in the ban of the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television that it is strictly forbidden to talk about the secret history of celebrity scandals, artists’ private love affairs and gossip news in radio and television variety shows, entertainment, interviews and other programs. Once found, any radio or television station that broadcasts such programs again should be held accountable from the planning of the topic.

  The ban is clearly stated, and this newspaper also hopes that the relevant departments should follow orders, be strict, not be soft, and not take care of face. In addition, relevant administrative departments and broadcasting organizations at all levels should also investigate all kinds of programs and columns in their re spective jurisdictions to ensure that "celebrities with scandals and misdeeds" are not allowed to pollute the screen audio and mislead viewers and listeners. Our reporter thomas lee.

Editor: Wang Jiaolong