The company accountant embezzled 8.9 million reward female anchors to save face and brush 200 "rockets" at a time.

  Cctv news Married, accountant, introverted, with a monthly salary of several thousand yuan, this is a portrait of 28-year-old Wang Dong (a pseudonym). However, to everyone’s surprise, he actually used his position to misappropriate 8.9 million yuan of public funds for "rewarding" female network anchors, and individual anchors received more than 1.6 million yuan of "rewarding" online.

  How is this money spent? Can it be recovered? For the webcast platform, what does the anchor earn?

  Spending 100 thousand on "200 rockets" at a time is very face-saving

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  Originally, the company wanted to conduct a year-end audit, but the company accountant disappeared the day before the audit. The employees of a real estate company in Zhenjiang, Jiangsu Province, who felt that the situation was serious immediately reported the case. Wang Dong, the company accountant, may have misappropriated public funds, and now he can’t contact, asking the public security organs to investigate.

  After receiving the police, the police immediately launched an investigation and found that Wang Dong used his position to misappropriate public funds for more than 10 times, reaching 8.9 million yuan.

  So, where did Dong Wang embezzle so much money?

  It turned out that 8.9 million yuan was basically used to "reward" more than 10 network anchors, and the most female anchors were rewarded with 1.6 million yuan. After learning that the company was going to audit the accounts, he knew that not only would he be unable to conceal the embezzlement, but he would also be unable to repay it. So, he took the high-speed train to Shanghai to meet the female anchor "Yu Keer" he met online, and then cut his wrist at the hotel to commit suicide.

  Seeing the continuous outflow of blood, Wang Dong had a desire to survive again. After calling "Yu Keer", he was sent to the hospital for rescue.

  After leaving the hospital, Wang Dong voluntarily surrendered himself and confessed to his misappropriation of funds. Subsequently, he was criminally detained by the public security organs according to law.

  Why is it that the misappropriated money is reluctant to give a penny to my family, but I am willing to reward the female anchor?

  Wang Dong said that his family condition is very ordinary. He has been living with his parents since he got married. When he rewarded the anchor, 500 yuan got a "rocket" in cash. He spent 100,000 yuan to brush "200 rockets" for the female anchor at one time, so everyone thought he was a "rich second generation", which made him feel very proud.

  The police said that Wang Dong not only showed off on the Internet, but in reality, as he and two female anchors developed into a boyfriend and girlfriend relationship, he stayed in the presidential suite of a high-end hotel when he was dating with public funds, and each time he spent about 30,000 yuan.

  The police said that at present, it is very difficult to recover the funds misappropriated by Wang Dong, and they are actively looking for these anchors.

  Network female anchor: no money, no gifts.

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  The female anchor "Yu Keer" said that she has changed many live broadcast platforms, but Wang Dong will follow suit.

  For many young people, the new career of network anchor is highly sought after by them. So, what are the main income channels of anchor?

  The network anchor "Yu Keer" is one of Wang Dong who brushes the most gifts and develops into a boyfriend and girlfriend. She said that for network anchors, people who have no money and brush less gifts simply don’t care.

  Yu Keer said that Wang Dong was a "local tyrant" every time he was rewarded. Although they were no longer in the same city, they still exchanged micro-signals with each other and later met offline. Regarding the relationship with Wang Dong, "Yu Keer" said that this is what everyone needs. I regard live broadcast as a profession, and the other party will "reward" myself more, so naturally I will say a few more words and meet each other.

  Expert: the anchor should not touch the moral bottom line at will

  Why are there so many network platforms? As a new format, what qualities should it have? What kind of content is output?

  Zhang Bin, a reporter from china national radio, said that when webcasting just started, the anchor could win the public’s favor by "face value". Later, in addition to spelling the face value, the anchor spelled out talents such as singing, dancing and magic. Now, when the webcasting platform is getting bigger and bigger, as the general public who has neither "face value" nor talent, they play different and wonderful forms such as live drunk driving and eating glass. Such examples are not uncommon.

  Zhang Bin said that there are a large number of teenagers and minors behind the network, and the harm caused by exporting content with incorrect values and wrong orientation may be enormous. But in fact, the anchor can become a "positive online celebrity" by imparting knowledge and explaining the contents of professional fields. Secondly, the low cost of webcasting is the primary reason for the emergence of network platforms and anchors one after another. "online celebrity" wants to make more money, and will take some side-stepping forms. If the platform wants to make more money, it will tolerate or even acquiesce in "online celebrity" playing the sideline.

  "When the truth is still wearing shoes, rumors have spread around half the world." Cheng Ligeng, a well-known scholar at China Youth University for Politics, said that the Internet can relieve stress and kill boring time, but the content of "three customs" must not exist. Because the information transmitted by the network is spread in geometric progression and virus, the network anchor must follow two principles: those who violate laws and regulations, those who violate public order and good customs, and those who touch the moral bottom line and transmit bad content. (Text/wanglili)

Secret Service Mission: Novel Structure and Contemporary Perspective of Spy War Drama

Original title: Secret Service Mission: Novel Structure and Contemporary Expression of Spy War Drama

The double puzzle of reality and game world, the secret game of national security — — The newly-launched new Guoan anti-espionage urban drama "Secret Service Mission" has unlocked a brand-new scene for the story of "Secret Service" and injected narrative expression close to the development of contemporary society and the daily life of young people.

The Secret War from the Contemporary Perspective

The story is set in Jinhai, China in 2021. A game of "Secret Service Mission" is popular among young people. The overseas intelligence organization "Night Fog" uses this game to secretly spy without the players’ knowledge. The drama tells the story of the course that the Reconnaissance Department of the National Security Bureau of Jinhai City successfully cracked a series of espionage actions and safeguarded national security in this high-pressure situation. The dramatic background lays a lot of suspense, and the drama has attracted much attention because of its examination of network security in modern society.

In the scene design, there are no flying cars, blasting and climbing on skyscrapers, but flying close to the ground, which is a puzzle in urban life. In the setting of the main line, the drama leads from a seemingly ordinary online game to a war of national security, reeling from the interweaving of the real world and the virtual world. The perspective of Secret Service jumped out of the traditional setting of similar foreign commercial films, and the texture of life and the interaction between reality and reality became its two highlights.

"We found that the battle on the hidden front in real life is more powerful than those fictional plots, although there is no thrilling scene in the movie." After interviewing the real national security personnel, the director and his team made a choice on the tone of the story, and a series of anti-espionage struggles based on the contemporary urban situation began.

Two-line game between the virtual world and the real world, with multiple perspectives of urban group images.

How to highlight the concept of "modern spy war"? With the help of online games, a cultural carrier that attracts the attention of contemporary youth, the play constructs a multi-dimensional and multi-angle narrative structure, connecting two time and space and constructing a double puzzle. In the play, players wear VR devices and are immersed in game tasks, but they don’t know that they have already been used by overseas intelligence organizations. "This is no longer a game, it is a struggle."

In order to strengthen the sense of closeness to daily life, "Secret Service Mission" does not "deify" the national security personnel, but delicately shows their hardships and extraordinary will in the long-term battle of pursuing the truth. Its group image setting is also outside the spy war’s villain camp, and it has joined many ordinary players’ identities, showing in an all-round way how this secret war has affected the lives of every ordinary person. Gao Tianyang, the hero, is a young and promising head of the reconnaissance department of the National Security Bureau of Jinhai City. He has a superior IQ and a meticulous mind, and takes safeguarding national interests as his own responsibility. Huang Zicheng, the younger brother who grew up with Gao Tianyang, is an adventurous game addict, but he happens to be deeply involved in the spy game. Huang Zicheng met his partner, Vagrancy, in the game. Just as his feelings were growing, he unexpectedly found that his meeting with Vagrancy was not accidental … … It is difficult to distinguish between the real world and the virtual world, and the choice between sensibility and rationality is interspersed among them, which has become the key focus of its dramatic conflict.

In the "agent mission" of online games, it is a surreal Cyberpunk world, which simulates the real player’s perspective. Taking virtual reality as a barrier, overseas intelligence personnel use the weakness of human nature to spread the intelligence network everywhere, so the anti-espionage work of national security personnel is difficult. The characters in the play have the dual identities of virtual reality and real world, and the urban group images show a variety of faces in different situations, and the complex relationship network of the drama has also been constructed.

Anti-spy suspense breaks the circle and explains the feelings of the new generation of national security

"This hidden front is not far from the lives of ordinary people, and it is likely to exist around you and me. Any ordinary person may become the object of being used by spies." Zhao Baogang, the director, mentioned this in his exposition of drama creation. Different from the suspended stunt of many spy-themed dramas, Secret Service puts the spy war story around the people.

In recent years, with the increasing demand for network use, the detectability of espionage has been greatly tested. Taking this phenomenon as the breakthrough point, The Secret Service incorporates the audio-visual elements with strong sensory stimulation, such as Role-playing game and Cyberpunk wind scenes, which are popular among young audiences in the spy war plot, so as to achieve the destruction of the national security drama.

In the game rules of "Secret Service", virtual currency can be converted into real currency, and the attractive reward has made many players accept offline tasks. With the development of science and technology, espionage has penetrated into every corner of society in a more hidden way, and the war against espionage has been quietly launched in a silent place. The play presents the inner world and emotional needs of the victims with strong empathy, and at the same time reminds the audience to be vigilant and prevent the delay.

The national security personnel, such as Gao Tianyang and Wu Xi, present a national security outlook that keeps pace with the times. They can switch identities and costumes at any time, and they don’t miss any tiny clues to fight against espionage. The play not only depicts their choices in love and law, but also pays tribute to the forbearance and persistence of national security workers on the secret front with warm brushwork.

Based on real social problems, rooted in the contemporary context of cyber espionage, and integrated with the younger perspective of virtual reality — — "Secret Service Mission" expands the differentiated expression of the secret service theme and deduces a different new generation of national security feelings. (Author: Zhao Rui, lecturer, School of Journalism and Communication, Central University for Nationalities)

Pork and fruit "rising again" expert: there is no inflation risk.

  Since the beginning of this year, China has continued to promote supply-side structural reforms, increased tax reduction and fee reduction, rationalized the price formation mechanism in important areas, maintained a balance between market supply and demand, lowered inflation expectations, and moderately fluctuated consumer prices. At present, the overall price level has maintained a stable operation trend, which indicates that the economic operation is stable and good, creating a good environment for promoting high-quality economic development.

  Recently, there has been a strong expectation that the prices of pork, fruit and other foods will rise. According to the data released by the National Bureau of Statistics not long ago, the national consumer price index (CPI) rose by 2.0% in the first four months of this year. Among them, in April, the CPI rose by 2.5% year-on-year, and it was in the "2 era" for two consecutive months.

  In an interview with Economic Daily China Economic Net, relevant experts said that, on the whole, since the beginning of this year, China has continued to promote supply-side structural reforms, increased tax reduction and fee reduction, rationalized the price formation mechanism in important areas, maintained a balance between market supply and demand, lowered inflation expectations, and moderately fluctuated consumer prices. At present, the overall price level has maintained a stable operation trend, which indicates that the economic operation is stable and good, creating a good environment for promoting high-quality economic development.

  There has been a structural increase in prices.

  In the first four months of this year, CPI rose by 1.7%, 1.5%, 2.3% and 2.5% respectively, and the monthly year-on-year increase showed a steady upward trend in moderate fluctuations. Among them, in the last two months, the year-on-year increase in prices has increased, entering the "2 era."

  Liu Aihua, spokesman of the National Bureau of Statistics, believes that the CPI rose by 2.5% year-on-year in April this year, mainly due to the increase of individual varieties. Among them, pork, fresh vegetables and fresh fruits all increased by more than 10% year-on-year.

  "Overall, despite the increase in CPI in the last two months, it is significantly lower than the control target of 3%, and it is mainly affected by factors such as the base of the previous year, the hikes and seasonality, showing structural upward characteristics and not having a comprehensive upward basis." Zhang Qianrong, deputy director of the Finance and Finance Research Office of the National Information Center, said.

  Zhang Qianrong analyzed that in the first four months of this year, food prices rose by 3.2% year-on-year, which boosted CPI by 0.62 percentage points and contributed 29.7% to the CPI increase. Non-food prices rose by 1.7%, which boosted CPI by 1.48 percentage points and contributed 70.3%. The contribution rate of non-food prices to the price increase is obviously higher than that of food. Although the recent increase in pork prices has led to an increase in food prices, non-food prices have remained stable as a whole, and prices do not have the basis for an overall increase.

  "At present, China’s price increase is at a medium level on a global scale. From an international perspective, China’s price increase is slightly higher than that of developed economies such as the United States and the European Union, and significantly lower than that of BRICS countries such as Russia, which is at a medium level in the world. " Zhang Qianrong said.

  The data shows that in the first quarter of this year, the US CPI rose by 1.7% year-on-year, while the EU harmonized CPI rose by 1.6%, slightly lower than that of China. India’s CPI rose by 7.1%, Russia’s by 5.2%, South Africa’s by 4.2% and Brazil’s by 4.2%, which was significantly higher than China’s CPI.

  It is worth noting that in the first four months of this year, the national producer price index (PPI) rose by 0.1%, 0.1%, 0.4% and 0.9% respectively, with a slight year-on-year increase.

  Zhang Qianrong said that the increase in PPI was mainly affected by factors such as the rise in international oil prices and the negative increase in the same period last year. Since the beginning of this year, the increase of PPI is lower than that of CPI, and the upstream and downstream price trends are upside down.

  Pork supply is relatively abundant.

  In April, the price of pork rose by 14.4%, an increase of 9.3 percentage points over the previous month, which affected the year-on-year increase of CPI by about 0.31 percentage points.

  Relevant data show that in the first ten days of March this year, the price of white pigs rose continuously and rapidly. On March 1st, the average wholesale price of striped pigs in Beijing Xinfadi Market was 7.28 yuan/kg, but on March 10th, the price rose to 9.45 yuan/kg, and the price rose by 29.90% in 10 days, which was quite obvious. Since then, the price has fluctuated slightly.

  "Overall, pork prices have changed little in the past 60 days. In other words, after the price of meat reached a higher level in mid-March, it showed a weak trend. " Liu Tong, director of statistics department of Beijing Xinfadi agricultural products wholesale market, said.

  Liu Tong analyzed that in the first ten days of March, the price of pork rose significantly, which was the expected increase in advance. From the market situation, in the first week of March, the average daily market volume of white pigs increased by 10% from the previous week and 15% from the same period of last year, and there was no shortage of supply. In this case, the increase in meat prices mainly comes from the thrust outside the market, especially the data released by some institutions show that the stock of fertile sows has decreased, which provides conditions for the bottom rebound of meat prices.

  "The increase or decrease in the number of fertile sows reflects that there is a certain lag period in the supply capacity and price, and the insiders call this lag period ‘ Cobweb effect ’ . In other words, the supply of pigs in the second half of 2019 may show ‘ Tight equilibrium ’ State, meat prices will rise. Therefore, the rise in early March is an early rise. " Liu Tong analyzed that after the release of relevant data, most forecasts tend to show that the pig price will reach an all-time high. This expectation has played a strong role in fueling the rise in meat prices.

  Liu Tong said that in fact, the number of pig heads with white stripes does not fully represent the supply of ketone bodies in pork. After the price of meat rose, the pig farm was filled with the emotion of waiting for the price to be sold, the time of keeping pigs in the pen was prolonged, and the single weight of pigs generally increased. In April 2019, the single weight of pigs generally increased by 10%. According to this calculation, the supply of pork in April this year exceeded the same period last year. If this phenomenon continues, when the number of pigs drops by 20% and the single weight of pigs increases by 20%, the decline in the number of pigs can be compensated by the increase of single weight, and the supply of pork is still relatively sufficient.

  There is no inflation risk.

  "Overall, whether it is from food or industrial consumer goods and services, there will be no sharp increase in CPI in the future, and prices will be stable and have a solid foundation." In response to the future trend of prices, Liu Aihua said.

  Liu Aihua analyzed that, from the perspective of food prices, fresh vegetables and fresh fruits are short-term impacted by extreme weather factors, which is not sustainable, and pork prices have a certain resilience. With the gradual recovery of prices, farmers’ enthusiasm for replenishing the column will be correspondingly improved, which will play a stabilizing role in prices. From the perspective of non-food prices, the supply capacity of industrial products is sufficient, and there is no basis for a sharp increase. Although the increase in service prices is relatively high, it is generally stable.

  "Overall, the factors that will support and curb price increases in the future are intertwined." Zhang Qianrong said. From the factors supporting the price increase, on the one hand, affected by African swine fever epidemic and other factors, the number of live pigs has declined, and pork prices have continued to rise. However, considering the strong overall supply capacity of pork in China, an early warning mechanism for pig price control has been established, and it is more likely that the pork price will increase in the later period, but it does not have the basis for a substantial increase; On the other hand, with the decline of demographic dividend, labor cost will become a long-term factor to push up prices.

  On the one hand, since 2012, the increase of CPI in China has been less than 3%. Considering that residents’ inflation expectations are generally related to the previous price level, the current low price increase has reduced residents’ inflation expectations; On the other hand, China’s main industrial products are abundant in supply, with bumper harvests for many years, high grain and oil stocks, rapid development of service industry, strong supply capacity in various fields and strong price stability. In addition, with the continuous advancement of supply-side structural reforms, the operating costs of enterprises have been significantly reduced, providing a good policy environment for stabilizing prices.

  Zhang Qianrong said that after preliminary calculation, the CPI hikes factor is about 0.7% and PPI hikes factor is about 0.1% in 2019. Considering the hikes and the above factors, it is expected that consumer prices in China will continue to rise moderately and steadily in 2019, with CPI rising by about 2.3% and PPI rising by about 1.0%. There is no inflation risk, and the pressure on price control is light.

Autumn children have loose bowels, beware of rotavirus as a demon.

  Among children with diarrhea under 5 years old in China, about 40% of hospitalized cases are caused by rotavirus, and 30% of outpatient cases are caused by rotavirus. Li Dandi, a researcher at the Center for Virus Prevention and Control of the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, recently reminded that diarrhea in autumn is not as simple as a cold stomach. Rotavirus infection is the real cause of diarrhea, and it is the most important pathogen of severe diarrhea in infants. According to the World Health Organization, in 2013, nearly 220,000 children under 5 died of rotavirus infection.

  Zhang Zhu, deputy director of the Department of Gastroenterology, Beijing Hospital, also reminded that rotavirus is particularly active in autumn, and it recurs every year, usually from August to December, and the most active period in the north is October and November. Rotavirus diarrhea is highly contagious, not only through the digestive tract, but also through the respiratory tract. Therefore, children with rotavirus infection often have respiratory symptoms, such as fever and cough, accompanied by particularly severe watery diarrhea. This watery diarrhea may be like egg flower soup, but it has no abnormal odor. This is a typical rotavirus infection. Rotavirus may be accompanied by some food poisoning, including Escherichia coli, which are diseases that children are particularly susceptible to in autumn.

  What emergency treatment should parents do if the child suddenly has abdominal pain? Zhang Zhu said that taking rotavirus as an example, most viral enteritis can heal itself, and there can be a slow recovery process in about one to two weeks. However, children will lose some water and salt in the process, so it is particularly important for parents to deal with it scientifically.

  First of all, don’t eat antibiotics indiscriminately. For example, quinolones can affect children’s cartilage development, and children under 16 are not recommended to eat them, because parents’ indiscriminate use of drugs may bring more serious problems to children.

  Oral rehydration salts are more practical. It is recommended that families with babies can prepare some oral rehydration salts, which can reasonably supplement the loss of fluids in children’s bodies and supplement certain electrolytes such as potassium, sodium and chlorine. What if there is no rehydration salt at home? You can use orange juice bought in the supermarket to heat and sterilize, and then add a little salt. Because orange juice contains a lot of potassium chloride, plus a little sodium chloride, potassium, sodium, chlorine and other lost electrolytes are available; Orange juice contains high sugar and is a good calorie supplement for children with diarrhea.

  Liu Cuiying, deputy director of the Department of Infectious Diseases of Beijing Children’s Hospital, reminded that the symptoms of rotavirus infection are the most serious for the first time. Parents should not think that rotavirus infection is ordinary diarrhea. Once they find that their children have typical loose stools, or that they have no tears when crying, and their skin is relatively dry, or that they have persistent high fever, a lot of mucus or blood in their stools, acute abdominal pain, and their children are depressed or unable to feed water and food, they must go to the hospital in time.

Real estate weekly and first-tier cities are expected to lead the real estate market to stabilize and recover.

Focus on new signals of real estate market
editorial comment/note
Recently, many new signals have appeared in the real estate market. According to the data of the National Bureau of Statistics, the signal that the real estate market in first-tier cities stabilized and rebounded in September was obvious. It is worth noting that the central and local policies to stabilize the property market continue to increase, the market is clearing, and normal investment demand has rebounded. In first-tier cities, the policy of "recognizing housing but not loans" is superimposed on the traditional "golden nine and silver ten", and some positive changes have taken place in the real estate market in first-and second-tier cities.
Half-monthly talk on property market
Image source/Xinhua News Agency
■ China Economic Times reporter Xia jinbiao
In the past two months, various support policies for the real estate market have been implemented nationwide, and the policy effects are gradually emerging. The real estate market is showing signs of recovery-the real estate market in first-tier cities is the first to recover.
According to the housing price data of 70 cities published by the National Bureau of Statistics in September, the sales price of new houses in first-tier cities turned flat from 0.2% in August, with Beijing and Shanghai rising by 0.4% and 0.5% respectively, with Shanghai leading the country.
Since the end of August, the easing policies of the real estate market in many places have been continuously released. In particular, the four first-tier cities in the north, Guangzhou and Shenzhen have successively implemented the policy of "recognizing houses but not loans", which has obviously boosted the real estate market. Take Shanghai, which led the rise in September, as an example. Following the announcement of the implementation of commercial loans on September 1, on October 17, Shanghai announced the optimization of the criteria for determining the number of housing provident fund loans. If Shanghai has no housing, no provident fund loans in the country or the first provident fund loans have been settled, it will be recognized as the first set of housing … The policy has been continuously exerted, boosting the Shanghai real estate market.
From the perspective of the second-hand housing market, the price of second-hand housing rose by four cities in September, an increase of one city compared with August. First-tier cities turned up for the first time after falling for four consecutive months, with an increase of 0.2%. Among them, Beijing led the national second-hand housing market with an increase of 0.7%; Followed by Shanghai, the price of second-hand housing rose by 0.6%.
Some insiders believe that the price of second-hand houses in Beijing and Shanghai has increased month-on-month, mainly due to the strict implementation of the policy of "recognizing houses and recognizing loans" in Beijing and Shanghai. After the implementation of "recognizing houses but not recognizing loans", the demand potential released is relatively large, especially in Beijing and Shanghai. There are many old second-hand houses, and there is great potential for improved demand, and the activity of second-hand houses has increased.
It should be pointed out that although first-tier cities take the lead in recovery, this recovery is still unstable, and there are still divisions within first-tier cities. The prices of new houses in Guangzhou and Shenzhen continued to fall, with a month-on-month decrease of 0.6% and 0.5% respectively, and a year-on-year decrease of 1.7% and 3%. The price of second-hand houses in Guangzhou decreased by 0.7% month-on-month, while the price of second-hand houses in Shenzhen was flat.
In addition, although the sales price of commercial housing in second-and third-tier cities has increased and decreased year-on-year, the chain is still declining. From the ring comparison, in September, the sales price of new commercial housing in second-tier cities decreased by 0.3% from the previous month, and the decline rate was 0.1 percentage points higher than that of the previous month. Second-hand housing decreased by 0.5% month-on-month, the same as last month. The sales price of new commercial housing in third-tier cities decreased by 0.3% month-on-month, and the decline rate narrowed by 0.1 percentage point from last month; Second-hand housing decreased by 0.5% month-on-month, and the decline rate was 0.1 percentage point higher than that of last month.
At present, the risk release of the real estate supply side continues, and residents’ income and expectations need to be further improved, which has affected the stabilization of the real estate market in second-and third-tier cities to a certain extent, resulting in the decline in house prices in second-and third-tier cities. In addition, the recovery of first-tier cities brought by optimizing real estate policies needs to be further stabilized.
Due to the implementation of policies such as "recognizing houses but not loans", the demand for housing replacement in first-tier cities has been released, which has led to a significant increase in the number of second-hand houses listed in first-tier cities. Under the background of a large increase in supply, the prices of second-hand houses in first-tier cities are still in a downward channel in the short term.
Some insiders believe that whether it is just needed or improving demand, residents usually "buy up and not buy down". At present, consumers’ confidence in housing prices and the market is weak, and they are more cautious and slow to enter the market. In this regard, it is necessary to further optimize the real estate policy, "stabilize housing prices" and "stabilize expectations" and promote the repair of the real estate market.
In the short term, the real estate market is still facing adjustment pressure. However, in the medium and long term, the urbanization rate of permanent residents in China is 65.2%, and the urbanization rate of registered population is only 47.7%, so there is still much room for improvement in urbanization. In addition, although the total number of houses in China has reached about 40 billion square meters, the houses are mainly small and medium-sized units with great improvement potential.
The market expects that the policy is expected to continue to be optimized around stabilizing housing price expectations, activating the replacement chain, and lowering the threshold for reasonable housing demand. In particular, with the further liberalization of policies such as purchase restriction in first-tier cities, hot cities will enter a more solid market recovery stage, which is expected to lead the real estate market out of the bottom area and stabilize and recover.
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Good news is coming! The latest voice of the General Administration of Financial Supervision is related to real estate financing!

On January 26th, the General Administration of Financial Supervision held a meeting to deploy and promote the implementation of the coordination mechanism of urban real estate financing.

The two departments held a meeting on the same day to deploy a coordination mechanism for urban real estate financing.

Earlier on the same day, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development also held a deployment meeting of urban real estate financing coordination mechanism, requiring all localities to study and put forward a list of real estate projects that can be given financing support, coordinate the issuance of loans by financial institutions within their respective administrative areas, and accurately and effectively support reasonable financing needs. It is understood that before the end of this month, the first batch of projects can win loans after landing.

On January 12th, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development and the General Administration of Financial Supervision jointly issued the Notice on Establishing the Coordination Mechanism of Urban Real Estate Financing (hereinafter referred to as the Notice), requiring cities at or above the local level to establish the coordination mechanism of urban real estate financing.

The working meeting held by the General Administration of Financial Supervision pointed out that the coordination mechanism is an important measure to implement the decision-making arrangements of the Central Financial Work Conference, meet the reasonable financing needs of real estate enterprises with different ownership equally, and promote the virtuous circle of finance and real estate.

Specifically, the Notice clarifies that the coordination mechanism, based on the development and construction of real estate projects and the qualifications, credit and finance of project development enterprises, puts forward a list of real estate projects that can be given financing support in accordance with the principle of fairness and justice, and pushes it to financial institutions within their respective administrative regions. Financial institutions shall evaluate the support objects pushed by the coordination mechanism according to the principles of marketization and rule of law, and actively meet the reasonable financing needs for projects with normal development and construction, sufficient collateral, reasonable assets and liabilities and guaranteed repayment sources; For projects that encounter temporary difficulties in development and construction, but the funds can be balanced, we should not blindly draw loans, pressure loans or cut off loans, but give greater support through the extension of existing loans, adjustment of repayment arrangements and new loans.

Li Yujia, chief researcher of the Housing Policy Research Center of Guangdong Urban and Rural Planning Institute, pointed out that the purpose of establishing a coordination mechanism this time is to establish a docking platform so that both banks and enterprises can fully communicate, and whether or not loans still need to follow the bank risk control and credit approval process.

Strengthen the closed management of funds and prevent misappropriation.

Xiao Yuanqi, deputy director of the General Administration of Financial Supervision, made a "notice" when he attended the press conference on high-quality economic and social development of financial services held by the State Council yesterday. Recently, the General Administration of Financial Supervision will hold a relevant work deployment meeting, asking banks to act as soon as possible, and under the lead coordination of the urban people’s government, together with the housing and construction departments, make good use of the policy toolbox because of the city’s policy, and more accurately support the reasonable financing needs of real estate projects.

The General Administration of Financial Supervision pointed out that the coordination mechanism should strengthen information sharing and provide relevant financial institutions with information such as project construction and operation and pre-sale fund supervision in a timely manner. It is necessary to guide financial institutions to negotiate with real estate development enterprises on an equal footing, make independent decisions and implement them according to the principles of marketization and rule of law, and protect the legitimate rights and interests of financial institutions.

At the same time, the General Administration of Financial Supervision stressed at this meeting that financial institutions should attach great importance to it, strengthen organizational leadership, establish internal mechanisms and clarify working rules. For projects that meet the credit conditions, it is necessary to establish a green channel for credit granting, optimize the approval process, shorten the approval time limit, and actively meet the reasonable financing needs. For projects that encounter temporary difficulties in development and construction, but the funds are basically balanced, we will not blindly lend, cut off loans, or press loans, but support them by extending existing loans, adjusting repayment arrangements, and adding new loans. At the same time, financial institutions should strengthen the closed management of funds to prevent the misappropriation of credit funds.

"All supervision bureaus should actively participate in the coordination mechanism, actively cooperate with local governments and housing construction departments, carry out related work in a steady and orderly manner, jointly promote the effectiveness of the coordination mechanism and promote the stable and healthy development of the real estate market." The General Administration of Financial Supervision said.

Editor: Wang Yunpeng

Proofreading: Li Lingfeng
