Hong Jinbao: Playing Ip Man, no one is more suitable than Donnie Yen (Photo)

Hong Jinbao called it an iron triangle with Donnie Yen and director Ye Weixin.

  On November 27, Donnie Yen went to the Centennial Lecture Hall of Peking University to promote the kung fu New Year’s film "Ip Man". On the day of Donnie Yen’s birthday, 100 students from Peking University sang Happy Birthday to Donnie Yen, and the scene was very warm. Donnie Yen was moved by the enthusiasm of the students and was very happy. He even took a stance to teach Peking University students to play Wing Chun. Donnie Yen said: "’Ip Man’ is not just a kung fu film, it not only shows the charm of Wing Chun, but also promotes a spirit, which I believe is the spirit of the Chinese people." China News Agency, Wang Li, photo

  China News Service, December 9, three years ago, the most exciting paragraph in Ye Weixin’s "Kill the Wolf" was the duel between Donnie Yen and Hong Jinbao at the end of the film. Three years later, Ye Weixin’s "Ip Man" is about to be released. This time, only Donnie Yen is the star, while Hong Jinbao is the film’s action director. In an exclusive interview with reporters yesterday, Hong Jinbao said that the reason why he did not star in the film was mainly because he did not have a suitable role, and Donnie Yen is the veritable Ip Man. If you want to score, he gave the current Donnie Yen full marks. For this film, he more bluntly said that he is "an action director, not a stunt director." "Ip Man" is the best without stunt. "

  Me, Zidan and the director are an iron triangle

  Hong Jinbao has shot many kung fu films before, which also involved Wing Chun. Why did he participate in the film "Ip Man", which tells the story of the master of Wing Chun? "Master Ip Man is the master of Wing Chun and the first person to carry forward Wing Chun. How can I not come to talk about his film!" Hong Jinbao said with a smile, in addition to the attraction of Master Ip Man himself, it was Donnie Yen and director Ye Weixin who attracted him. " A lot of audiences like "Kill the Wolf", and I personally think it’s the best movie I’ve starred in in these years. After "Kill the Wolf", some people called us the Iron Triangle, and I’m very happy, so this time in the filming of "Ip Man", the three of us can work together again, and of course we have to participate. "But in this film, there is no role played by Hong Jinbao, but as a behind-the-scenes action director. In this regard, Hong Jinbao explained that he is a professional filmmaker, and everything should be based on the film." There is no role in the script of "Ip Man" that suits me, and action directing is also my specialty, so I am willing to go behind the scenes, and I have the same sense of achievement behind the scenes. "

  No one is more suitable than Donnie Yen

  After the news of Donnie Yen’s role in Ip Man came out, some people once doubted it. The previous version of Ip Man by Wong Kar Wai had already settled on the best actor Tony Leung, whose acting skills were well known, which increased the pressure on Donnie Yen. However, Hong Jinbao made it clear to reporters in the interview that "there is no more suitable candidate for this Ip Man in the movie than Donnie Yen." He gave Donnie Yen 100 points without hesitation. "To know that this movie is a generation of grandmasters of Wing Chun, first of all, the actors must know kung fu, and the age and body shape must be in line. To know that there are only a few kung fu stars in the Chinese film industry, everyone will find that Donnie Yen is the most suitable. Wei Zai’s acting is of course very good, but in terms of kung fu, Zidan must be strong. I don’t know about Wong Kar Wai’s version of the story, but I know about Ye Weixin’s story, so Donnie Yen is the most suitable. "Of course, Hong Jinbao also gave full marks for his work. He said that this is a movie that gives up stunts and completely returns to real kung fu." Please listen carefully, I am an action director, martial arts director, not a stunt director. There are too many kung fu movies now that only have stunts and no kung fu. Compared with computers and fists, I still know more about fists and feet. "Ip Man" is a movie that relies on fists to create spirit, and I don’t think it has been in vain. "

  Real kung fu will actually look good

  Now that it comes to the use of stunts, the reporter said that once upon a time, a major feature of Hong Kong films was stunts. "There is no mistake, some martial arts films are good with stunts, but some films will be good without stunts. The stunts in’Ip Man ‘are just a little seasoning, and the better thing is the real kung fu of one punch and one kick." Hong Jinbao said that the role of stunts in the film is like barbecuing food. Now that ovens and microwave ovens have been invented, everyone chooses to barbecue in this way, but you must know that it is better to barbecue meat directly with charcoal fire, "because the meat has the taste of fire and charcoal, and it has the most delicious and original taste." Hong Jinbao admitted that he does not hate stunts, which depends on the specific film. " But the audience has eaten meat from the oven for so many years, why not give them some fresh charcoal roast meat, they will feel that this is natural and wonderful. And Master Ip Man’s kung fu doesn’t need stunts, and Wing Chun is easy to learn. With such a people-friendly boxing technique, I have no reason not to use real kung fu. "

Editor in charge: Wang Yuxi

Amazing! The beauty of the four seasons in the 24 pictures, is there a scene you are familiar with?

Spring rain shocks spring and clears the valley sky

Summer and summer are connected

Autumn dew and autumn frost fall

Winter Snow Snow Winter Small Cold

The year changes, the seasons are reincarnated

Everything is busy and has its own season

The twenty-four solar terms accurately reflect the changes in natural rhythms and play an extremely important role in people’s daily lives. It is not only hailed as "China’s fifth great invention", but also included in the UNESCO Representative List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. As an important part of the long history and culture of the Chinese nation, the twenty-four solar terms reflect our unique "Chinese-style romance" and the cultural confidence that flows in every Chinese DNA.

Since last year, we have captured the beauty of Maqiao’s 24 solar terms with our cameras. After a year, this group of 24 solar terms has finally been assembled! Through the change of seasons and seasonal changes, we have recorded the grass and trees, clouds, people coming and going, and fireworks in Maqiao…

Beginnings of Spring



vernal equinox

Qingming Festival

Grain Rain




Summer Solstice

Slight Heat

Great Heat

Beginning of Autumn

summer vacation

White Dew

autumnal equinox

Cold Dew


Beginning of Winter

Light Snow

heavy snow

Winter Solstice

Slight Cold

Great Cold

Photo: Maqiao Town

Editor: Xu Yuxin

What if the car doesn’t catch fire in winter?

The low temperature in winter makes it difficult for cars to start. Here are some common reasons and solutions:

1. Battery failure: When the temperature is low in winter, the capacity of the battery will decrease, and it will be difficult to start when the voltage is low. The solution is to replace the battery.

2. Slow flow rate of engine oil: Low temperature will increase viscosity of engine oil and slow flow rate, which will further increase engine resistance and make it difficult to start. The solution is to use special engine oil for winter in winter.

3. The exhaust pipe is frozen or the valve has too much carbon deposit: water vapor will be generated when the engine is running. If the exhaust pipe is frozen or the valve has too much carbon deposit, it will block the exhaust pipe and make it difficult to start. The solution is to let the car run at high speed, drain the water from the exhaust pipe and clean the throttle regularly.

4. Engine failure: serious engine wear, decreased sealing performance and insufficient cylinder pressure will also lead to difficulties in starting. The solution is to screw out the spark plug, wipe off the oil between the electrodes, and then put it back on.

The above are the common reasons and solutions for the difficulty in starting a car in winter, and I hope it can help you.