The annual hit "Celebration of More Than Years" ended, and even Director Xie Fei praised it!

1905 movie network feature With the advent of 2020, the hit drama "Celebration of More Years" has also come to an end.


The plot of the finale reversed unexpectedly, and even the star Zhang Ruoyun was frequently asked by the media for spoilers on the plot of the second season at major events. At the same time, #Second Prince is the real murderer behind the scenes #also hit the hot search.


This online drama "Qingyu Nian" adapted from the novel of the same name, low-key go LIVE, with word-of-mouth counterattack, accompanied by the leakage of pirated resources, advanced on-demand and other storms, ratings and topic trendiness have been rising all the way, high-profile out of the circle, becoming the hottest drama at the end of 2019.


Although the series went live soon after the broadcast platform’s advanced pay-on-demand event, it attracted many netizens and media to name and criticize, but the content is still highly praised. To this day, Douban has commented on it with a score of 7.9.


Even director Xie Fei, who was chasing an online drama for the first time, couldn’t help but comment and praise the drama, "The opening is good, the plot is revealed layer by layer, and the characters are all interesting. I chased more than 20 episodes in a few days."


According to the relevant data of Cat’s Eye, from the third day after the launch of the series until January 3, 2020, the popularity of the whole network has been ranked first, and after the "full set resource leakage" storm, the daily broadcast volume still reached 229 million (January 1, 2020 data).


Without a doubt, "Qingyu Nian" is one of the most surprising online dramas at the end of 2019. So where did its surprises come from?

The content is too strong!

The news that Chen Daoming and Wu Gang are supporting the young actor Zhang Ruoyun has attracted a lot of audiences since the launch of the show. Even Chen Daoming himself said in an interview that the script is good.


With expectations for this cast, many viewers thought it would be a serious Machiavellian drama, but they never expected it to be a fast-paced comedy.


In the eyes of many fans of the original book, the audience with such expectations is really too young. The series is adapted from the slick novel of the same name and is a typical online "Shuangwen" routine. The original book itself has a large following for its ingenious conception and rich characters.

In fact, a number of novels have been adapted into film and television dramas – "General Night" starring Chen Feiyu and "The Book of Heaven" starring Lu Han, but the final response of the series in the market is mediocre.


These two works are also adapted from the tricky novel

When many original fans did not have much expectation for the film and television, they did not expect that it would become a hit.


The most inseparable person from the success of this film and television adaptation is Wang Tie, the screenwriter of this drama, a "strange man" whose past works are rarely lower than 8 points of Douban. Many people said in the comments that they wanted to blow him up with their real names.


In the theatrical version of the story,Wang Tie has retained the essence of the original book, redefining the theme of the story as "the collision of modern thought and ancient institutions".

The protagonist Fan Xian has become a teenager with modern memory and thinking. During the growth process of upgrading and fighting monsters, his modern ideas such as equality, justice, and humanistic feelings continue to collide with the feudal ideas of imperial supremacy. This collision is tragic.


In order to make the story more interesting, during the adaptation process, he re-structured many functional "dragon sets" in the original work, enhanced the drama of the story, and successfully portrayed the character image of the protagonist other than Fan Xian. Even before the show went LIVE, many supporting characters appeared before the lead actors, and even when Teng Zijing was killed, many netizens begged the screenwriters to resurrect him in the second season.


In addition, in the role changes, Wang Tie also retains his own unique style: within the protagonist, there must be a rebound, and all characters have several faces. With this style alone, Xiao Dianjun can’t wait to watch the second season.


Of course, in addition to the screenwriter’s efforts in the creation, it is also inseparable from the actor’s own charm.


On the third day of the series Go LIVE, Guo Qilin played Fan Sizhe successfully out of the circle. The clip of him and Fan Xian’s first meeting was immediately spread out on the short video, making many people forget that he was talking about cross talk Guo Qilin, but the character itself.


In addition, Tian Yu, who plays Wang Qinian, is also deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. This character starts with a greedy and cunning image at the beginning, and slowly emerges as the plot deepens. However, with the changes in the plot, you still can’t guess what kind of personality he will have in the future.

Tian Yu pinched this character very well, and made this character extra three-dimensional through different eyes and smiles.


In addition, let alone Chen Daoming, who played Emperor Qing, and Wu Gang, who played Chen Pingping. The contest between the two old actors has completely pulled this drama to another level.

Of course, the cat said in an interview, "The character of Emperor Qing was written according to Chen Daoming."


The clever adaptation of the plot and the excellent interpretation of the characters by the actors are the keys to the show’s good reputation.


Fancy marketing is great!

Just like the broadcast of "Twelve Hours in Changan", "Qingyu Nian" also had almost no publicity before going LIVE, and low-key official publicity was launched. However, as the popularity of the series continued to rise, word-of-mouth tests were successful, and marketing around the relevant characters and plots of the series began one after another.


Guo Qilin’s debut was the first small climax of the series. The paper tiger image that was arrogant but afraid of his sister and father immediately caused a heated discussion, and the follow-up topics continued, "Why did the bullet comment say that Guo Qilin is Guo Degang’s son" "Guo Qilin contracted the joke of" Qingyu Nian "" Guo Qilin was moved and cried "… For a time, he also became a frequent search.


The follow-up of Fan Xian and Lin Waner’s "rice bowl CP" became the key topic of the first half of the show. After the famous scene of the two meeting for the first time, the terrier of "chicken leg girl" was "played" offline. The most interesting thing was that Zhang Ruoyun was given a handful of "chicken thigh flowers" by fans at the airport, competing to be his "chicken thigh story". #ZhangRuoyun Airport is sent chicken thigh #also hit the hot search, which led to a wave of topics.


For this pair of CP, both the official and the netizens did not let go, and they created a second creation from different angles to achieve the second dissemination of the plot. Even the star Zhang Ruoyun took the initiative to post, "The human heart is made of flesh, and the fairies wear white clothes. The old saying is that I will not deceive you." With a photo of Li Qin looking at each other with a chicken leg in hand.

Then Li Qin left a message, "The old saying is right." The picture is a real-life wedding photo of Zhang Ruoyun and his wife Tang Yixin, who is wearing a white wedding dress. "Official sugar is the most deadly," and it is doubled in sweetness.


Is this just the end of this kind of publicity? "Qingguo Men’s Group" to find out. The linkage between Fan Xian, Fan Sizhe, Wuzhu, Teng Zijing and Wang Qinian has attracted a lot of heat that breaks the dimension.


source network

The netizens were even more ingenious. Although they were chasing the series feverishly, they were complaining about the series’ service, and even "animalized" the characters in the end. This kind of comparison creation made the creator himself laugh.


source network

The fantasies of netizens are not terrifying. The most terrifying thing is that even the main creator has fantasies and runs the train with his mouth full.


When Zhang Ruoyun and Li Chun were guests at Li Jiaqi’s live stream to promote "Celebrating More Than a Year", in the face of "drama chaser" Li Jiaqi’s questioning about the plot, Zhang Ruoyun began to "talk nonsense", "In fact, Emperor Qing and Ye Qingmei are the same person, and Emperor Qing gave birth to Fan Xian in a hermaphrodite body." The other party was stunned, and even many netizens who had not yet followed the drama took action.


It seems that although this drama has zero publicity in the early stage, it is completely unable to resist the fancy marketing in the later stage. One step at a time, people can’t hold back their curiosity and chase it!


The New Enlightenment of the IP Adaptation Drama of the Big Male Lead

In fact, the explosion of "Qingyu Nian" did not happen overnight. The IP was announced at the Shanghai TV Festival as early as June 2009, but there has been no major move since then.


This IP went through a number of film and television companies such as Yu Zheng Studio and Tangren Film and Television. It was not until June 2017 that Tencent Film officially announced the launch of this project. The reason why it has undergone so many changes for 10 years is that the script is really difficult to change.


Nowadays, Wang Tie’s adaptation and the performance of the actors have made this drama recognized by the market, and many people believe that the spring of "big male protagonist IP adaptation drama" has come.

Admittedly, prior to this, episodes such as "General Night" and "Twelve Hours in Chang’an" had gained audience recognition through excellent production. However, what we cannot ignore is that the series "Sword Dynasty", which was broadcast at the same time as "Qingyu Nian", was complained by many viewers. It can be seen that such series still face greater challenges.


Li Xian also failed to save Sword Dynasty.

In fact, in the past, IP adaptations such as "Qingyun Zhi", "Choice of Heaven" and "Fighting the Sky" were more suitable for game themes to restore famous scenes in novels. And episodes like "Celebration of More Than Years" and "Twelve Hours in Chang’an", although not traditional historical dramas, have the majestic atmosphere and depth of historical dramas.


In addition, at the moment of the audience’s aesthetic upgrade and speculative capacity enhancement, these episodes also have a deeper resonance with the audience at the level of value sense.


In the past, most of the big female lead dramas such as "Empresses in the palace" and "The Legend of Mi Yue" were on the market, while the big male lead dramas were once shackled. However, from "Twelve Hours in Changan" in mid-2019 to "Celebration of More Than a Year" at the end of the year, such dramas began to rectify their names and gradually rose to a new level. In the future, there will be a wave of "big male lead IP adaptations" such as "Douluo Continent" and "Changan in the World".


Perhaps by then, we can see even greater market potential.

China’s fruits frequently hit the wall, exposing the structural defects of China’s fruit industry.

  China is the world’s largest fruit producer, but in recent ten years, the proportion of fruit exports to total output has been below 5% for a long time, and the export level is low. Since 2003, more than 60% fruit export enterprises in China have encountered green trade barriers every year. Experts pointed out that green trade barriers have become the main external constraints restricting China’s fruit exports.

  Green barriers have caused three negative effects.

  After China’s entry into WTO, domestic fruit exports did not increase as much as expected. According to statistics, from 1998 to 2006, China’s fruit exports accounted for 1.16%, 2.16%, 2.22%, 2.87%, 3.53%, 3.72%, 4.13% and 3.86% of the total output respectively.

  Experts such as Guo Wei, associate professor of Guangdong Business School, and Li Wenlong, lecturer of Hunan Institute of Science and Technology, said that since 2003, more than 60% fruit export enterprises in China have encountered green trade barriers every year. It has suppressed the living space of Chinese fruits in the international market and raised the export threshold.

  Experts such as Professor Zhang Xingwang from Yunnan Agricultural University, Associate Professor Liu Hancheng from Huanggang Normal University and Li Wenlong from Hunan Institute of Science and Technology analyzed that at present, green barriers have caused three negative effects on China’s fruit export.

  The first is to restrict the growth of fruit export trade. 60% of China’s exported fruits are exported to developed countries and regions such as the European Union, the United States and Japan, as well as newly industrialized countries such as ASEAN and South Korea. They are all members of the WTO Committee on Trade and Environment, and are more willing to use green trade barriers to restrict the export of Chinese fruit products.

  For example, the United States is one of the main export markets of litchi in Guangdong. It requires that litchi should not contain live insects and leaves, the fruit stalk should not exceed 10 cm, and the pesticide residue should not exceed a certain limit. It must be stored continuously for 15 days at a constant temperature of 1℃.

  The second is to increase the cost of export products and weaken the international competitiveness of fruit products. In order to meet the green environmental protection standards, Chinese fruit enterprises should pay for inspection, testing, certification, appraisal and equipment purchase. In order to obtain the green sign recognized by foreign countries, enterprises have to pay the certification application fee and the annual use fee. However, the fruit quality evaluation procedures and quality certification systems in developed countries are becoming increasingly strict and complicated.

  For example, if agricultural products such as fruits want to enter South Korea, China’s quarantine department needs to provide the General Catalogue of Diseases and Pests, and South Korea needs to send experts to China for on-the-spot investigation before signing the quarantine agreement between the two countries. China exports products to South Korea according to normal trade methods.

  The third is that the export risk of enterprises has increased. In recent years, developed countries often take unilateral trade measures to restrict the import of fruits from developing countries, including China, in the name of environmental protection. Moreover, they can also exclude fruits outside the region, including Chinese fruits, on the grounds that they are lower than the regional environmental standards through free trade within the region.

  Frequent "hitting the wall" exposes the structural defects of China’s fruit industry

  Experts believe that China’s fruit industry frequently encounters foreign green trade barriers, which not only causes trade protectionism, but also exposes the defects of China’s fruit industry in production, circulation and processing.

  -the main planting body is scattered. The vast majority of fruit production in China adopts free and decentralized planting methods, and the planting units often take households as units. Growers’ cultural quality is different, their ideas vary widely, and their awareness of environmental protection is poor, so many problems arise. Different producers use different fertilizers, spray different pesticides and pick different times, so the shape, size and maturity of fruits are different.

  -standard construction is lagging behind. At present, there are 291 indexes for the maximum residue of 104 pesticides in 45 foods in China. At present, the Codex Alimentarius stipulates 2439 maximum residue standards for 176 pesticides in 375 foods. For example, the national standard Maximum Residue Limits of Pesticides in Food (GB 2763-2005) issued and implemented in China in 2005 involves only 48 kinds of original pesticides in apples, far less than those in the United States, Japan and the European Union. Foreign standards have been formulated in the production stage of products, but the standard-setting work in China is quite backward and the cycle is long. Because China’s fruit export standards lag behind international standards, fruits that pass domestic inspection are returned or destroyed by importing countries because of excessive antibiotic and pesticide residues during export.

  -Insufficient storage and fresh-keeping ability. Fruit is a complete cold chain system from precooling, cold storage, heat preservation and transportation to entering the consumer market. More than 90% fruits in Japan are precooled. But only 5% in China. Only 10% of fruits in China can realize cold chain transportation. The storage capacity of fruits in China is 20% of the total output, and most of them are simple storage. Cold storage and modified atmosphere storage only account for 7% of the total storage capacity, while in developed countries it is 100%, and 70-80% are modified atmosphere storage.

  -Insufficient government policy support. The fruit production cycle is long, and the early investment in the orchard is high, with high risks. However, the Chinese government lacks specific preferential policies to support the development of the fruit industry at present, and the financial support for strengthening the orchard infrastructure construction, accelerating the development of the fruit processing industry, and improving the fruit storage conditions is not enough. Financial institutions do not have special loan indicators for fruits, and the problems of reducing or exempting agricultural specialty taxes and partially returning agricultural specialty taxes in the process of fruit structure adjustment have also restricted the competitiveness of Chinese fruits.

  Only the adjustment of industrial structure can "break the wall"

  Experts suggest that China’s fruit industry must take various measures, including brand building, trade negotiation and media publicity, to effectively break through the green barrier and open up a broad export market. But improving the quality of fruit itself is fundamental, and the adjustment of industrial structure is the key to improve the quality of fruit.

  -establish a large-scale export-oriented base of 500 hectares to 1,000 hectares. They can play a large-scale production effect, reduce production costs through mass production, and at the same time, facilitate the establishment of a unified quality supervision system and production regulations that meet international green standards, implement unified operations and standards for all fruit production, effectively ensure product quality, and are also conducive to logistics and transportation.

  -adjusting the variety structure and vigorously developing the fruit processing industry. Diversification of export varieties can avoid the impact of single variety and large quantity on the importing country’s market and local fruit industry, and reduce the possibility of importing countries setting restrictions on China’s export of fruits. Taking the fruit processing industry as the leading industry of the fruit industry will not only improve the added value of fruit exports, but also ease the impact of fruit exports on importing countries. At present, the focus of developing fruit processing industry is to improve the level of post-harvest commercialization and the production level of high value-added deep-processed products such as fruit wine, jam and juice. It is necessary to encourage the introduction of advanced technology and funds, transform existing fruit processing enterprises in China, and improve the technological content of processing.

  -promoting the standardization of production. China should formulate strict standards, monitor the whole production process from fruit variety selection and plantation site selection to fruit production, harvesting, storage, transportation and processing, avoid pollution, improve quality, implement green fruit strategy, and adjust it in time according to the setting of green barriers in export areas at any time. The government should carry out standardized production training for fruit farmers, vigorously popularize standardized production, and make the concept of green production deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

  -Strengthen the commercialization of postharvest fruits and the construction of modern logistics system. At present, the price of fruit in China’s fruit market is 40% to 50% lower than that in the international market. If we can do a good job in commercialization of fruit after delivery, our fruit will not only have price advantage, but also have quality competitiveness. The development of modern fruit logistics is conducive to the full control of logistics in strict accordance with international standards and norms.

  -We will promptly establish an early warning mechanism for green trade barriers. China’s fruit trading enterprises are mainly small and medium-sized enterprises, lacking the ability to actively deal with green barriers. Therefore, the government should take the lead in establishing an early warning system for green trade barriers. At the same time, China should quickly set up China’s green trade barriers based on the Agreement on the Implementation of Animal and Plant Sanitary and Quarantine Measures of the WTO, so as to provide a basis and guarantee for China and WTO member countries to resolve the dispute over green trade barriers.

Editor: Gao Song

Notice of the State Council Municipality on Printing and Distributing Several Policies for Promoting the High-quality Development of Integrated Circuit Industry and Software Industry in the New Period

The State Council on printing and distributing the new period to promote the integrated circuit industry and

Notice of some policies on high-quality development of software industry

Guo Fa [2020] No.8

People’s governments of all provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government, ministries and commissions and institutions directly under the State Council:

The "Several Policies for Promoting the High-quality Development of Integrated Circuit Industry and Software Industry in the New Period" are hereby printed and distributed to you, please earnestly implement them.

the State Council

July 27, 2020

(This piece is publicly released)

Promoting integrated circuit industry and software industry in the new period

Some policies for high-quality development

Integrated circuit industry and software industry are the core of information industry, and they are the key forces to lead a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation. Since the issuance of the Notice of the State Council on Printing and Distributing Policies to Encourage the Development of Software Industry and Integrated Circuit Industry (Guo Fa [2000] No.18) and the Notice of the State Council on Printing and Distributing Policies to Further Encourage the Development of Software Industry and Integrated Circuit Industry (Guo Fa [2011] No.4), China’s integrated circuit industry and software industry have developed rapidly, which has strongly supported the national information construction and promoted the sustained and healthy development of the national economy and society. In order to further optimize the development environment of integrated circuit industry and software industry, deepen industrial international cooperation, and enhance industrial innovation ability and development quality, the following policies are formulated.

First, fiscal and taxation policies

(1) Enterprises or projects that are encouraged by the state to produce integrated circuits with a line width of less than 28 nanometers (inclusive) and have been in operation for more than 15 years shall be exempted from enterprise income tax from the first year to the tenth year. Enterprises or projects that are encouraged by the state to produce integrated circuits with a line width of less than 65 nanometers (inclusive) and an operating period of more than 15 years are exempted from enterprise income tax from the first year to the fifth year, and the enterprise income tax is levied at a statutory rate of 25% in the sixth to tenth years. Enterprises or projects that are encouraged by the state to produce integrated circuits with a line width of less than 130 nanometers (inclusive) and have been in operation for more than 10 years shall be exempted from enterprise income tax from the first year to the second year, and enterprise income tax shall be levied at the statutory tax rate of 25% in the third to the fifth year. Losses incurred by integrated circuit manufacturing enterprises whose line width is less than 130 nanometers (inclusive) encouraged by the state in the tax year are allowed to be carried forward to the following years, and the longest summary transfer period shall not exceed 10 years.

For those who enjoy preferential tax policies according to integrated circuit manufacturing enterprises, the preferential period shall be calculated from the profit-making year; For those who enjoy preferential tax policies in accordance with integrated circuit production projects, the preferential period is calculated from the tax year in which the project obtains the first production and operation income. The list of integrated circuit manufacturers or projects encouraged by the state shall be formulated by the National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology in conjunction with relevant departments.

(2) Enterprises engaged in integrated circuit design, equipment, materials, packaging and testing and software encouraged by the state shall be exempted from enterprise income tax from the first year to the second year, and the enterprise income tax shall be reduced by half at the statutory tax rate of 25% from the third year to the fifth year. The conditions for enterprises engaged in IC design, equipment, materials, packaging and testing encouraged by the state shall be formulated by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology in conjunction with relevant departments.

(3) Key integrated circuit design enterprises and software enterprises encouraged by the state shall be exempted from enterprise income tax from the first year to the fifth year, and enterprise income tax shall be levied at a reduced rate of 10% in subsequent years. The list of key integrated circuit design enterprises and software enterprises encouraged by the state shall be formulated by the National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology jointly with relevant departments.

(four) the conditions and scope of preferential income tax policies implemented by the state for integrated circuit enterprises or projects and software enterprises shall be dynamically adjusted according to the progress of industrial technology. The enterprise income tax of integrated circuit design enterprises and software enterprises in the previous year before the implementation of this policy shall be implemented in accordance with the preferential policy of "two exemptions and three reductions" specified in document No.4 [2011] of the State Council.

(five) continue to implement the preferential policies of value-added tax for integrated circuit enterprises and software enterprises.

(6) In a certain period of time, the production enterprises of logic circuits and memories with integrated circuit linewidth less than 65 nm (inclusive), and the production enterprises of characteristic process integrated circuits with integrated circuit linewidth less than 0.25 micron (inclusive) (including the production enterprises of masks and 8-inch and above silicon wafers) shall be exempted from import duties; Production raw materials and consumables imported by compound integrated circuit manufacturers and advanced packaging and testing enterprises with integrated circuit line width less than 0.5 micron (inclusive) are exempt from import duties. Specific policies shall be formulated by the Ministry of Finance in conjunction with the General Administration of Customs and other relevant departments. The list of enterprises and the list of duty-free commodities shall be formulated by the National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology jointly with relevant departments.

(7) Within a certain period of time, the key integrated circuit design enterprises and software enterprises encouraged by the state, as well as the integrated circuit production enterprises and advanced packaging and testing enterprises mentioned in Article (6) shall be exempted from import duties, as well as the technology (including software) and accessories and spare parts imported with the equipment according to the contract, except for the goods listed in the relevant import catalogue that are not duty-free. Specific policies shall be formulated by the Ministry of Finance in conjunction with the General Administration of Customs and other relevant departments.

(eight) in a certain period of time, the import of new equipment for major integrated circuit projects is allowed to pay the import value-added tax in installments. Specific policies shall be formulated by the Ministry of Finance in conjunction with the General Administration of Customs and other relevant departments.

II. Investment and financing policies

(nine) to strengthen the service and guidance of major integrated circuit projects, orderly guide and standardize the development order of integrated circuit industry, do a good job in planning and layout, strengthen risk warning, and avoid low-level redundant construction.

(10) Encourage and support integrated circuit enterprises and software enterprises to strengthen resource integration. Relevant departments and local governments in the State Council should actively support and guide the reorganization and merger of enterprises in accordance with the principle of marketization, and shall not set various forms of restrictions other than laws, regulations and policies.

(eleven) make full use of the existing national and local government investment funds to support the development of integrated circuit industry and software industry, encourage social capital to raise funds through multiple channels according to the principle of marketization, and set up investment funds to improve the marketization level of funds.

(12) Encourage local governments to establish a loan risk compensation mechanism, and support integrated circuit enterprises and software enterprises to obtain commercial loans through intellectual property pledge financing, equity pledge financing, accounts receivable pledge financing, supply chain finance, science and technology and intellectual property insurance. Give full play to the role of financing guarantee institutions and actively provide various forms of financing guarantee services for small and micro enterprises in the fields of integrated circuits and software.

(13) Encourage commercial financial institutions to further improve financial services, increase medium and long-term loan support for the integrated circuit industry and the software industry, actively innovate credit products suitable for the development of the integrated circuit industry and the software industry, and increase financial support for major projects on the premise of controllable risks and sustainable business; Guide insurance funds to carry out equity investment; Support bank wealth management companies, insurance, trusts and other non-bank financial institutions to initiate the establishment of specialized asset management products.

(14) Vigorously support qualified integrated circuit enterprises and software enterprises to go public and raise funds at home and abroad, and speed up the domestic listing review process. R&D expenditures that meet the relevant conditions of the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises can be capitalized. Encourage and support qualified enterprises to list and raise funds in science and technology innovation board and Growth Enterprise Market, and smooth the exit channels of original shareholders of related enterprises. Provide equity financing, equity transfer and other services for integrated circuit enterprises and software enterprises at different stages of development through different levels of capital markets, expand direct financing channels and increase the proportion of direct financing.

(15) Encourage qualified integrated circuit enterprises and software enterprises to issue corporate bonds, corporate bonds, short-term financing bonds and medium-term notes, broaden financing channels for enterprises, and support enterprises to raise funds from the bond market through medium-and long-term bonds.

Third, research and development policies

(16) Focus on the research and development of key core technologies of high-end chips, integrated circuit equipment and technology, key materials of integrated circuits, integrated circuit design tools, basic software, industrial software and application software, and constantly explore and build a new national system for tackling key core technologies under the conditions of socialist market economy. The Ministry of Science and Technology, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and other departments do a good job in organizing and implementing the relevant work, and actively use the national key R&D plans and major national science and technology projects to give support.

(seventeen) in the fields of advanced storage, advanced computing, advanced manufacturing, high-end packaging and testing, key equipment materials, new generation semiconductor technology, etc., combined with the characteristics of the industry to promote the construction of various innovative platforms. The Ministry of Science and Technology, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and other departments give priority to supporting relevant innovation platforms to implement R&D projects.

(eighteen) to encourage software enterprises to implement national standards such as software quality, information security, development and management. Strengthen the organization construction of integrated circuit standardization, improve the standard system, strengthen standard verification, and enhance research and development capabilities. Improve the quality of integrated circuits and software and enhance the competitiveness of the industry.

Iv. import and export policies

(19) In a certain period of time, key integrated circuit design enterprises and software enterprises encouraged by the state need to temporarily import self-use equipment (including development and test equipment), software and hardware environment, prototypes, parts and components, and those that meet the requirements can go through the customs formalities for temporarily entering the country, and their import tax shall be implemented in accordance with existing laws and regulations.

(20) Financial institutions may provide financing and insurance support for software export contracts signed between software enterprises and foreign enterprises with higher credit ratings in accordance with the principles of independent loan review and risk control.

(twenty-one) to promote the export of integrated circuits, software and information technology services, vigorously develop international service outsourcing business, and support enterprises to establish overseas marketing networks. The Ministry of Commerce, together with relevant departments, will establish a long-term cooperation mechanism with key countries and regions and take comprehensive measures to create conditions for enterprises to expand into emerging markets.

V. Talent policy

(twenty-two) to further strengthen the construction of integrated circuit and software specialty in colleges and universities, accelerate the setting of integrated circuit first-level disciplines, adjust the curriculum, teaching plan and teaching methods in a timely manner in close connection with the needs of industrial development, and strive to cultivate compound and practical high-level talents. Strengthen the construction of integrated circuit and software professional teachers, teaching laboratories and practice training bases. The Ministry of Education will strengthen supervision and guidance with relevant departments.

(twenty-three) to encourage qualified universities to cooperate with integrated circuit enterprises to accelerate the construction of demonstration microelectronics colleges. Give priority to building and cultivating integrated enterprises in the field of integrated circuits. If the investment in vocational education of the pilot enterprises that are included in the scope of the construction and cultivation of production-education integration enterprises meets the requirements, the education surcharge and local education surcharge that should be paid by the enterprise in the current year can be credited according to the proportion of 30% of the investment. Encourage social-related industrial investment funds to increase investment, and support joint ventures in colleges and universities to carry out the construction of special resource libraries for IC talent training. Support demonstration microelectronics colleges and characteristic demonstration software colleges to cooperate with internationally renowned universities and multinational companies, introduce foreign teachers and high-quality resources, and jointly cultivate talents in integrated circuits and software.

(twenty-four) encourage local governments to commend and reward high-end talents who have made outstanding contributions in the field of integrated circuits and software, as well as high-level engineers and R&D designers, and improve the equity incentive mechanism. Through relevant talent programs, we will increase efforts to introduce top experts, outstanding talents and teams. Priority should be given to exploring relevant policies for introducing talents in integrated circuits and software in industrial clusters or related industrial clusters. Formulate and implement the annual plan for the introduction and training of integrated circuit and software talents, promote the construction of the national international training base for integrated circuit and software talents, and focus on strengthening the medium and long-term training of professionals in urgent need.

(twenty-five) to strengthen industry self-discipline, guide the rational and orderly flow of integrated circuits and software talents, and avoid vicious competition.

VI. Intellectual Property Policy

(twenty-six) encourage enterprises to register the exclusive rights of integrated circuit layout design and software copyright. Support integrated circuit enterprises and software enterprises to apply for intellectual property rights according to law, and give relevant support to those who meet the relevant provisions. Vigorously develop integrated circuits and software-related intellectual property services.

(twenty-seven) strictly implement the intellectual property protection system for integrated circuits and software, and increase the punishment of intellectual property infringement violations. Strengthen the protection of the exclusive right of layout design of integrated circuits and software copyright under the network environment, actively develop and apply the network copyright protection technology of genuine software, and effectively protect the intellectual property rights of integrated circuits and software.

(twenty-eight) to explore the establishment of a long-term mechanism for software legalization. All computers (including mainframe computers, servers, microcomputers and notebook computers) sold in China must be pre-installed with genuine software, and computers pre-installed with non-genuine software are prohibited from going on sale. We will fully implement the policies and measures for government agencies to use genuine software, implement centralized government procurement of general-purpose software, and strengthen the management of software assets. Promote the institutionalization and standardization of the use of genuine software in important industries and key areas. Strengthen the publicity, training, supervision and inspection on the use of genuine software, and create a good environment for the use of genuine software.

Seven, the market application policy

(twenty-nine) through policy guidance, market application as the traction, increase the promotion of integrated circuits and software innovative products, and promote the continuous upgrading of technology and industry.

(thirty) to promote the development of integrated circuit industry and software industry cluster, support the construction of information technology service industry cluster and integrated circuit industry cluster, and support the development of software industry park with characteristics and high end.

(31) Support key enterprises, research institutes, universities and other innovative subjects in the field of integrated circuits and software to build various specialized innovation service institutions represented by specialized creative space, optimize the allocation of innovative resources such as technology, equipment, capital and market, and provide specialized services focusing on integrated circuits and software in accordance with the market mechanism, so as to realize the integrated development of large, medium and small enterprises. Increase support for specialized service platforms such as specialized creative space, technology business incubators and university science parks serving the integrated circuit and software industries, and enhance their professional service capabilities.

(thirty-two) actively guide the development of information technology research and application services outsourcing. Government departments are encouraged to entrust qualified software and information technology service institutions with the services that are within the scope of government responsibilities and suitable for market-oriented services in e-government construction, data center construction and data processing by purchasing services. Pay close attention to the formulation and improvement of corresponding safety review and confidentiality management regulations. Encourage large and medium-sized enterprises to rely on information technology to develop and apply business institutions and set up specialized software and information technology service enterprises.

(thirty-three) improve the protection system of consumer privacy and business secrets under the network environment, and promote the development of software and information technology services in the network. Promote software products and services that meet safety requirements in government agencies and institutions at all levels.

(34) further standardize the market order of the integrated circuit industry and the software industry, strengthen anti-monopoly law enforcement, crack down on various monopolistic behaviors according to law, do a good job in the anti-monopoly review of operators, and maintain fair competition in the integrated circuit industry and the software industry market. Strengthen law enforcement against unfair competition and crack down on all kinds of unfair competition according to law.

(thirty-five) give full play to the role of industry associations and standardization organizations, speed up the formulation of standards related to integrated circuits and software, and popularize the standards for quality evaluation of integrated circuits and cost measurement of software development.

VIII. International cooperation policy

Deepen the global cooperation between the integrated circuit industry and the software industry, and actively create a good environment for international enterprises to invest and develop in China. Encourage domestic universities and research institutes to strengthen cooperation with overseas high-level universities and research institutions, and encourage international enterprises to build R&D centers in China. Strengthen communication between domestic trade associations and international trade organizations, support domestic enterprises to cooperate with international enterprises at home and abroad, and deeply participate in the division of labor and cooperation in the international market and the formulation of international standards.

(thirty-seven) to promote the integrated circuit industry and software industry to "go global". It is convenient for domestic enterprises to jointly build R&D centers overseas, and make better use of international innovation resources to enhance the level of industrial development. The National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Commerce and other relevant departments will improve their service level and create a good environment for enterprises to carry out investment and other cooperation.

IX. Supplementary Provisions

(38) All qualified integrated circuit enterprises (including design, production, packaging, testing, equipment and materials enterprises) and software enterprises established in China, regardless of the nature of ownership, can enjoy this policy.

(thirty-nine) this policy is interpreted by the National Development and Reform Commission in conjunction with the Ministry of Finance, the State Administration of Taxation, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Commerce, the General Administration of Customs and other departments.

(forty) this policy shall be implemented as of the date of issuance. Continue to implement the policies specified in document No.18 [2000] and No.4 [2011] of the State Council. If the relevant policies are inconsistent with this policy, this policy shall prevail.

Autumn children have loose bowels, beware of rotavirus as a demon.

  Among children with diarrhea under 5 years old in China, about 40% of hospitalized cases are caused by rotavirus, and 30% of outpatient cases are caused by rotavirus. Li Dandi, a researcher at the Center for Virus Prevention and Control of the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, recently reminded that diarrhea in autumn is not as simple as a cold stomach. Rotavirus infection is the real cause of diarrhea, and it is the most important pathogen of severe diarrhea in infants. According to the World Health Organization, in 2013, nearly 220,000 children under 5 died of rotavirus infection.

  Zhang Zhu, deputy director of the Department of Gastroenterology, Beijing Hospital, also reminded that rotavirus is particularly active in autumn, and it recurs every year, usually from August to December, and the most active period in the north is October and November. Rotavirus diarrhea is highly contagious, not only through the digestive tract, but also through the respiratory tract. Therefore, children with rotavirus infection often have respiratory symptoms, such as fever and cough, accompanied by particularly severe watery diarrhea. This watery diarrhea may be like egg flower soup, but it has no abnormal odor. This is a typical rotavirus infection. Rotavirus may be accompanied by some food poisoning, including Escherichia coli, which are diseases that children are particularly susceptible to in autumn.

  What emergency treatment should parents do if the child suddenly has abdominal pain? Zhang Zhu said that taking rotavirus as an example, most viral enteritis can heal itself, and there can be a slow recovery process in about one to two weeks. However, children will lose some water and salt in the process, so it is particularly important for parents to deal with it scientifically.

  First of all, don’t eat antibiotics indiscriminately. For example, quinolones can affect children’s cartilage development, and children under 16 are not recommended to eat them, because parents’ indiscriminate use of drugs may bring more serious problems to children.

  Oral rehydration salts are more practical. It is recommended that families with babies can prepare some oral rehydration salts, which can reasonably supplement the loss of fluids in children’s bodies and supplement certain electrolytes such as potassium, sodium and chlorine. What if there is no rehydration salt at home? You can use orange juice bought in the supermarket to heat and sterilize, and then add a little salt. Because orange juice contains a lot of potassium chloride, plus a little sodium chloride, potassium, sodium, chlorine and other lost electrolytes are available; Orange juice contains high sugar and is a good calorie supplement for children with diarrhea.

  Liu Cuiying, deputy director of the Department of Infectious Diseases of Beijing Children’s Hospital, reminded that the symptoms of rotavirus infection are the most serious for the first time. Parents should not think that rotavirus infection is ordinary diarrhea. Once they find that their children have typical loose stools, or that they have no tears when crying, and their skin is relatively dry, or that they have persistent high fever, a lot of mucus or blood in their stools, acute abdominal pain, and their children are depressed or unable to feed water and food, they must go to the hospital in time.