Jay Chou sits on the scene of "Mangzha" and there is also this "male god" in the scene

Producer Liu Yanhong (from left) with actors Gao Yingxuan and Li Yuxi in racing suits

       Jay Chou, the producer of the racing film, released the beat-the-scene director on the 13th. Not only were the real racing pictures exposed in large quantities, dozens of millions of racing cars were racing on international professional tracks and mountain roads, and the scene was shocking, but also many behind-the-scenes scenes of on-site shooting were revealed. Producer Jay Chou discussed the script with the director on the spot, Fan Yichen and Gao Yingxuan fought, and even some eagle-eyed netizens found the picture of "male god" Li Yuxi flashed in the beat-the-scene.

??In the behind-the-scene, director Chen Yixian talks about his original intention of loving racing, experiencing the charm of racing during the race, and enjoying the "tranquil" atmosphere in the moment of extreme speed, challenging his limits. Director Chen Yixian said: "The general audience may still have stereotypes and myths about racing, and will think that’racing ‘is equal to’drag racing’." He revealed that in fact, real professional drivers will not drive fast on ordinary roads, because they know the importance of "risk management". Instead, they will not make choices that are harmful to their health, but enjoy running in relatively safe professional tracks. He hopes to close the distance between professional racing and the public through the film, and also hopes to make the general audience have a better understanding of racing through the film.

??Director Chen Yixian also described the movie "All-powerful" in the beat-the-scene. The four words in the title represent the characters of the four protagonists in the film. "Shout" represents the fire car king Li Yifei (Fan Yichen, played), "Zha" represents the thunder driver Song Jie (Gao Yingxuan, played), "Wind" represents the wind chaser Du Jack (Cao Youning, played), and "Cloud" represents the chief female car god Lily (Kunling, played). Chen Yixian said: "In fact, the character of each driver is based on real people and real things. Take Song Jie as an example, there are really many players in the racing industry who just want to defeat their arch-rivals, condescend to low-weight cars, and even stop at nothing to defeat the opposing team. There are also many female drivers who want to prove their ability is no less than Men, and try their best to get the opportunity to play. "He believes that the presentation of this movie’s racing car is just a" carrier ", and the emotion and process between people in the racing field are the most important spirit of this movie. From a general workplace perspective, there will be similar colleagues or opponents around us.

??Chen Yi was first a MV director, won numerous awards for advertising, short films and micro-film works, and was the first Chinese director to use BMW in Asia. His other identity is a professional racing driver, who won the 2013 Asian Formula Renault Masters division championship and the third place of the year. At the same time, he is also close friends with Jay Chou, Liu Juhong, Peng Xiaodao and other behind-the-scenes teams. He worked together to plan the movie "All-powerful" for 6 years. On the day of the finale, he said excitedly: "I now find that I love movies much more than racing!" But he also frankly said that "racing" is actually a theme that everyone has been afraid to touch. After all, just dealing with "cars" is very expensive, plus the need for flying cars, rollovers, car crash stunts, etc. All need real-life shooting, which is very difficult. The biggest challenge is how to bring the audience close to the current pressure of racing, the visual and tactile feelings of adrenaline soaring, so he insists on presenting many difficult flying cars, collisions, racing and other scenes, just to continuously improve the overall visual impact of "All-Powerful". It is expected to be released in 2019.

News observation: "quantity" and "quality" rise together, and the consumption of new energy vehicles in China is getting better and better

CCTV News:Data show that by the end of the first quarter of this year, the cumulative promotion of new energy vehicles in China is expected to exceed 10 million. The relevant person in charge of the National Development and Reform Commission said on March 26th that the new energy automobile industry in China has gradually entered the market-driven stage. In the new development era, vehicle enterprises will not add new production capacity until the existing base reaches a reasonable scale. While promoting the accelerated development of the new energy automobile industry, it pays more attention to the overall improvement of quality and brand.

The proportion of private consumption of new energy vehicles increased from 47% to 78%.

Lin Nianxiu, deputy director of the National Development and Reform Commission, said that in 2021, new energy vehicles will be driven by both market and policy. Compared with the initial period of the Thirteenth Five-Year Plan, the proportion of private consumption has increased from 47% to 78%, and the proportion of private consumption in non-restricted cities has increased from 40% to 70%. While the degree of marketization is increasing year by year, it is necessary to make overall arrangements for the high-quality development of the new energy automobile industry.

Lin Nianxiu, Deputy Director of the National Development and Reform Commission:Guide industries to gather in areas and main bodies with good development foundation and full capacity utilization, and focus on building internationally competitive industrial clusters in the Yangtze River Delta, Pearl River Delta, Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, Chengdu-Chongqing and other regions. (In addition, vehicle enterprises should highlight the key layout, rely on the development of existing production bases, and no new production capacity will be distributed until the existing bases reach a reasonable scale.

China strengthens clean-up and rectification of illegal projects of new energy vehicles.

Lin Nianxiu said that China will also strengthen the clean-up and rectification of illegal projects of new energy vehicles, and investigate and deal with illegal behaviors such as unapproved construction, zero-batch construction, and construction while approving. At the same time, standardize the merger and reorganization of vehicle enterprises, and vigorously promote the withdrawal of backward enterprises and ineffective production capacity.

By the end of the first quarter, the cumulative promotion is expected to exceed 10 million vehicles.

It is reported that by the end of the first quarter of this year, the cumulative promotion of new energy vehicles in China is expected to exceed 10 million. New progress has been made in key technologies of new energy vehicles, positive progress has been made in sodium ion batteries and modular power exchange, and the computing power of artificial intelligence has reached the international advanced level. At the same time, new energy vehicles still have some shortcomings in terms of quality and safety, low-temperature adaptability, etc. The integrated development of electrification, intelligence and networking needs to be continuously deepened.

Xin Guobin, Vice Minister of Industry and Information Technology:In 2021, China enterprises obtained more than 30,000 patents related to new energy vehicles, accounting for 70% of the global total, and saw new achievements in comprehensive income. By the end of 2021, the cumulative consumption of new energy vehicles was about 1.6 trillion yuan, driving the output value of upstream and downstream industrial chains to about 4.8 trillion yuan, and reducing carbon dioxide emissions by more than 100 million tons.

We will continue to strengthen top-level design and optimize supporting policies.

Lin Nianxiu said that the steady growth of the automobile industry has provided strong support for reviving the industrial economy. In particular, the development of new energy vehicles in China has achieved new breakthroughs and become a new bright spot for the high-quality development of the automobile industry. However, problems such as blind investment and disorderly development of new energy vehicles still exist to varying degrees. In the future, we will continue to strengthen the top-level design, continuously optimize supporting policies such as scientific and technological innovation, industrial layout, tax incentives, and infrastructure construction for charging and replacing electricity, and pay more attention to the overall improvement of quality and brand while promoting the accelerated development and growth of the new energy vehicle industry.

Moral cultivation determines the therapeutic effect? On how the ancients in China recognized diseases from novels.

Recently, due to the outbreak of pneumonia in Covid-19, its virus source has been traced back to wild animals, so even the eating of game in A Dream of Red Mansions and the illness of the characters in the novel have attracted some people’s attention. Although scholars can’t see any connection between eating game and getting sick from combing the relevant contents of A Dream of Red Mansions, it also leads me to think about another more common problem of correlation.
In China’s ancient novels, the writing about people’s illness and treatment is often not a purely pathological or medical treatment problem, but inextricably intertwined with people’s moral cultivation.
As mentioned in the "Speech" in the early novel Shi Shuo Xin Yu, a child in the Western Jin Dynasty went out to ask for medicine because of his father’s malaria, and some people sarcastically said to his father, "How can such a noble gentleman ("Ming De gentleman ") suffer from such a bad disease? The child responded quickly and replied: it is specially designed to harm gentlemen, so it is called a bad disease! Although such an answer is quite witty and textbook-style, on closer examination, the child’s answer belongs to the concept of stealing and changing the identification of a gentleman into the identification of a disease. But the reason why the child had to steal the concept was because he couldn’t refute a social consensus at that time, that is, he thought that a gentleman could resist the attack of disease by virtue of his own moral cultivation.
With the thought of karma deeply rooted in people’s hearts, people in ancient times have become accustomed to thinking that personal moral losses will not only make diseases invade themselves, but also affect their children. Conversely, relying on people’s moral cultivation can also produce mysterious healing power for diseases. At that time, there was an article in the strange novel Xuan Yan Ji, which was quite representative. The novel writes:
The Zhou family has three sons, and they can’t speak. One day, someone came to beg for a drink, heard the voice of his son, asked him, and it was true. The guest said, "You have sinned, but you can still think about it." Zhou Yi’s words are very strange. For a long time, it is a cloud: "I don’t remember my sins." The guest said, "Try to think more about your childhood." When I entered the room, I ate my food, and when I went out, I said, "When I remember a child, when there is a swallow’s nest in the bed, there are three children in it, and the mother still feeds it, so I can eat it out and raise my hand under the house; Refers to the nest, the swallow also exports to bear. And take three thistles and swallow them each, both of which are dead. When the mother returns, she doesn’t see her son, she mourns and goes away, and she always regrets herself. " The guest turned into a Taoist, saying, "Since you know that you regret it, your sin is now removed!" I heard that his words were Zhou Zheng, that is, I did not see the Taoist.
Here, the description of the causes of Zhou’s three sons’ natural dumb diseases is completely the punishment of Zhou’s killing behavior in his childhood, and once Zhou has repented, the children’s diseases will be cured without medical treatment. Although religious moral principles play a dominant role in the novel, we can’t ignore the role of different levels of cognitive structure of different living beings. Because Swallow, Zhou’s family and Taoist belong to three different levels of the cognitive world, Zhou can easily fool Swallow into swallowing Tribulus, but he can’t understand why his three sons are dumb. Only when the Taoist priest above his cognitive level came to enlighten him did he raise his cognition to a new level and make him sincerely regret his past. That is to say, only when Zhou can realize the far-reaching consequences of his actions, the cognitive limitation of swallows is no longer a limitation for people, and people also raise their cognitive level to the height of people who are enlightened. The novel shows that the so-called differences in the cognitive level of the three levels essentially depend on the actions of people at the middle level, and the plot conflict developed from people’s cognitive conflict constitutes the moving power of art.
In this way, the novel suggests that the behavior of the characters in the novel has unpredictable consequences, which makes people feel moral awe of all things in nature, making this novel have extensive metaphorical value.
Of course, even if the value of this novel can be understood at the metaphorical level, we can’t ignore that there is a defect in the process of its plot development, that is, the natural mechanism of human life is basically ignored, and the disease problem is completely related to human religious morality, which shows that such an artistic vision, although it has a broader thinking beyond the role of life, is too simple and rough precisely because it overemphasizes the moral force and ignores the writing of the life mechanism itself.
In contrast, the writing about medical diseases in A Dream of Red Mansions is far more comprehensive and in-depth. On the one hand, of course, it is a million words long, which makes it possible to show the panoramic life of the characters; On the other hand, it is also the author who has a more dialectical understanding of the relationship between medical treatment and morality.
For example, at the beginning of the novel, it is said that Jia Rui died of illness, which is of course due to repeated teasing by Wang Xifeng, which leads to cold and illness, but it is also directly related to his own indiscretion and uncontrollable desire. In this sense, "Feng Yue Bao Jian" plays an admonishing role in the moral cultivation of the world. And then continue to write Qin Keqing, Qin Zhong’s untimely death, more or less also has this meaning, especially writing Qin Keqing and Jia Zhen’s behavior, suggesting that they may have moral incest, which was once a special topic in the study of Red Mansions. However, directly or indirectly implying the correlation between people’s moral cultivation and diseases is only one aspect of the writing of A Dream of Red Mansions and the author’s adaptation to traditional ideas. More importantly, the author deliberately cut this connection with another pen and ink.
The twenty-first time I wrote that Wang Xifeng’s daughter, eldest sister, had a very dangerous pox (smallpox). In addition to inviting doctors to stay at home day and night for nursing, medication conditioning and offering sacrifices to the acne queen at home, Xifeng also isolated her family and let Jia Lian move to the study room. This is of course because acne rash is highly contagious, and isolation from family members can effectively prevent infection. But the special function is that letting Jia Lian move out is still a moral requirement for the host and hostess, which is in harmony with the pious attitude of offering sacrifices to the acne queen at home. The problem is that in the next ten days, although Wang Xifeng did this, Jia Lian could not. He had an affair with the cook’s wife, many girls, which was obviously a more serious moral impurity according to the mainstream attitude of the society at that time.
Surprisingly, the novel goes on to say that Jia Lian’s immoral behavior doesn’t seem to offend the acne queen, let alone hinder the elder sister’s recovery. The treatment itself is the most effective. Although Jia Lian was not careful, he was hidden by Pinger, and did not let Xifeng find out, which finally made everyone get a satisfactory ending. Therefore, from the actual effect writing of this isolation, we find that the author’s "isolation" of moral influence is to isolate the influence that is thought to be ubiquitous in the traditional concept from the novel. But this isolation does not mean that the author totally denies the influence of morality or immorality on illness and treatment, otherwise he will not write so much about the death of Jia Rui, and he will not totally deny the positive effect of morality. But at least in the description of this incident, he denied the mysterious power of realizing morality by providence.
What needs to be added is that when the older sister who grew up later encountered difficulties in life, Grandma Liu did not hesitate to rescue her after learning about it. Because Wang Xifeng once rescued Granny Liu, a kind of moral behavior based on interpersonal communication finally had a feedback effect. This kind of resetting the mystery of moral cause and effect of heaven with human communication is one of the reasons why Cao Xueqin is better than traditional novelists.
(Zhan Dan is a professor at the School of Humanities, Shanghai Normal University)
Source: Wen Wei Po

[Network media changes] Land circulation, rural development and vitality, and tomatoes planted in mountain springs are "sweet" at home and abroad.

  Whether it is Wulian Village, Songshugang Village or Guanbei Village, the new changes and new features brought by the new rural construction have made everyone feel the hope from the new socialist countryside. At the same time, the construction of new countryside is a time of progress rather than completion, not only in these three rural areas in southern Guangdong, but also in the new era.

  Future Network (www.k618.cn Central News Website) Guangzhou, January 21st (Reporter Liang Xili) Wulian Village, Zhongxin Town, Zengcheng District, Guangzhou was once a poor village. Chen Yimin, secretary of the Party Committee of Zhongxin Town, said that the villagers could not even support themselves by growing vegetables and grain. Many villagers have gone out to work because of poverty.

  "Because there is neither real estate nor industrial and commercial planning in the master plan of Wulian Village, we can only do a good job in agriculture and rural areas honestly." Chen Yimin said.

  How can we develop well?

  It was pointed out in the report of the 19th National Congress that the rural revitalization strategy should be implemented.

  It is necessary to give priority to the development of agriculture and rural areas, establish and improve the system, mechanism and policy system of urban-rural integration development, and accelerate the modernization of agriculture and rural areas in accordance with the general requirements of industrial prosperity, ecological livability, rural civilization, effective governance and affluent life.

  In the general requirements of rural revitalization strategy, "industrial prosperity" ranks first, which makes Chen Yi sensitive to excitement and comfort. She said: "Without the development of industry, there will be no way out in rural areas, and Wulian Village will always be poor."

  Nowadays, Wulian Village makes full use of idle land on the basis of industrial development, and introduces modern ecological agriculture such as "green natural hydroponic vegetable base", "Asian horticultural flower field" and "cherry blossom planting base".

  Recently, in the 2018 "New Era, New Dream" online media going to the grassroots (Guangdong Station) activity hosted by the Central Network Information Office and hosted by the Guangdong Provincial Party Committee Network Information Office, the reporters of Future Network walked into the typical villages of Guangdong’s new era and new countryside construction with the interview group, witnessing the new countryside, new construction and new development on the land of South Guangdong.

  Glad to "implement the rural revitalization strategy": without developing industries, there is no way out for the countryside.

  Wulian Village, located in the middle of Zhongxin Town, covers an area of 16 square kilometers. The transportation in the village is convenient. The North Third Ring Expressway under construction crosses the border, and the intersection of Guanghe Expressway is only 6 kilometers away from Wulian Village. It is also the village with the largest rural registered population in Zhongxin Town.

  Members of the press corps walked into the hydroponic vegetable base in Wulian Village. Looking far away, the base looks like a transparent house with green vegetables. The new hydroponics technology replaces the traditional land cultivation, and vegetables can be produced all day, sowing and harvesting every day. Covering an area of only 100 mu, this vegetable base can harvest 24 periods a year, and the yield per mu can reach 2000 kg, which is nearly five times that of the same area of land.

  At present, Wulian village has completed the confirmation of rural land, and the green natural hydroponic vegetable base has newly transferred 200 mu of contiguous planting land, which further strengthens large-scale agricultural production.

  When the land is transferred, the villagers not only have land income, but also solve the employment problem.

  Chen Yimin introduced that these farm work (in the base) are all good at by farmers. Some women who need to take care of their families and can’t go out to work can work as industrial workers in the base nearby. The labor intensity is not great, and the working environment is comfortable. You can get more than 3,000 yuan a month.

  In the base, the reporter also tasted hydroponic tomatoes planted with mountain spring water. In the greenhouse, these tomatoes are different in size and color. And the most expensive tomato varieties, a catty can also be sold to 60 yuan, and even has stepped onto the dining table of people in many developed countries.

  The combination of agriculture and tourism allows villagers to have seeds and tourists to play.

  Under the Luofu Mountain, the trees are shaded and the ponds are crystal clear. Songshugang Village in Boluo County, Huizhou City is located here. As one of the demonstration sites of new countryside in Guangdong Province, Songshugang Village makes full use of its unique geographical environment and rich natural resources, vigorously engages in agricultural investment, guides villagers to plant pollution-free agricultural products, and develops agricultural tourism.

  In the "Three-dimensional Agricultural Park of Vitality" in Songshugang Village, the reporter group saw the "air pastoral" agricultural area. Cai Haizhang, the person in charge of the project, introduced new planting patterns such as "borrowing land from heaven", which made the benefit of one acre of land 8 ~ 10 times that of ordinary planting patterns.

  Not only that, in the "air garden", fruits and vegetables follow the principle of "zero pollution and zero tolerance" in the planting process, and no pesticides, hormones, fertilizers and genetically modified engineering technologies are used at all.

  At present, the village has established a modern agricultural production base of more than 3,000 mu, mainly planting fruits, flowers and special crops. In addition to the "air pastoral", there are vineyards and dragon orchards, forming a contiguous ecological sightseeing agricultural belt.

  With a good ecological environment and a unique agricultural foundation, Songshugang Village vigorously develops rural tourism.

  It is understood that in 2016, the village received about 150,000 tourists, an increase of 88%, and the comprehensive tourism income reached more than 5 million yuan; The village collective income was 290,000 yuan, an increase of 16%; The per capita net income of farmers was 25,580 yuan, an increase of 25.1%.

  With the development of rural tourism, the villagers’ pockets are bulging. Songshugang Village has a new vision in the development and exploration of rural tourism: when conditions are ripe, it will introduce professional tourism management service companies to manage and operate the tourism projects in the whole village, improve the economic benefits of tourism, make the rural tourism in the village bigger, stronger and more distinctive, and truly realize the development goals of beautiful environment, strong collective and rich villagers.

  Civilization construction makes the village in the city realize a beautiful turn

  Through the way of "culture+",the civilization construction and the new rural construction are organically combined, which makes the "dirty and messy" urban village in the past become a "cultural village". Guanbei Village in Huizhou City can be described as a vivid sample of the new rural construction. Guanbei village has a total area of 0.3 square kilometers and a population of about 1025. This village with its back to Dongjiang is now a mural village.

  In less than a year, more than 500 murals gradually decorated the original mottled village road wall, with themes ranging from rule by France and Germany to Chinese dream, from Hakka culture to Chinese traditional stories; Vacant housing resources are revitalized and leased to cultural teams and social organizations as creative places, and beautiful and chic courtyards replace the original dilapidated houses; Old houses are decorated as cultural stations for villagers to learn to charge.

  The appearance of the previously mediocre village has been greatly improved, and it has attracted many cultural and creative groups and institutions to settle in. These institutions and groups have also activated and utilized the housing resources in the village, adding cultural charm to the beautiful Guanbei village.

  The change of village appearance has further affected the construction of rural civilization in Guanbei Village. Sun Wuyou, an old party member, told reporters: "It’s very different from before. Now in the village, there is no problem if the car is not locked."

  Looking at Guanbei Village in front of us, who would have thought that this village was once labeled as "distracted, polluted, bad public security, abandoned by everyone"?

  Whether it is Wulian Village, Songshugang Village or Guanbei Village, the new changes and new features brought by the new rural construction have made everyone feel the hope from the new socialist countryside. At the same time, the construction of new countryside is a time of progress rather than completion, not only in these three rural areas in southern Guangdong, but also in the new era.