New Chinese aesthetics in the era of Shanhai universe remodeling, China Star intelligent dual-engine modeling design exposed

BITECH The treasure of the country, the color of the world, when the magnificent national color meets the pioneer technology, the interpretation of the "Chinese romance" in the new era. On October 12, 2023, the third stop of Geely’s "China Star · Cultural Tourism China Exploration Program" landed in Hangzhou West Lake · Quyuan Fenghe, China Star Intelligent Dual Engine joined hands with "Chinese Traditional Colors" Guo Hao and "Chu He Listening to Fragrance" Chu Yan to open "Drunk Oriental · Stunning World – Song Yunguang National Color Exhibition", using pioneer technology to interpret the national color and natural fragrance of Xizi Lake, and jointly display the beauty of Chinese traditional colors and Chinese design in the new era. At the same time, China Star Intelligent Dual Engine released the new design language of "Shanhai Cosmos" and "Qingshan Purple" and "Haoyue White" for the first time to create two new car colors, integrating modern technology and traditional Chinese culture, and showing the confidence of the integration of Chinese intelligent manufacturing and Chinese culture with a flagship style.

Co-creating "Qingshan Purple" and "Haoyue White", China Star Intelligent Dual Engine X Guo Hao launched the "China Automobile Popular Color" plan

Chinese traditional color contains people’s long-term observation and understanding of all things in the world, and has both the beauty of images and the beauty of concrete images. From ancient Chinese cultural classics to natural mountains, seas, sky light, solar terms, etc., each color word reflects the story of Chinese language and color world. It is not only the Chinese cultural heritage that condenses the oriental aesthetic conception and ancient wisdom, but also carries the timeless national spirit and the essence of Chinese culture.

As the flagship of contemporary Chinese automobiles, Geely China Star has been actively exploring the innovative integration of modern avant-garde technology and traditional Chinese culture, constantly pursuing the organic combination of humanities and technology, sensibility and rationality, and has successively launched many traditional colors such as azure glaze, sky gray, emerald feather blue, lime green, cai qing, and yuandai matte gray, which are created by blending with the aesthetics of the times. It is committed to becoming the best carrier to show China’s "technology, humanities and romance" and write the unique cultural imprint of Chinese automobiles.

This time, China Star Intelligent Double Engine once again crossed the circle and joined hands with Guo Hao, a Chinese color expert, to carry out strategic cooperation in Chinese traditional color X car design, drawing color inspiration from traditional Chinese culture such as "Shanhaijing" and "Book of Songs", and using cutting-edge technology and advanced technology of the times to create two new car colors, "Qingshan Purple" and "Haoyue White".

Among them, "Qingshan Purple" is the exclusive car color of Xingrui L Zhiqing, inspired by "Hibiscus cuts purple mist, waterfalls pour down the blue sky", a touch of Qingshan Purple, the blue sky covers the mountains and seas, and it contains vigorous strength. It is the best condensation of the pride of Chinese landscapes. Coupled with advanced materials and technologies such as advanced pearlescent paint and high-quality spray painting technology, the whole car presents a luster and full gray-purple gradual change color effect, between light and shadow, showing the high-end beauty and noble style of China’s flagship sedan.

"Haoyue White" is the exclusive car color of Xingyue L Zhiqing, which originates from "The bright moon is too breathtaking, and the stars are extremely bright". It means that the bright moon is white and the heart is bright. A touch of Haoyue White, condensing the brilliance of the galaxy, shows the inner core with the softness of the east. And integrating top materials, advanced painting technology and high-precision manufacturing skills, the car paint is integrated into delicate pearl light, adding a beautiful enamel feeling to the elegant plain color, like streamer warm jade, warm and accessible, interpreting the elegant style of China’s flagship SUV.

When Chinese color meets Chinese car, it takes a thousand years to realize the thousands of weather of traditional culture, travel thousands of miles, and see the power and style of contemporary China. At the event site, two Chinese car colors, "Qingshan Purple" and "Haoyue White", were officially included in the "Chinese Traditional Color · National Color Chromatography", and Chu Yan, the costume designer of the opening ceremony of the Asian Games, co-created and designed the theme clothing. With younger, more fashionable and vivid trend art items, it shows the aesthetic model of "Chinese Romance" and "Chinese Elegance".

In addition, China Star Intelligent Dual Engine and "Chinese Traditional Colors" Guo Hao also officially launched the "Geely China Star · China Automotive Popular Color Plan", focusing on the co-creation and integration of "automotive technology and Chinese traditional color culture". Through the innovative form of blending technology and culture, modern and traditional collisions, continue to help expand and improve the Chinese traditional color spectrum, activate and promote Chinese traditional colors with modern technology and craftsmanship, give Chinese traditional colors new vitality and new forms, and work together to show Chinese confidence and Chinese culture. In the future, Geely China Star series will develop and launch more car popular colors with unique Chinese charm, and gradually apply them to subsequent new models, so that gorgeous national colors can enter more people’s lives and further meet the diverse needs of more young users’ cultural confidence.

Combining the origin of Chinese culture and the pioneering technology of the times, China Star Intelligent Dual Engine creates a new design language of "Shanhai Universe"

Looking up at the universe, the galaxy is romantic; visiting the eyes and huai, to view the mountains and seas. The width of the world, the view of all living things; the innovation of science and technology, the intelligent enjoyment of the double engine era. This is the newly created design concept of "Shanhai Universe" by Geely China Star Intelligent Double Engine. Among them, "Shanhai" is inspired by the description of traditional Chinese colors and the style of mountains and seas in traditional Chinese cultures such as "Shanhai Jing" and "Book of Songs", and "Universe" is derived from the continuation and innovation of Geely’s design philosophy of "Universe Recall" all the time. The innovative fusion of the two "Shanhai Universe" contains the inner power of exploration and breakthrough. With "Shanhai", it inspires the strong spirit of the boundary and the transformation of all things, and with "Universe", it inspires the outside world to expand and explore the unknown mission of space.

The infinite extension of "Shanhai Universe", with the innovative integration of modern avant-garde technology and traditional Chinese culture, creates a new design of China Star Intelligent Dual Engine – borrowing the east wind of modern technology, endows "Shanhai Universe" with a new connotation, not only shows the aesthetic and technological exploration in the intelligent digital era, but also inherits its Chinese spirit such as romantic humanities and ambitious aspirations. The smart and elegant posture shows the beauty of blending ancient rhyme and present brilliance. China Star Intelligent Dual Engine uses Chinese colors, Chinese shapes, Chinese patterns and other ingenious wonders to shape the new design aesthetics of "Shanhai Universe", subverts the imaginative boundaries of automobile design, and shows the world the "leap of Chinese design aesthetics".

As the flagship palanquin of China Xingrui L Zhiqing, under the blessing of the design concept of "Mountain Sea Universe", Xingrui L Zhiqing interprets the symbiosis and integration of traditional Chinese culture and modern technology to the extreme. In terms of appearance, Xingrui L Zhiqing adopts a new front face design of "Galaxy Exhibition Volume", such as the heaven and earth exhibition volume, with simple and powerful lines, so that the majestic momentum of the whole vehicle is ready to come out; the front barrier of the "Falling Waterfall" is refined into the form of "high mountains and flowing water", such as the waterfall speeding down, the momentum is extraordinary, and it is shocking at a glance. The new "Light Years Away" headlights echo the "Vast Galaxy" through-type tail lights, exploring the vastness and mystery of the universe with a rhythmic rhythm of light and language. There are also flowing body lines and blackened night flying shadow wheels that complement each other, making the forward posture more elegant.

Coming to the car, Xingrui L Zhiqing extends the art of Shanhai cosmic energy infinitely into the cabin, and gives a more extreme and delicate artistic expression. The new Cosmic Galaxy Smart Enjoy cockpit integrates high-end materials and elegant colors from the nature of the universe into the cockpit, bringing a new Chinese flagship elegant new environment that organically integrates functionality, comfort and intelligence. Qingshan Lanyue’s exclusive interior color is elegant in color and smart in atmosphere, making the comfortable atmosphere feel out; coupled with 13.2-inch intelligent central control screen + 10.2-inch full LCD digital instrument, tilting optical flow shadow ambient light, intelligent multi-function steering wheel and luxury electronic Huaiblock and other rich technologies, creating a full-scene immersive intelligent interactive experience, making you feel like you are in a comfortable universe of stars.

And China Xingyue L Zhiqing · Flagship SUV – Xingyue L Zhiqing also inherits the new design aesthetic of "Mountain and Sea Universe", adopts the family-style waterfall grille and galaxy exhibition roll front face, and the new long-wind multi-sports wheels are more forceful, full of power, creating a stable and forceful self-confidence aura. In terms of interior, Xingyue L Zhiqing has created a new Oriental both white and white cockpit, white + gray color matching interior style, just like the high-altitude sky at the moment when the sun jumps out of the horizon at dawn, which not only contains the spirit of exploration of the mountain and sea universe, but also shows the magnificent moments, magnificent lines and bright colors of the sunrise in the east between the cockpits, showing the luxurious texture of calmness, elegance and atmosphere. Then match the "Galaxy Painting Eaves" ambient light inspired by the "eaves" element in traditional architecture, which is radiant and colorful, like a galaxy broken flowing between the eaves of the painting, which is very smart and colorful; there is also a new "Clothes and Wind" comfortable seat inspired by the traditional wide-sleeved elements, such as the clothes are graceful and the wind is in the arms, injecting a new connotation of comfort, breathability and relaxation into the Xingyue L Smart Engine.

Drawing on all things in the mountains and seas, and taking care of all things in the universe! This time, the launch of China Star Intelligent Dual Engine will revitalize the thousand-year-old culture with pioneering technology, continue the national color and natural fragrance with the power of science and technology, and make Chinese cars and Chinese designs burst out of the vigorous vitality of the integration of tradition and the times. With all-round advancements in power, intelligence, safety and quality, we believe that China Star Intelligent Dual Engine will use more Chinese design, more advanced technology and smarter technology to support cultural confidence, lead fuel vehicles to leap to a generation, and lead the future of Chinese cars.

Autumn children have loose bowels, beware of rotavirus as a demon.

  Among children with diarrhea under 5 years old in China, about 40% of hospitalized cases are caused by rotavirus, and 30% of outpatient cases are caused by rotavirus. Li Dandi, a researcher at the Center for Virus Prevention and Control of the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, recently reminded that diarrhea in autumn is not as simple as a cold stomach. Rotavirus infection is the real cause of diarrhea, and it is the most important pathogen of severe diarrhea in infants. According to the World Health Organization, in 2013, nearly 220,000 children under 5 died of rotavirus infection.

  Zhang Zhu, deputy director of the Department of Gastroenterology, Beijing Hospital, also reminded that rotavirus is particularly active in autumn, and it recurs every year, usually from August to December, and the most active period in the north is October and November. Rotavirus diarrhea is highly contagious, not only through the digestive tract, but also through the respiratory tract. Therefore, children with rotavirus infection often have respiratory symptoms, such as fever and cough, accompanied by particularly severe watery diarrhea. This watery diarrhea may be like egg flower soup, but it has no abnormal odor. This is a typical rotavirus infection. Rotavirus may be accompanied by some food poisoning, including Escherichia coli, which are diseases that children are particularly susceptible to in autumn.

  What emergency treatment should parents do if the child suddenly has abdominal pain? Zhang Zhu said that taking rotavirus as an example, most viral enteritis can heal itself, and there can be a slow recovery process in about one to two weeks. However, children will lose some water and salt in the process, so it is particularly important for parents to deal with it scientifically.

  First of all, don’t eat antibiotics indiscriminately. For example, quinolones can affect children’s cartilage development, and children under 16 are not recommended to eat them, because parents’ indiscriminate use of drugs may bring more serious problems to children.

  Oral rehydration salts are more practical. It is recommended that families with babies can prepare some oral rehydration salts, which can reasonably supplement the loss of fluids in children’s bodies and supplement certain electrolytes such as potassium, sodium and chlorine. What if there is no rehydration salt at home? You can use orange juice bought in the supermarket to heat and sterilize, and then add a little salt. Because orange juice contains a lot of potassium chloride, plus a little sodium chloride, potassium, sodium, chlorine and other lost electrolytes are available; Orange juice contains high sugar and is a good calorie supplement for children with diarrhea.

  Liu Cuiying, deputy director of the Department of Infectious Diseases of Beijing Children’s Hospital, reminded that the symptoms of rotavirus infection are the most serious for the first time. Parents should not think that rotavirus infection is ordinary diarrhea. Once they find that their children have typical loose stools, or that they have no tears when crying, and their skin is relatively dry, or that they have persistent high fever, a lot of mucus or blood in their stools, acute abdominal pain, and their children are depressed or unable to feed water and food, they must go to the hospital in time.