Huayi Brothers "Entertainment +" began to move, teaming up with China Star Group and 360 Games to create "Fengshen"

At the Shanghai Film Festival, Huayi Brothers had mentioned "Entertainment +" on many occasions, and on July 31, Huayi Brothers announced that it had teamed up with China Star Group and 360 Games to develop "Fengshen" and stepped up its "Entertainment +" layout.

On the evening of July 31, at the "2015 Xingyao 360 Game Panorama Awards Ceremony", Huayi Brothers President Wang Zhonglei and 360 Chairperson and CEO Zhou Hongyi jointly announced that they had reached an IP cooperation on the 2016 giant movie "Fengshen", and 360 Games would obtain the mobile game adaptation rights of "Fengshen" IP.

"Fengshen" is a 2016 magic blockbuster jointly produced by Huayi Brothers Media and China Star Film Co., Ltd., and the mobile game of the same name will also be released simultaneously with the release of the movie. According to the cooperation content, 360 Games will obtain the game adaptation rights of the movie "Fengshen", and will integrate more than 100 million yuan of resources for cross-border cooperation with the movie "Fengshen" and IP game adaptation. This is the largest cooperation case of Huayi Brothers in the film IP conversion attempt, and it is also the largest single-project cooperation in the field of film-game IP conversion in China. In this cooperation, Huayi Brothers and China Star Group, as content producers, will enjoy the revenue share after the game is launched in addition to the IP licensing fee.

According to the data, "God" is a 2016 magical blockbuster jointly produced by Huayi Brothers and China Star Film Co., Ltd., with a super luxurious cast, featuring many stars such as Jet Li, Fan Bingbing, Huang Xiaoming, Angelababy (Yang Ying), Xiang Zuo, Koo Tianle, and Leung Ka Hui.

This is not Huayi Brothers’ first attempt at movie game linkage. For Huayi Brothers, who first invested in the acquisition of game companies, Huayi has its own understanding of movie game linkage.

Wang Zhongjun, chairperson of Huayi Brothers, once said during Chinajoy in 2014 that the entertainment industry in the Internet era will still follow the law of "content is king", which is also the core advantage of Huayi Brothers. After years of practice, Huayi’s "entertainment +" strategy has become increasingly clear, that is, use entertainment resources to connect all possible formats, cover all possible ports to reach the audience, in order to maximize IP circulation and value.

Huayi Brothers has made many moves in the game field based on its optimism about the linkage model of film games. Investing in OURPRLM Technology (300315.SZ) and merging with Yinhan Technology to acquire game companies has given Huayi strong profitability and is no longer dependent on the director’s aura and single income attached to the box office.

Huayi Brothers said of Yinhan’s acquisition at the time, "Good stories are portable, and the company has a good foundation for’movie game interaction ‘: Hollywood has a close relationship with game producers, and the linkage of movie games is the law of the industry. We believe that with the rapid improvement of the production level and influence of domestic films, domestic movie game interaction will become a trend."

After the acquisition of Yinhan, Huayi Brothers has made many attempts to link movie games. When Yinhan Technology’s mobile game "God and Demon" launched the public beta, Huayi Brothers recommended its popular artist Angelababy (Yang Ying) as the image endorsement of the game "God and Demon", which won the popularity of many players. When Huayi’s "Dee Renjie’s God Capital Dragon King" and "Private Customization" were released, Yinhan Technology also built billboards in the popular games "Time Hunter" and "God and Demon" for promotion, and launched activities such as "Movie viewing and delivery of props" to enhance the interactivity of movies and mobile games, the advantages of the pan-entertainment marketing model have gradually become apparent.

The cooperation with 360 this time is the largest strategic cooperation between Huayi Brothers and a third party on a single project, and Huayi Brothers and China Star Group, another producer of the movie "Sealed God", will also participate in the revenue share after the game is launched.

It is reported that this cooperation with 360 Games "Fengshen" is the project cooperation with the largest volume of film IP transformation. Huayi chose 360 Games for in-depth cross-border cooperation, and also values the strong strength of the 360 platform to build more diverse and richer circulation channels for maximizing its IP value.

According to reports, as the first platform for mobile games in China, 360 Mobile Games has been deeply cultivating IP cooperation, not only continuing to introduce a number of S-level game IP products such as "The Legend of New Sword and Fairy", but also making efforts in variety shows, film and television, novels and other IP aspects. In the first half of this year, 360 Mobile Games launched three mobile game products around its unique "Running Man IP". In addition, "The Legend of Wu Meiniang", "Boys and Girls Rush Forward", "Detective Conan" and other IP-adapted mobile games have achieved good results, effectively driving the diversification of IP value.


Hong Jinbao: Playing Ip Man, no one is more suitable than Donnie Yen (Photo)

Hong Jinbao called it an iron triangle with Donnie Yen and director Ye Weixin.

  On November 27, Donnie Yen went to the Centennial Lecture Hall of Peking University to promote the kung fu New Year’s film "Ip Man". On the day of Donnie Yen’s birthday, 100 students from Peking University sang Happy Birthday to Donnie Yen, and the scene was very warm. Donnie Yen was moved by the enthusiasm of the students and was very happy. He even took a stance to teach Peking University students to play Wing Chun. Donnie Yen said: "’Ip Man’ is not just a kung fu film, it not only shows the charm of Wing Chun, but also promotes a spirit, which I believe is the spirit of the Chinese people." China News Agency, Wang Li, photo

  China News Service, December 9, three years ago, the most exciting paragraph in Ye Weixin’s "Kill the Wolf" was the duel between Donnie Yen and Hong Jinbao at the end of the film. Three years later, Ye Weixin’s "Ip Man" is about to be released. This time, only Donnie Yen is the star, while Hong Jinbao is the film’s action director. In an exclusive interview with reporters yesterday, Hong Jinbao said that the reason why he did not star in the film was mainly because he did not have a suitable role, and Donnie Yen is the veritable Ip Man. If you want to score, he gave the current Donnie Yen full marks. For this film, he more bluntly said that he is "an action director, not a stunt director." "Ip Man" is the best without stunt. "

  Me, Zidan and the director are an iron triangle

  Hong Jinbao has shot many kung fu films before, which also involved Wing Chun. Why did he participate in the film "Ip Man", which tells the story of the master of Wing Chun? "Master Ip Man is the master of Wing Chun and the first person to carry forward Wing Chun. How can I not come to talk about his film!" Hong Jinbao said with a smile, in addition to the attraction of Master Ip Man himself, it was Donnie Yen and director Ye Weixin who attracted him. " A lot of audiences like "Kill the Wolf", and I personally think it’s the best movie I’ve starred in in these years. After "Kill the Wolf", some people called us the Iron Triangle, and I’m very happy, so this time in the filming of "Ip Man", the three of us can work together again, and of course we have to participate. "But in this film, there is no role played by Hong Jinbao, but as a behind-the-scenes action director. In this regard, Hong Jinbao explained that he is a professional filmmaker, and everything should be based on the film." There is no role in the script of "Ip Man" that suits me, and action directing is also my specialty, so I am willing to go behind the scenes, and I have the same sense of achievement behind the scenes. "

  No one is more suitable than Donnie Yen

  After the news of Donnie Yen’s role in Ip Man came out, some people once doubted it. The previous version of Ip Man by Wong Kar Wai had already settled on the best actor Tony Leung, whose acting skills were well known, which increased the pressure on Donnie Yen. However, Hong Jinbao made it clear to reporters in the interview that "there is no more suitable candidate for this Ip Man in the movie than Donnie Yen." He gave Donnie Yen 100 points without hesitation. "To know that this movie is a generation of grandmasters of Wing Chun, first of all, the actors must know kung fu, and the age and body shape must be in line. To know that there are only a few kung fu stars in the Chinese film industry, everyone will find that Donnie Yen is the most suitable. Wei Zai’s acting is of course very good, but in terms of kung fu, Zidan must be strong. I don’t know about Wong Kar Wai’s version of the story, but I know about Ye Weixin’s story, so Donnie Yen is the most suitable. "Of course, Hong Jinbao also gave full marks for his work. He said that this is a movie that gives up stunts and completely returns to real kung fu." Please listen carefully, I am an action director, martial arts director, not a stunt director. There are too many kung fu movies now that only have stunts and no kung fu. Compared with computers and fists, I still know more about fists and feet. "Ip Man" is a movie that relies on fists to create spirit, and I don’t think it has been in vain. "

  Real kung fu will actually look good

  Now that it comes to the use of stunts, the reporter said that once upon a time, a major feature of Hong Kong films was stunts. "There is no mistake, some martial arts films are good with stunts, but some films will be good without stunts. The stunts in’Ip Man ‘are just a little seasoning, and the better thing is the real kung fu of one punch and one kick." Hong Jinbao said that the role of stunts in the film is like barbecuing food. Now that ovens and microwave ovens have been invented, everyone chooses to barbecue in this way, but you must know that it is better to barbecue meat directly with charcoal fire, "because the meat has the taste of fire and charcoal, and it has the most delicious and original taste." Hong Jinbao admitted that he does not hate stunts, which depends on the specific film. " But the audience has eaten meat from the oven for so many years, why not give them some fresh charcoal roast meat, they will feel that this is natural and wonderful. And Master Ip Man’s kung fu doesn’t need stunts, and Wing Chun is easy to learn. With such a people-friendly boxing technique, I have no reason not to use real kung fu. "

Editor in charge: Wang Yuxi

Always keep in mind the sense of mission, problem and times.

  CCTV News:At 9: 00 a.m. on December 24, 2017, the General Assembly of Beijing Film and Television Entertainment Law Society and the 2017 Annual Meeting were successfully held in Beijing Convention Center. More than 300 members from the legal profession and the film and television entertainment industry gathered together with the leaders of the Beijing Law Society and the special guests of the Society to participate in and witness this grand event.

  The conference kicked off with the national anthem. The members of the restructuring preparatory group explained the restructuring and renaming of the Film and Television Entertainment Law Research Society of Beijing Law Society, and explained the draft Articles of Association, the draft membership fee standards and management measures, and the draft election measures for the first general meeting. 163 members of the first Council were elected, of which 53 were elected as executive directors of the first Council. Yi Jiming, a professor at Peking University Law School and director of the International Intellectual Property Center, was elected as the president, Liu Chengyuan, a professor at the Institute of Comparative Law of China University of Political Science and Law, Liu Yi, director of the Center for Rule of Law of Beijing Institute of Technology, Shen Weixing, dean of Tsinghua University Law School, Zhang Zheng, vice president of Beijing Lawyers Association, Wang Jingbo, dean of the Institute of Rule of Law of China University of Political Science and Law, and Wu Yu Hui, director of Beijing Liren Law Firm, were elected as vice presidents. Seven people, including Zhang Jusheng, general manager of the legal department of Minmetals Development Co., Ltd., were elected as supervisors, and Zhang Jusheng was the chairman of the board of supervisors.

  The release of the work plan in 2018 promotes the rule of law in the film and television entertainment industry.

  President Zhou Chengkui pointed out that the current legislation in the field of film and television entertainment is lagging behind, which does not meet the requirements of the 19th National Congress to promote the development of cultural undertakings and improve the market system. Therefore, the Beijing Film and Television Entertainment Law Society shoulders a new mission and believes that it will make an important contribution to the rule of law in the film and television entertainment industry in China. Secretary Hou Guangming extended heartfelt congratulations to the success of the restructuring of the Academy, pointing out that the restructuring conference marked a new step for the Academy, expecting the Academy to contribute to the standardized development of China’s film industry and the construction of a powerful film country. President Du Shiping congratulated the Institute on its achievements in the past year, and put forward the requirements of "three consciousnesses", pointing out that the Institute should always keep in mind the sense of mission, problem and times, and shoulder the mission of enhancing the soft power of the country’s culture.

  Beijing Film and Television Entertainment Law Society and Changsha Arbitration Commission decided to jointly build the first professional film and television culture arbitration institute in China, and representatives of both parties signed the Framework Agreement on Strategic Cooperation at the meeting.

  Lawyer Wu Yuhui, vice president of the Society, released the work plan of the Society in 2018. The Society is expected to officially launch the annual selection plan of Chinese entertainment law, the establishment plan of China’s entertainment law expert database and the "Double Youth Plan" of entertainment law in 2018 (that is, young lawyers and young filmmakers grow together). And will carry out the establishment of the working Committee and professional Committee of the society.

  Subject system construction and personnel training of film and television entertainment law

  Professor Liu Chengyang, Executive Vice President of the Society and China University of Political Science and Law, and Professor Liu Yi, Executive Vice President and Secretary-General of the Society and Law School of Beijing Institute of Technology, gave keynote speeches on two topics, namely, "Construction of the subject system of film and television entertainment law" and "Personnel training and general education of film and television entertainment law". Professor Liu Chengyang put forward his own ideas on the development of entertainment law in China around four topics: entertainment, entertainment law, disciplinary attribute of entertainment law and system construction of entertainment law. Professor Liu Yi’s speech was divided into two topics. First, he introduced the teaching reform plan of setting up a master’s degree in film and television entertainment law in national law colleges. Secondly, he discussed the feasibility and preliminary scheme of carrying out general legal courses in national film and television colleges.

  The guests had an in-depth discussion. Professor Shen Weixing pointed out that Tsinghua Law School has been exploring the creation of emerging interdisciplinary disciplines such as medical and health law, sports law and entertainment law, but emerging disciplines are often questioned as "horse law" in the process of development. In order to prevent the generalization of entertainment law, it is necessary to concise its core issues. Professor Yi Jiming first introduced that Peking University had established the direction of "Entertainment Law" under the discipline of intellectual property rights during the master’s degree, and proposed that entertainment law, as a new industrial law, must deeply understand the specific practices of the industry during the learning process, and add sociological and economic thinking and analysis. Professor Wang Jingbo put forward a thought-provoking view on discipline construction from the perspective of binary opposition between public and private law. Many characteristics in the field of entertainment law reflect the phenomenon of blurred boundaries between public and private law, such as the high industrialization and popularization of entertainment industry and the characteristics of high public interest, which will lead to innovative thinking on traditional legal theory and research methods. Professor Li Danlin introduced in detail the exploration and experience gained by China Communication University in the field of media law for many years, and made suggestions on discipline construction from the similarities and differences between media law and entertainment law. Professor Liang Yingxiu praised the creativity embodied in the establishment of this society. On the premise that entertainment law as a legal discipline has not been recognized by mainstream theories, he first established a research society, so that the society can lead the discipline construction. Professor Zhang Qi cut in from the perspective of film scholars.It points out that the entertainment law has gained new vitality in the context of the transformation of major contradictions put forward at the 19th National Congress and the central government’s strong support for the development of cultural industries, which has also brought us new thinking of "one point, two sides and three dimensions". In this session, the professors expressed their opinions, and generate had a spark of ideological collision.

  Present situation and future trend of film and television entertainment legislation

  At 2 o’clock in the afternoon, the meeting entered the theme salon of the current situation and future trend of film and television entertainment legislation, presided over by Vice President Wu Yuhui, and invited the leaders of relevant domestic authorities to conduct in-depth discussions on the legislation of entertainment law. Guest speakers include: Director Zhang Yang of Film and Television Development Research Center of State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television, Director Chen Huanan of Cultural Industry Department of Ministry of Culture, Director Sun Jiabao of Policy and Regulation Department of Ministry of Culture, and researcher kun yang of China Press and Publication Research Institute. You had a heated exchange and discussion with the speakers and the members present.

  Based on his own work experience, Director Zhang Yang described the difficulties encountered in the process of promoting legislation and the ways to deal with them. He pointed out that since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, legislation in the cultural field has been accelerated and far-reaching changes and innovative achievements have taken place. At present, there are the Law on the Promotion of Film Industry and the Law on the Guarantee of Public Cultural Services, and there are 17 administrative regulations and 84 rules. At this stage, the formulation of the Publication Law has entered the legislative field of vision, and the revised draft of the Copyright Law is also being planned. Director Chen Huanan made a wonderful exposition on "cultural finance". He pointed out that China first proposed the integration of financial and cultural industries in 2009. Since 2012, the cultural industry has continuously embraced the financial industry. But it also caused a new problem, that is, the excessive generalization of cultural finance. It also mentioned that with the deepening of cultural system reform and the rapid development of cultural industries, cultural finance has new connotations, both hot spots and vigilance. Based on the report of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, Director Sun Jiabao introduced his experience in cultural legislation from three perspectives: a country ruled by law, a government ruled by law and a society ruled by law. It is also pointed out that in the existing normative documents, the laws and regulations that highlight supervision account for a high proportion, and there are few laws and regulations that promote the transformation and upgrading of industrial sectors and promote development, which is the focus of the government’s next work. Researcher kun yang introduced the current legal situation in the field of press and publication. He pointed out that although there is no press and publication law in China, the legal system construction in this field is synchronized with reform and opening up.The legislative system in the field of press and publication has been formed mainly by two administrative regulations, namely, Regulations on the Administration of Audio-visual Products and Regulations on the Administration of Printing Industry, plus more than 50 departmental regulations, more than 200 normative documents and some judicial interpretations.

  In-depth analysis by top experts in the industry

  The organizers of the conference invited four top practical experts in the industry to present four wonderful reports for everyone. Lawyer Zhang Zheng, Senior Partner of Beijing Gao Peng Law Firm and Vice President of Beijing Lawyers Association, Judge Dai Yiting of Beijing Higher People’s Court, Judge Feng Gang of Beijing Intellectual Property Court, and Lawyer Wang Jun, Senior Partner of Beijing Yingke Law Firm, respectively delivered wonderful special reports on "The referee points of performing arts brokerage contract disputes and the concept of arbitration settlement of film and television disputes", "The disputes over film and television drama creation from the perspective of contract law", "The legal problems of intellectual property rights in online game live broadcast" and "Typical cases and experience sharing of film and television entertainment law".

  Lawyer Zhang Zheng made a detailed analysis of the outstanding advantages of arbitration in resolving disputes in the film and television industry. The characteristics of "good confidentiality and expert adjudication" are two characteristics that he highly praised. In addition, lawyer Zhang Zheng also summed up four concepts of film and television dispute resolution based on his own professional experience. Judge Dai Yiting first analyzed the data characteristics of copyright infringement cases in recent years, and then, in view of the contract disputes related to scripts, Judge Dai gave a detailed interpretation from two aspects: commissioned creation and self-creation. Judge Feng Gang introduced two characteristics of online game industry, one is the high market value of online games, the other is the long industrial chain, and the related derivatives are very rich. Judge Feng also made an in-depth analysis of the legal nature of online games and other hot issues in the industry, and made an accurate analysis of the copyright ownership of "game rules" and "game pictures", and put forward unique opinions, which are refreshing. Lawyer Wang Jun, as a leading lawyer in the entertainment law industry, shared his experience in practice, especially as the attorney of Qiong Yaofang in the case of Qiong Yaofang, and made a detailed interpretation and explanation of the core issues in this case. In addition, Mr. Wang also analyzed the problems in the field of entertainment law, such as business clings, the setting of non-competition clauses in projects, and the difficulty in implementing contracts.

  The audience benefited a lot from the wonderful reports of four experts, and the audience applauded constantly.

  The meeting also identified four main tasks of the Beijing Film and Television Entertainment Law Society: actively carrying out legal research and academic cooperation and exchange activities; Undertake special research tasks of the legislative and judicial organs of the state and Beijing, and participate in the legal system construction of the state and Beijing; Carry out research on the application of film and television entertainment law and provide relevant legal consulting services; Promote the innovation and development of law education and cultivate talents of film and television entertainment law. As the first academic institution in China with film and television entertainment law as its research object and theme, the Institute will give full play to the academic and industrial advantages of the capital in the future and strive to build a high-end academic research institution, a high-level talent training base and a high-level consulting service platform in the field of film and television entertainment law.